
Four Months in an Anti-Authoritarian Platoon in Ukraine

This article was written in the first part of July. Now the anti-authoritarian platoon has moved forward. It transferred to the new unit, where it will recover trainings, recruitment, and, after the required preparation, it is promised that it will be moved to battle. This is the moment for conclusions after the first phase of the existence of the platoon—in the frame of territorial defense of Kiev oblast.

Anti-fascist Yuri Samoylenko died in battle in Kharkiv region

"Since the first days of war your footprints were seen..."

Resistance committee announced death of Yuri "Yanov" Samoylenko in the battle of Kharkiv region. He was strong and noble person, who was able to combine idealism, commitment, smartness and courage. At the same time he was capable to be a leader, organizer and combat officer.

Yuriy was old participant of the antifascist movement. He was one of the few who had strategical vision where we should go.

Anarchist Sergey Petrovichev has died in Ukraine

Resistance committee announced death of anarchist Sergey Petrovichev, also known with names "Rubin" and "Vasili Volgin". Sergey was Russian who fought for Ukrainian people. In Russia he participated in "Volnitsa" organisation, later he embraced libertarian views. Since 2014 Sergey has lived in Ukraine. He was taking part in armed resistance against Putinist aggression. In 2015 he lost his leg after stepping on mine.

Suffering as a national idea: “Trends of order and chaos”, episode 69 (August 28)

Suffering as a national idea

Hi everyone! Today is Sunday, August 28 and we continue our podcast “Trends of order and chaos”. This is episode 69. Here are the main topics on past weeks’ agenda.

The war rages for half a year now

This week marked half a year of “special operation”, or rather of the official stage of war against Ukraine, when Russian government openly entered its army on Ukrainian territory, without hiding behind its “little green men”.

Support Vladimir Zolotarev who opposed the war in Ukraine

On June 4, Vladimir Zolotarev set fire to the National guard entrance in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Next day he was detained. In March, several canisters of fuel were found in his car, but he was not charged at the time. Now, Zolotarev is charged with "violence against a representative of authority" and "attempting to commit an act of terrorism."

Support Russian anti-war resister Igor Paskar

On June 14 2022, Igor Paskar painted his face in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and threw a Molotov cocktail at the door of the central entrance of the FSB headquarters of Krasnodar region, Russia. With this gesture, he protested against the invasion of Ukraine. Igor did not try to leave afterwards. In his own words, it was a conscious political action.

Fundraiser for Anton Zhuchkov, and other news on political prisoners

Антон Жучков

6th of March, during anti-war meeting, Anton Zhuchkov and his friend Vladimir Sergeev were arrested in the center of Moscow, in Pushkin square.

They was searched, and police found two Molotov cocktails in the backpack of Sergeev. But instead of a police station, they were both sent to Sklifosovskiy emergency hospital. In police wan, Anton and Sergey attempted to commit a suicide, by taking lethal doses of methadone.

Not all priests are enemies

Updates to list of anti-war prisoners of Anarchist Black Cross Moscow.

Priest of Russian orthodox church Ioann has been remanded, charged with spreading ”fake news” about Russian army, after he preached that ”peacemeakers go to heaven”, and ”aggressors who have attacked the neighbouring people will go to a hell, which they have chosen themselves”.

Send him a Tolstoyan greeting to address

Hearing on extension of pre-trial detention of Aleksandra Skochilenko

St. Petersburg. Russia. On May 30, the St. Petersburg District Court extended the pre-trial detention of Aleksandra Skochilenko until July 1. The defense submitted a character description of her and documents on her health and ability to serve house arrest, which the judge added to the file but did not consider.

Putin's Squid Game: «Trends of order and chaos», episode 57 (June 5)

Hi! Today is Sunday, 5 of June and we continue our podcast “Trends of order and chaos”. This is the episode 57. Here are the main stories on the agenda for the past week.

One hundred days of War

This week marked 100 days from Kremlin’s attack on Ukraine. No good news here. Russian army obviously doesn’t have enough power to crush Ukrainians, yet. As victories, they present the occupations of small localities on Donbass.

Support suspected arsonists against military call-ups, and other Russian anti-war prisoners

На фото: Денис Сердюк (слева) и Илья Фарбер.

30 year old Denis Serdyuk, suspected of an arson attack against amilitary call-up center in Volgograd, is being held in remand prison #1 of his town. He is being charged with ”destruction of property” and ”hooliganism”, and may be sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Misconceptions about imperialism, and anarchist collective traumas

Ever since the beginning of the Russian invasion against Ukraine, we have seen statements by anarchists, communists and leftists not from Ukraine, on how Ukrainian anarchists, communists and leftists should not defend themselves against attack of Putin, but lay down their arms and flee instead.

Podcast-versions: Soundcloud, Spotify

Vladimir Sergeev and Anton Zhuchkov need your support

Vladimir Sergeev and Anton Zhuchkov were arrested in an anti-war action on the 6th of March 2022. Before his arrest Vladimir worked in a factory. Vladimir did not go to demonstrations before the war began. After the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army on February 24, 2022, Vladimir's attitude toward the Russian state became even worse.

Support Russian anti-war prisoners

These prisoners have been jailed due to anti-war protests or opinions. They have a wide variety of positions, but all of them are against the Russian attack against Ukraine. There are more prisoners than whom we know the addresses. This list was compiled by Ivan Astashin. 

Please translate your letters to Russian for example with Google translate, as currently letters in other languages except Russian are very seldom accepted in Russian prisons. 

Another reply on Ukraine, war and class war

A continuation of a debate over anarchist positions on Ukraine that previously ran on It's Going Down:

It’s good to see that my article on Ukraine and anti-war/class war positions has provoked a few responses, and I hope that discussion will continue elsewhere. By this point, the most important arguments have probably been made, so there’s a danger that diminishing returns and petty point-scoring might set in; but for what it’s worth, here’s a few comments on the two responses.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago