
Interview with fan-club White Angels (FC Zagreb)

This interview was conducted editors of zine . This information-analytical magazine about fan movements close to the left positions.

- Tell us about your city of Zagreb. What football traditions in your

Zagreb is a capital of Croatia, and the biggest city with 700,000 people living in it, and around a million with the surroundings.

Through the Looking-Glass and through the hell

In August, Pyotr Silayev was arrested in Granada, Spain by anti-terrorist special forces. He was then moved to Madrid, where the Audiencia Nacional was to make a decision about his extradiction to Russia. All this based on charges stemming from a demonstration organized by anti-fascists and enviromentalists against the city administration of Khimki, Moscow region. He was released after 8 days, but he is still stuck in Spain, pending the decision of his extradiction to Russia.

A video message from Los Fastidios and the Stage Bottles in solidarity with the Days of Action

Not so long ago, in Rostock, in the north-east of Germany, the anti-fascist
festival "Riot in My Heart" took place.

After the performance, band members from Los Fastidios(Verona, Italy)
and the Stage Bottles (Frankfurt, Germany)as well as one of the
organizers of the festival made a video message in solidarity with their
comrades in Russia.

This is a reminder for the Days of International Action in solidarity with
Russian Antifascists which have been repressed by authorities, to take
place from the 10th to the 17th of June.

Various Moscow antifascists including Alexey Olesinov and Alexey Sutuga are
being accused of having participated in a fight, which took place on the
17th of December 2011, at the club "Vozdukh." They are being charged with
Article 213 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("hooliganism").

They are also being charged with having caused bodily injury to a resident
of Moscow on the 4th of December 2011. Neither defendant accepts this
chargers and are pleading innocent.

Pavel Krivonosov, Dmitriy Kolesov and Oleg Gembaruk (Nizhniy Novgorod
"RASH-Antifa" case ) are being charged with article 213 (hooliganism), 282.1
(participation in an extremist community), 115 (causing bodily harm) and 116
(assault). They are accused of having participated in an extremist
community, ostensibly created for the attack on neo-nazis (or "skinheads,
football fans," as the investigators have called them) to incite hatred
against a social group of "bourgeois-backed Citizens."

Food Not Bombs Spotlight Interview: Moscow Anarchist Black Cross

How long has Moscow ABC been in operation, and what does it do?

There were previous anti-repression groups, but first incarnation under label of ABC-Moscow was set up in 2003 as a coordinating organ between existing groups, but around 2005 it had degraded to state of mere internet project. Around 2007, group was reorganised as an autonomous entity, and has been around ever since.

Most of our activity is spreading information and solidarity calls, and raising channeling funds in benefit of repressed anarchist anti-fascist comrades. Occasionally we organise letter-writing and other such events.

Interview of Campaign to Defend Khimki Hostages for TerraSelvaggia

TerraSelvaggia is an Italian eco-anarchist paper, which made this interview with Russian Campaign to Defend Khimki Hostages last September. Paper issue came up some time ago after the usual delays, so now it is time for online publication. Keep in mind, that this interview reflects the situation in Russian society last September – before the recent massive protest against election fraud. Now much has changed since then, but much is still the same. Enjoy!


For the beginning, about us, so that you know from which perspective we are talking.

Cross the border before it's not too late - escape story of Denis Solopov in his own words

I am often faced with one basic question: whether, if knowing the consequences I would still take the same actions I did last year. Of course I would. Yes, we all suffered the consequences, but we also proved that average people, when united are able to scare insolent bureaucrats. Nowadays in the Russia this is worth the effort. Who are the police investigators and field operatives? TThey are subordinates who are generally too frightened to admit that they are the slaves of their bosses, deceiving themselves that things are otherwise. Many of them have clearly understood that they have to make some junk and invent a sort of extremism. Maybe there are also sincere stupid people who believe in their work. These fools do not see the extremists in officials and instead search for them in housing districts.

Svetlana Alexievich: lessons of Chernobyl are not learned

Living in France politemigratsii famous Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich tells the publication Liberation of blind faith in technology. In the April 1986 accident at Chernobyl shook the world. Svetlana Alexievich, author of "Chernobyl Prayer", which deals with events in the world after the crash, said the warning, which has made us the story went unnoticed. And shares his views with the Liberation.

Liberation: "Sometimes I get the impression that I am describing the future" - you write.That future has arrived?

Anarchism with a human face

Video interview with anarchist at gogol.tv: "He goes into the past odious image of gangster-anarchist who created the Soviet literature and cinema. The key idea of anarchism - the denial of institutions for political coercion and the ability of society to organize themselves - now comes to life in a variety of concepts and practices: from hitchhiking and informal communities to motions such as "Antifa".

BP Radio: The Story of the public and the anarchist movement in the late XX century in Russia, Part V (top)

February 11 at 22:00 Moscow radio AP story Vlad Tupikin. The activities of the movement "Keepers of the Rainbow" and its gradual decay. The emergence of street anti-fascism in the early 2000's, and the role of anarchists in the movement. First Moscow "Libertarian Forum". The organization of protests against the G-8 summit. The action in Khimki in summer 2010. Positive aspects of the libertarian movement in modern times in Russia (2000th years). Negative sides.

Egypt: an interview with the anarcho-communist in Liberty Square in Cairo

"The most difficult obstacle faced by the Egyptian revolutionaries, was a precipice of communications. Western revolutionaries should exert pressure on their governments to not give the regime in Egypt to do so. It is now, but nobody can say what will happen in the long run. If the revolution is successful, the revolutionaries of the West must unite with the Egyptian comrades against anticipated aggression from the U.S. and Israel. If the revolution is defeated, it will slaughter all Egyptian revolutionaries. "

In Tyumen, in memory of Anastasia and Stas laid flowers at the monument to the fighters of the Revolution

In Tyumen, January 19 Rally memory of those killed by the Nazis anti-fascists - a lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

About twenty people gathered at six o'clock in the evening at a monument to the fighters of the revolution: the Tyumen anti-fascists, anarchists, journalists and simply indifferent. On the pedestal of the monument to put photos of Nastya and Stas. Participants lit candles and laid red carnations to the portraits. Despite the wind, the candles were burning, even when the action ended. See below for video from the rally.

"Khimki hostage" gave interview to "Rain"

In the evening air of "Rain" from 18.17 to 18.33 was a story about the release of Alexey and Maxim, they themselves were in the air (TV channel "Rain"). Recall Gaskarov Alex, one of the two "Khimki hostages, was today (22 October 2010.) released in the courtroom on his own recognizance.

6 days for the "wrong" thoughts

Sept. 24 officers law enforcement bodies have detained me on suspicion of assault on ITT Akrestin. After three days I was again perearestovali, not letting go even beyond the walls of prison. At this time, were indicted for an attack on the House of Trade Unions. Both of these cases were instituted without any direct evidence. In both protocols, the detention was said that I had been detained "on direct suspicion." As I understand from the conduct of investigators - such as the immediate suspicion may arise in respect of any citizen of our country.

Misha "Kosoy" Dementev died prematurely

August 19 around 1 am on 10th kilometer of  Pskov-Riga, highway near the village of Moglino a traffic accident which killed  two persons took place. A car  ran over two pedestrians - 29-year-old Misha Dementiev and his wife. Victims died at the scene from the injuries. 

They got married the same evening. 

Misha was one of the first RASH-skinheads in Moscow.

"Everyone is entitled to their 15 minutes of power"

From the editors of Kommersant by e-mail yesterday contacted hiding from law enforcement organizer of the pogrom administration Khimki. This man's name wording is unknown, we know only that it was he during the campaign led by a column of anarchists and activists "antifa", shouting into a megaphone slogans.

Stage Bottles: solidarity with the anti-fascists in Russia and in word and deed

June 5, 2010 France passed a holiday in Paris branch of the National Confederation of Labour (CNT) - a red and black banquet and a concert by the German band The Stage Bottles. The team played very well, cheerfully and professionally delighted audiences such well-known things like «I May Be Impolite» , «Hooligan», «Sometimes Antisocial, Always Antifascist».

Innovyhoda no

Tatiana Vorozheykina: "Much more important for the modernization of the diverse, strong and weak self-organization processes and people trying to change their position and type of interaction in their circle, and with authority. Supermodernizatsionnymi projects should become self-development projects in housing, the support of trade unions, environmental movement, the movement to protect cultural monuments, fighters sealing buildings and so on.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago