
Rally against the police department of Yekaterinburg №5

In Yekaterinburg May 30, 2015 rally against the tyranny of the police. The occasion was a series of unjustified detentions of public activists cops of the Police Department №5, including anti-fascists on May 9 for a photo with a scarf Omonia at the monument to the heroes of World War II.

Mikalai Dziadok cuts his abdomen and arms in prison

Микола Дедок

Mikalai Dziadok protested against tortures by prison staff.

Viasna human rights centre learnt it from Valeria Khotsina, the wife of the political prisoner.

Mikalai Dziadok was transferred to correctional facility No.9 in Horki for his new prison term on May 12. On May 13, he was thrown into a punishment cell for five days. On May 19, he was transferred to a solitary confinement cell. Mikalai Dziadok spent the night in a very cold cell and asked to be transferred to another cell.

Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki statement on the benefit gig of May 2nd and National Boshevism

Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki organised a support concert 2nd of May with Liquid Sisters, Suspiria, Mare And The Corpse-Eyed Toads, Celibat, Kombinator. Three latter bands were from Russia and ahd over-lapping membership.   During and after the gig it became known that some members of the Russian bands had National-bolshevik sympathies, and eventually gig planned for Turku the following day was cancelled by organisers there.   It is rather stupid to make remarks against immigrants while you are hosted by immigrants, but what else may you expect from a National Bolshevik.

A Troubling Arrest in Russia!

In Yekaterinburg (Russia) antifascists arrested for taking photos with an Antifa Omonia scarf!!!

Two residents of Yekaterinburg was a day locked in a cell at the police station – the young people were trying to be photographed on May 9 (Victory Day over Fascism) in front of a monument of antifascist warrior/athletes, holding an anti-fascist scarf from the club Omonia Nicosia.

News on the case of Alexander Kolchenko

On April 9, Lefortovskiy district Moscow court prolonged detention of Alexander Kolchenko for a month, till May, 16. On May 16 a year will pass away since Kolchenko had been arrested in the Simferopol center as a terrorist attack suspect. 22/05/2014 he had been sent to Moscow together with other defendants and had been held in a pretrial detention center "Lefortovo" since then.

Alexander Kolchenko: The “Terrorist” from Simferopol

According to the FSB, Alexander Kolchenko is a member of the anti-Russian underground in Crimea. Along with three other arrested residents of the peninsula, he has been accused of terrorism. The New Times has tried to find out what the charges are based on (it took nearly a year to gather the evidence), how the Russian security services took over Crimea, and what residents of Simferopol think about the relatives of the arrestees.

Praha: May Day – internationally against militarism

Situation in our country starts to resemble the era of Cold war. US army organizes a military parade across east Europe, mainstream media hails propaganda of USA, high-ranking politician would gladly accept permanent presence of soldiers of United States. The similar slogans, that were used to celebrate USSR, now celebrate USA. The similar catchwords, that were used to defame US imperialism, defame now Russia. This is all because we are forced to accept alleged need of strengthening our army to defend against Russian threat.

Report on repressions, January-March 2015

We are proceeding with reports on repressions against anarchists and libertarian activists, as the authorities continue jailing and haunting our comrades. In this issue we have lots of "extremism": a case against a pregnant anarchist woman accused of  "propaganding hatred", criminal prosecution of an antifascist, beaten by nazis, for a Swastika, a ban of a research-based book on Nazism.

SU‭N ‬10.5.‭Disturbances-lecture:‭ How life will be changed, or The life and visions of Arthur Rimbaud

Due to popularity lecture has been moved from Kupoli to Mannerheim-hall of Uusi Ylioppilastalo, A-entrance 5th floor. Unfortunately no lift available. Budget vegan food served at 4pm, the lecture starts at ‬4.30pm.

SAT ‬25.4.‭ Disturbances-lecture:‭ ‬Fennovoima, power and resistance

At Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.) Doors open at 6 pm, lecture starts 6.15 pm.

