
Arrests and searches of anarchists and antifascists in St.Petersburg

On January 23 antifascists Viktor Filinkov was kidnapped at the airport in St. Petersburg and was found two days later in a special detention facility of FSB (Russian Federal Security Service). He claimed to have been tortured by masked police and forced to give evidence in a terrorist case against himself.

On January 25 another activist, Igor Shishkin, was detained while walking a dog. His house was searched, as his wife said to OVD-Info.

The story about samba action against fascist conference in St. Petersburg and arrest that followed

I'm at home now after a night spent at the police department. Me and three of my comrades were arrested for showing our disapproval to Nazis, who came to the International Russian Conservative Forum that was held in Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 22nd of March. If you don't know what was hidden behind their "traditional values" discourse, you can read this article.

Protest action at Holiday Inn of Helsinki

In the center of Helsinki, at the building of Holiday Inn, action of anarchists took place against a conference of far-right parties, which took place in Holiday Inn of St. Petersburg. Around 15 participators encouraged a boycott of hotel chain. 

Before the St. Petersburg forum, many protest letters were sent to management of the hotel chain, but with no reaction. Leaflets were distributed and passers by were told about the right-wing conference which took place in St. Petersburg. Leaflets were also passed to reception of the hotel. 

ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for January-February 2014

From now on, we are going to publish summaries of repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists in Russia on a regular basis, as well as on how the state opposes our activity. In the January-February issue: sudden amnesty of antifascists in Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, attempt to ban "Avtonom" zine due to

Saint Petersburg: An artist and an anarchist have been discharged

Dzerzhinsky district court of Petersburg has freed from charge artist Petr Pavlenskyi and anarchist Yaroslav Gradil. They were charged with disorderly conduct for  their "Freedom" performance at Malyi Konyushennyi bridge. The message has came from Interfax with the link to activists lawyer Dinar Idrisov. Both have been freed from custody.
According to Administrative Offences Code article 20.1, they were faced up to 15 days of arrest.

Saint Petersburg: An artist and an anarchist have been discharged

Dzerzhinsky district court of Petersburg has freed from charge artist
Petr Pavlenskyi and anarchist Yaroslav Gradil. They were charged with
disorderly conduct for their "Freedom" performance at Malyi
Konyushennyi bridge. The message has came from Interfax with the link to
activists lawyer Dinar Idrisov. Both have been freed from custody.
According to Administrative Offences Code article 20.1, they were faced
up to 15 days of arrest.

At the same time, Idrisov added, another incident report has been filed,
accusing Pavlinskyi according to AOC article 20.2 (violation of public

Varshavsky Warehouse Squat Case: St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross statement on criminal charges against Denis Levkin

Denis Levkin has been imprisoned since February 2013. He was detained when the police stormed the squatted warehouse near the former Varshavsky Station in St Petersburg, Russia, and charged under article 318 part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (use of violence dangerous for health or life against an officer). St Petersburg anarchists have taken an active part in occupation and defence of the warehouse, and the St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross cannot ignore the trial in Levkin's case, which is now under way.

Black Petrograd festival in St Petersburg, Russia, on November 2 - 4, 2013

Black Petrograd festival will take place in St Petersburg, Russia, on November 2 - 4, 2013.
The 10th annual anarchist festival will take three full days. This year, the programme will include less lectures and discussions, and more trainings and workshops, as well as presentations of libertarian projects and some interactive games. And naturally a gig by anarchist bands.
Requests, offers and applications to participate are accepted at4petrograd2013@gmail.com

Migrants: “Come out, children, and brush your teeth”


Morning Visitors

The windows of the pricey Finnish supermarket Prisma, in Saint Petersburg’s former Warsaw Station, look out onto a structure with a half-collapsed roof and scruffy walls. People live there, however. They pay rent to the mysterious “proprietor” of the resettled residential building. He probably managed to “come to terms” with local “law enforcement” for a time, but the building is slated for demolition.

Black Petrograd 2012, 2nd-4th of November 2012


From 2nd to 4th of November, Black Petrograd festival will take place in St. Petersburg. This year a libertarian bookfair will take place first time during the festival. People joining the festival will have a chance to acquire books about theory and history of the anarchist movement, as well as other themes close to us, and also meet with authors and publishers of libertarian literature and periodicals. Besides these, there will be discussions on actual problems, theoretical debates, a tour on revolutionary places of St.

Petersburg Activist Filipp Kostenko Sentenced to Another 15 Days in Jail

On December 22, Judge E.K. Yermolina of the 153rd Judicial Precinct [in Saint Petersburg] sentenced Filipp Kostenko, an activist and employee of the human rights organization Memorial Anti-Discrimination Center, to another fifteen days of administrative arrest. For his involvement in mass protests against the rigged elections, Kostenko had already served fifteen days in jail, but in violation of procedure he was not released [as scheduled, on December 21]. As we have previously reported, the decision for Kostenko’s compulsory delivery to court was sent to the administration of the detention facility [where he was serving his first sentence] a few minutes before his anticipated release. This decision was made due to the fact that Kostenko had failed to appear in court [on December 9], although at that time he was serving fifteen days of administrative arrest.

15 days of arrest – how it is. Text by Filip Kostenko, arrested St. Petersburg anarchist on hungerstrike

Filip Kostenko is one of the hundreds of people, arrested in Russia during a crackdown against protests against bogus elections. He was singled out as a political activist, and given a 15 day arbitrary prison sentence. He has been in a hungerstrike since 7th of December. 

Welcome to anarchist Black Petrograd festival, 11th - 13th of November in St. Petersburg

From 11th to 13th of November, annual libetarian festival "Black Petrograd" will take place in St. Petersburg of Russia. In program, there will be discussions, lectures, activist trainings, sport trainings and a little bit of revolutionary fervour. Black Petrograd has for a good while been an important meeting point of anarchists and other non-authoritarian leftists from different cities of Russia and former Soviet Union. An opportunity to exchange experience, evaluate ones activities, to plan new campaigns. Main goal of the festival this year is to develop international connections. Guest speakers are expected from several European countries.

This year we are forced to gather participation fees from participators of the festival. We try to keep this sum at a minimum - 100 roubles, 2.50 euros for all three days of the festival. Money will be spend to meals, and also to finance travel of few guests from abroad.

 Festival is drug and alcohol free.

A petition in support of Dennis Solopova

April 12 anti-fascists passed a petition to the consulate of Ukraine in Saint Petersburg. In support of Dennis Solopova activists were gathered around a hundred signatures. The petition contained a request not to extradite to Russia party's anti-fascist movement Denis Solopova being in jail in Ukraine and is suspected of organizing attacks on the administration building near Moscow Khimki 28 July 2010 in protest against plans to cut down forests Khimki.

Russian anti-fascist sentenced to two years in prison

Anti-fascist Rinat Sultanov was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday in St. Petersburg, for causing “grievous bodily ham to a Nazi during a fight, which took place 4th of November (“Day of national unification”, main convergence day of Russian Nazis) three years ago.

Rinat Sultanov was born and spent his childhood in city of Labytnangi of the far-northern Siberia, where he finished his school.

Russian Anti-fascist prisoner Rinat Sultanov needs your support!

Rinat Sultanov was arrested in Saint-Petersburg of Russia 3rd of November, in eve of yet another “Day of People’s Unity”, most favourite Russian state holiday of the fascists, after a siege of appartment of anti-fascists which lasted several hours. He is accused according to statute 111 of Russian criminal codex, “Grievous bodily harm, caused with an intent”, for a fight with local fascists, which took place in autumn of year 2008.

The action of anti-fascists at Trinity Square.

January 19, 2011 marks exactly two years since the assassination of anti-fascists Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. Shares of memory and the protest took place on this day in many cities around the world. We remember the people who are victims of the Nazis, remember and continue to fight.

Do not forget, not forgive! The procession of anti-fascists in the center of St. Petersburg.

December 19 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, but it and the day of determination and struggle. On this day in Petersburg, Vasilevsky Island, held an unauthorized demonstration. In the procession which blocked the roadway Middle Avenue attended by more than a hundred people.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago