Альтернативная культура

Russian army attacks social center in Sevastopol, Ukraine

In Sevastopol, Russian Army raided without any warning local squatted social center "Autumn ball". Russian army considers the squatted center as their property. 

Video documents the events. 

In Autumn 10th of August there will be protest action against the raid in Sevastopol 2 PM, there will also be protest action in other cities of Ukraine. You are welcomed to join.

More info about the social center https://we.riseup.net/skc

Welcome to Against prison system-festival in Helsinki 8th 9th of June 2013

Short program summary

Saturday 8th of June

-Short introduction and discussion about Prisonless utopia - anarchist solutions to criminality at 5 pm.

-Documentaries at 7 pm.

-Bands starting at 9 pm.

Sunday 9th of June

-Food 3 PM

-Talk Struggle against prisons in Spain 4 PM

-Gig in the evening

More detailed program

Saturday 8th of June

On saturday June 8th in Kupoli, Helsinki University (Mannerheimintie 5b, 7th floor) 

Disturbances lecture series: Lessons from Wisconsin's uprising - reflections on the 2011 occupation of Wisconsin's capital before "Occupy" was cool.

In Helsinki 3rd of March in Kupoli of Uusi Ylioppilastalo (Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor) Food 3 PM, lecture 4 PM.

Black Petrograd 2012, 2nd-4th of November 2012


From 2nd to 4th of November, Black Petrograd festival will take place in St. Petersburg. This year a libertarian bookfair will take place first time during the festival. People joining the festival will have a chance to acquire books about theory and history of the anarchist movement, as well as other themes close to us, and also meet with authors and publishers of libertarian literature and periodicals. Besides these, there will be discussions on actual problems, theoretical debates, a tour on revolutionary places of St.

A video message from Los Fastidios and the Stage Bottles in solidarity with the Days of Action

Not so long ago, in Rostock, in the north-east of Germany, the anti-fascist
festival "Riot in My Heart" took place.

After the performance, band members from Los Fastidios(Verona, Italy)
and the Stage Bottles (Frankfurt, Germany)as well as one of the
organizers of the festival made a video message in solidarity with their
comrades in Russia.

This is a reminder for the Days of International Action in solidarity with
Russian Antifascists which have been repressed by authorities, to take
place from the 10th to the 17th of June.

Various Moscow antifascists including Alexey Olesinov and Alexey Sutuga are
being accused of having participated in a fight, which took place on the
17th of December 2011, at the club "Vozdukh." They are being charged with
Article 213 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("hooliganism").

They are also being charged with having caused bodily injury to a resident
of Moscow on the 4th of December 2011. Neither defendant accepts this
chargers and are pleading innocent.

Pavel Krivonosov, Dmitriy Kolesov and Oleg Gembaruk (Nizhniy Novgorod
"RASH-Antifa" case ) are being charged with article 213 (hooliganism), 282.1
(participation in an extremist community), 115 (causing bodily harm) and 116
(assault). They are accused of having participated in an extremist
community, ostensibly created for the attack on neo-nazis (or "skinheads,
football fans," as the investigators have called them) to incite hatred
against a social group of "bourgeois-backed Citizens."

Far right arson against DIY bar in Yerevan, Armenia

8th of May, 5:30 AM two neo-Nazi brothers, Ambik and Arame attacked club "D.I.Y" in Yerevan. They broke window of the door and threw bottles filled with flammable mixture. At first, fire brigade which arrived in minutes claimed fire was due to a short circuit, but CCTV camera of a shop next door fixed how a bald young man in a bomber jacket and combat boots with white shoelaces committed the attack.

Welcome to anarchist Black Petrograd festival, 11th - 13th of November in St. Petersburg

From 11th to 13th of November, annual libetarian festival "Black Petrograd" will take place in St. Petersburg of Russia. In program, there will be discussions, lectures, activist trainings, sport trainings and a little bit of revolutionary fervour. Black Petrograd has for a good while been an important meeting point of anarchists and other non-authoritarian leftists from different cities of Russia and former Soviet Union. An opportunity to exchange experience, evaluate ones activities, to plan new campaigns. Main goal of the festival this year is to develop international connections. Guest speakers are expected from several European countries.

This year we are forced to gather participation fees from participators of the festival. We try to keep this sum at a minimum - 100 roubles, 2.50 euros for all three days of the festival. Money will be spend to meals, and also to finance travel of few guests from abroad.

 Festival is drug and alcohol free.

New album "Fellow Arcadia": "Forward and only forward!"

Released their second album "Fellow Arcadia" - the Executive, which is close to our ideas. The album featured nine new songs performed with guitar accompaniment. Comrade Arkady before that for several years played in the infamous hardcore band, adhering to leftist ideas, but now switched to a different genre. Lyrics and poetry is quite acceptable level. The author has talent, and previous experience probably helps. On the subject of a socially-oriented lyrics.

We started the project ACHK-Irkutsk

Presentation of the new organization took place at a concert in support of Barnaul anarchists, which was held on April 16. Group ACHK-Irkutsk acted as the organizer of the show, and some of us have been involved and in the music program. Seven groups and projects from Irkutsk and Angarsk presented a wide palette of musical styles - from dub to noise.

For details and photos see the blog ACHK-Irkutsk

The new album "trains guerrillas": Part One

Group "Electric partisans" starts to record a new album. This guerillas have decided to record a new album in parts. As soon as some of the songs are ready, they will be immediately visible on the Internet. Now the group is a second part of her upcoming album "R.V.I." as a maxi-single "R.V.I.-1. Gradually, the album will be filled with new songs. When the group will have the opportunity to write the next few songs - they also appear on the Internet. You can see how the album will grow on the maxi-single to LP.

Punk fight

Панк борьба

Movie about the punk movement. This roll, we tried to make the fullest and briefly talk about punk: the appearance of the premises, activities and ideals. It is time to realize that punk - it's not a protest against the parents or just music! Punk - it's much broader and ideologichnoe countercultural movement to change the world for the better!


PunkWay.ru Unity

Dropkick Murphys recorded a new song in support of workers in Wisconsin!

In America not so much rock and roll groups, solidarity with the trade union movement as well as the Dropkick Murphys . It is not surprising that the group released their new song "Take 'Em Down" in support of thousands of union workers of Wisconsin and their supporters protesting against the draconian budget plan, prinyatnogo governor of the state.

"Comrade Arkadi - new art song in red and black colors

This year they released their first album of new author's close to our ideas. The album featured nine songs performed with guitar accompaniment. Comrade Arkady before that for several years played in the infamous hardcore band, adhering to leftist ideas, but now switched to a different genre. Lyrics and poetry is quite acceptable level. The author has talent, and previous experience probably helps. On the subject of a socially-oriented lyrics. Particularly memorable song about menchendayzerov "Higher Education". Keep it up!

The festival program against forced conscription "deserter Day-2011"

program "Day of the deserter, 2011. February 19 12:00 - 13:00 Registration of participants. 13:00 Opening 13:15 - 15:45, "Why did I have served / not served in the Army." Seminar-diskussiya.Forma conduct. Those who wish to sit in a circle and share their impressions about how they "mowed" or "mowed down" from military service. Speak first comrades who have served in the armed forces. 15:50 - 17:00 Luncheon hosted by NWF activists.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago