
Arrests, detentions and interrogations – World Hockey Championship 2014 in Minsk

Several hours left before the official start of the World Hockey Championship 2014 in Belarus. Event that was planned in 2009 during another political thaw between the West and Lukashenko was constantly criticized by human rights and political organizations for support of Lukashenko’s political regime. Many groups called national hockey teams to boycott the championship, however International Federation of Ice Hockey decided once again that sport is standing apart from politics and retained the right for hosting championship in Minsk.

Ukrainian, Swedish and Polish syndicalists held a conference in Kyiv

An international conference “Class struggle and opposition the right-wing radicalism” was held in Kyiv on 12-13 April. The event, which was organized by the Kyiv branch of the Autonomous Workers’ Union, was attended by the secretary general and a representative of the international department of the Central Organisation of Workers of Sweden (SAC), as well as representatives of the National Commission of the Polish syndicate “Working Initiative” (Inicjatywa Pracownicza).

ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for January-February 2014

From now on, we are going to publish summaries of repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists in Russia on a regular basis, as well as on how the state opposes our activity. In the January-February issue: sudden amnesty of antifascists in Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, attempt to ban "Avtonom" zine due to

Anarchists from Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.

Anarchists, organizers of demonstration "Against the war in Ukraine" in Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.


On 9th of March, along with the traditional Food Not Bombs action, demonstration "Against the war in Ukraine" supposed to happen in Petrozavodsk, for a peaceful solution of tense situation there and prevention of bloodshed continuation.


Interview with Che Guevara Club (Panserraikos)

Present to your attention an interview with a representative of Greece ultras. Here we will focus on the team from a simple provincial town of Serres.

- What the standings at Panserraikos this season? How many people keep coming to the games?

- Panserraikos has a bad season until now, but we are still in the middle of the season. We are 11th in points and there are 21 teams in the second division of Greek Football. In our ground we have about 2.000-3.000 fans in every game. In one game we had about 4.500.

A solidarity action for Bolotnaya prisoners in Helsinki

We went and dropped two banners as a protest against .

A sentence for Bolotnaya case is expected next monday, 24rd of December.

Our action was also in solidarity for all political prisoners.

Freedom for all political prisoners!

Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki on Sunday 23rd February, 2014


Anarchist Black Cross support event in Helsinki - #Freejoel!

31st of January A-ryhmä and Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki organised a support concert  Helsinki, with Jyrki Nissinen & Isotissinen, Euro Crack, Bunny and Max Peezay from Sweden. 

In end of the event, a support photo was taken for Joel, who is imprisoned in Sweden for defending anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp of Stockholm last December.  

AWU Statement on the Current Political Situation

The laws which were passed on January 16th showed that the faction of the ruling class which now controls the government is ready to install a reactionary bourgeois dictatorship on the model of the Latin American regimes of the 1970s. The “dictatorship laws” criminalize any protest and limit the freedom of speech; also, they establish responsibility for “extremism”.

Moscow anti-fascists amnestied

On Friday 10th of January Basmanniy district court of Moscow ceased criminal case against Alexey Olesinov, Alexey Sutuga, Alyon Volikov and Babken Guskasyan. All four were accused of “hooliganism”, a criminal offense which is included in the amnesty bill, approved as a PR stunt on initiative of Vladimir Putin himself in advent of the Sochi Winter Olympics – most known amnestied political prisoners being 30 detainees of the Arctic Sunrise ship of Greenpeace, and two imprisoned members of Pussy Riot.

Baltic Anarchist Winter meeting – program

Program is preliminary, last minute changes are possible:

11:00 – 13:45 Presentations of projects and groups

13:45 – 14:45 Lunch

14:45 – 16:00 Feminist movement in Russia

16:15 – 17:30 Support in an anarchist community

17:45 – 19:00 Forest occupation struggle in Germany

19:00 – 20:00 Dinner

20:00 Evaluation discussion and continuation of BAWM

A Call for Solidarity with the Avtonom-journal, several issues of which are now banned in Russia!

On Thursday the 28th of November, the Lenin district court of the city of Tyumen upheld the request of the prosecutor of said district in recognizing five articles of the journal Avtonom as “extremist.”

Varshavsky Warehouse Squat Case: St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross statement on criminal charges against Denis Levkin

Denis Levkin has been imprisoned since February 2013. He was detained when the police stormed the squatted warehouse near the former Varshavsky Station in St Petersburg, Russia, and charged under article 318 part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (use of violence dangerous for health or life against an officer). St Petersburg anarchists have taken an active part in occupation and defence of the warehouse, and the St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross cannot ignore the trial in Levkin's case, which is now under way.

Greek ecologists: solidarity from Yekaterinburg (Russia)


Event was held near the building of the visa center in Greece on November 9 at the day of United Action. Halkidiki is located in the north of Greece, and it is Aristotle’ homeland. This is one of the main recreational areas of the country, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Harming the environment, the
Eldorado Gold Company shows the hypocrisy and greed of capitalists. In the pursuit of profits, they will stop at nothing.

Przychodnia Skłot statement on fascist attack against the social center 11th of November in Warsaw, Poland

Around 3:45 pm the participants of the independence march attacked Przychodnia social centre. It is owing only to our own determination and calmness that we managed to resist the nationalist aggression. A few people were injured but nobody's life is in danger.

Nizhni Novgorod: Anarchist Ilya Romanov wounded in an explosion at draft office

Ilya Romanov, a 46-years old Russian anarchist, was wounded on 26th of October 2013. According to authorities, this happened when a homemade bomb suddenly went off in his hands. The accident happened next to a building occupied by Russian Army draft office.

Local police stated that the homemade bomb exploded early in the morning on saturday in the hands of anarchist. His left hand was torn off. The man was placed in hospital.

“One Must Serve the Motherland, I Say!”: Court Extends Alexei Gaskarov’s Arrest in Bolotnaya Square Case

On Tuesday, October 1, Moscow’s Basmanny District Court extended until February 6, 2014, the arrest of Alexei Gaskarov, whom police investigators suspect of involvement in the “mass riots” on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012. Gaskarov has been charged with violating Article 212, Section 2 (participation in mass riots) and Article 318, Section 1 (use of violence against authorities) of the Russian Federal Criminal Code.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

On April 19, Dmitry Petrov, a Russian anarchist fighting on the side of Ukraine, died in battle near Bakhmut.  Listen in Spotify. For almost twenty years, Dima contributed immensely to the anarchist movement in Russia and Ukraine. Over the last ten years, we had only met once and our...

4 months ago
Video version
Антти Раутиайнен

Last September, some Italian anarchists published a collective letter criticising Ukrainian anarchists for defending themselves and their movement against Russian imperialist aggression. Listen to this blog in Spotify. The argument is based on both ethical and factual points. I will start by...

4 months ago