While rest of the Europe is developing renewable and decentralized energy systems, Finland is devoted to large and centralized by investing to new nuclear energy production. Why serious question of foreign policy related to decision on Fennovoima are not taken seriously? What kind of power relations lie in large scale energy system decisions?

Sunday 19th of April. Disturbances lecture series: Evening against elections - alternatives for exercise of power

At Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.


Vegan food available at 4pm, lecture begins at 4:30pm



One does no have to waste parliament election evening to following of election results. Instead, join anti-election party at at Kupoli to celebrate alternatives for representative power.


The story about samba action against fascist conference in St. Petersburg and arrest that followed

I'm at home now after a night spent at the police department. Me and three of my comrades were arrested for showing our disapproval to Nazis, who came to the International Russian Conservative Forum that was held in Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 22nd of March. If you don't know what was hidden behind their "traditional values" discourse, you can read this article.

3x3 basketball tournament in Thessaloniki (10/04/14)

In connection with the murder of football fan in Crete during the riots championship in Greece was suspended. Therefore to remind people about the true values of sport collective team Proodeftiki Toumba decided to hold an amateur basketball tournament among the residents of his district. Tournament without aggression and injuries, only a partnership and healthy sports atmosphere.

SAT‭ ‬23.5.‭ ‬Disturbances-lecture:‭ ‬The political economy of oil now

At Kupoli (Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor). Doors open at ‬18:00,‭ ‬lecture starts at ‬18:15.

Why did the price of oil collapse? And why is the lower price not all good? And even more strangely: why would a rise in price also be bad? The presentation deals with an apparent paradox: both the decline and the rise of the price of oil are bad for global economy. We will also analyse who benefits and who suffers because of the low price, and discuss some "conspiracy theories" dealing with the question.

Join international solidarity campaign for Alexander Kolchenko

Alexander Kolchenko is a Crimean anarchist, social activist and antifascist who is held in captivity by the Russian authorities. Along with other Crimean activists, he has been kidnapped by the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) and is now detained as a political hostage in Lefortovo jail in Moscow. He is charged with committing “acts of terrorism” and “belonging to a terrorist community”.

SAT 28.3. Disturbances lecture series: Paris commune

At Kupoli, in the New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.

Doors open at 6pm, beginning of the lecture at 6:15pm.

28th of March will be exactly 144 years since the first meeting and the founding declaration of the Paris Commune after its election. For the first time in the world history rebellious working class took over a major metropolis. During the following two months anarchists, communists, other socialists and radical republicans implemented many radical reforms never seen before. However, in May the central government drowned the commune in blood.

SUN 15.3. Disturbances-lecture: Anarchism and labour

At Kupoli, in the New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 B, 7th floor.

Budget food at 4pm, beginning of the lecture at 4:30pm

In modern society labour is a sacred concept that is at best criticised for its poor conditions. Why is the modern wage slavery problematic in itself and how have the anarchists criticised it? An anarcho-syndicalist view of work might also be presented at the lecture.

Luento Facebookissa:

Show your ass to the authorities: call for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists from 25th February to 1st March

The forth presidential term of Alexander Lukashenko will expire in 2015. In 21 years Lukashenko has managed to suppress almost all social struggles in the country, kill several political opponents in the 90s, and eradicate nearly all of the official opposition. Lukashenko didn’t allow Belarusian society to transcend the limits of Soviet mentality. Any complaint or criticism of the government are met with repression from the police or the KGB. Any attempts of organizing face with prosecution and hysteria from the state.

A memorial action for Anastasia Baburova and Stanislav Markelov in Helsinki

Today on 19 of January in Helsinki anarchists organised action in memory of lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasiya Baburova killed by nazis in the center of Moscow 6 years ago. On this day russian antifascists and comrades showing their solidarity in other countries taking action on the streets to memorise names of victims and not to allow chauvinism and xenophobia capture people's minds.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

3 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago