In Tyumen, held a rally of "extremism No: justify Andrey Kutuzov!"

Rally against political repression and in support of the teacher and civic activist, member of "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov pursued by the FSB, will be held Feb. 6 at 15:00 at the Drama Theatre (area 400 th anniversary of Tyumen).

The action will take place within days of united action against political repression in many Russian cities. In Tyumen, the organizer of the meeting was the movement of "Autonomous Action - Tyumen, with the support of the Council of Citizens' initiative groups and Tyumen.

From 3 to 6 February in various cities indifferent take to the streets with the support of politically repressed.They will vote against the so-called "anti-extremism" laws and in support of Andrei Kutuzov.

Arbitrariness on the part of government officials, the center of E, the FSB is increasing every year. In different parts of the country's civil society activists persecuted for political reasons: they throw drugs, weapons, fraudulent flyers and their judged for written texts. In Ulan-Ude activists Stetsuru Tatiana and Nadezhda Nizovkinu convicted handed out their leaflets. In Smolensk, Tatiana Osipova, a member of "Another Russia", planted drugs.Journalist from Tatarstan Irek Murtazin convicted of texts that he published on his blog. In Perm, the leader of the initiative group hostel accused of commission of a crime - beating the child. Continuing work of the Moscow anti-fascists, who are accused of attacking Khimki administration, Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova. The list goes on.

Case Kutuzova - a vivid example of how today repressed objectionable. He impute a crime he never committed: during the search Kutuzov planted a leaflet, which he allegedly handed out to them also organized a rally against the anti-extremist legislation in 2009.On the same repressive anti-extremist legislation and it is judged.

That's "extremist" articles (Art. 280 and 282), for inciting hatred against any social group, now pursuing many civic activists. And it is not surprising that the social groups were suddenly classing and public authorities, and law enforcement agencies.Thus, any criticism of the authorities may be regarded as criminal and to be brought under the extremism, despite the conclusions of many experts, proving that power is not a social group.

Therefore, in the Tyumen and other cities of the shares held under the slogan "No extremism: justify Andrey Kutuzov!".

Case Kutuzov can close only because the "militia" is not a social group, namely, that the allegation. In addition to lack of evidence, the trial demonstrated how to sew do evil: A number of violations during the trial (violation of the publicity, openness, justice, dummy audience in the courtroom, there arose before the opening of the hall, etc.), bogus witnesses are confused in testimony, absurd, unscientific examination of the incriminated Kutuzov leaflet.Recall and no less absurd statements in the court of experts from the FSB, who argued that all the examination were made using secret techniques, and that the "E Center monitors the cleanliness of the information field of the collective unconscious."Case Kutuzov has rastaskano on aphorisms and worthy to become the talk of glorifying the absurdity of the modern political system.

At a rally in Tyumen 6 February Organizers obsmeyut all these absurdities in the small staging, organizing an exhibition of creativity, inspired by the process of Kutuzov's talk about all the oddities of this case and about the repressive nature of the anti-extremist legislation.

No prosecutions for "mysleprestupleniya, yes - freedom of conscience and expression!

To illustrate the material used photography by Igor Kovalyov

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