
Talks about Autonomous Action and about ethnic minority resistance in Russia will be given in Stockholm

On Saturday, March 15, in Stockholm will host a public meeting focused on libertarian protest activities in modern Russia. There will be two talks:

  1. The past and the present of Autonomous Action: an affinity group, an anarchist organization, a media collective. What's next? (presented by Artem)

  2. Ethnic minority resistance in Russia (presented by Kira)

The presentations will be in English.

Time: March 15, 13:00.

Anti-fascist in Kostroma, Russia lost an eye after Nazi attack

A youth from Kostroma, who was shot in the face with a rocket pistol by a neo-Nazi, lost an eye. Despite the efforts of doctors, neither his vision nor the eyeball itself could be saved.

On November 16th in Kostroma, a group of 9 neo-Nazis attacked two young men who were returning from a movie screening. During the bickering, a neo-Nazi shot a 17-year old anti-fascist in the face with a rocket pistol. 

Through war, despotism and social change: Russia’s Anarchist Black Cross

For this year’s International Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity Week, Freedom interviewed the Anarchist Black Cross-Moscow to discuss their long history in Russia supporting imprisoned Russian anarchists, the challenges they face under Putin’s regime and their work during the war on Ukraine.

How we vandalized the US embassy wall in Moscow and were not caught

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow, the US embassy.

The call for this years International Day of Solidarity is here.

And list of supported prisoners is here.

This happened in Russia: workers’ occupation of Vyborg’s pulp and paper mill

Our translation of the Antijob project article.

Not so long ago we wrote about the occupation of mills and factories in Argentine, but as our subscribers rightly noted something similar, but unfortunately on a smaller scale and with its own specifics, had happened in Russia’s modern history as well. 

Dmitry Petrov – The Path of an Anarchist

Дмитрий Петров

On April 19, Dmitry Petrov, a Russian anarchist fighting on the side of Ukraine, died in battle near Bakhmut. 

Listen in Spotify.

For almost twenty years, Dima contributed immensely to the anarchist movement in Russia and Ukraine. Over the last ten years, we had only met once and our paths rarely crossed, so he may have altered his views on some questions. But, as his final message shows, in many ways, he remained unchanged.   

A website in memory of anarchist Dmitry Petrov is presented

Today, September 9, 2023, Dmitry Petrov would have turned 34 years old. On the website of his memory leshy.info you can read and listen to Dima’s biography, his interviews and lectures, his articles and articles about him. There are links to books he translated or edited, to projects in which he participated. The memorial website consists of sections in Russian, English and Ukrainian.

From fights with Nazis to a split due to the war. The story of antifa in Russia

The antifascist movement emerged in Russia in the late 1990s – early 2000s as a response to neo-Nazis’ violence: back then, the far-right was attacking migrants, homeless people, punks and anyone they didn’t like almost daily. Over the past couple of decades, the movement has changed significantly, having gone through murders of its participants, numerous criminal cases and now a split due to the war. Radio Svoboda (RS)  recounts the story of Russian antifa.

In Memory of Dmitry Petrov. An Incomplete Biography and Translation of His Work

We publish an article from Crimethinc.

On April 19, 2023, three anarchists were killed in battle near Bakhmut: an American named Cooper Andrews, an Irishman named Finbar Cafferkey, and a Russian named Dmitry Petrov, known to us until then as Ilya Leshy. People in our networks have shared undertakings with all three of these comrades over the years.

Last journals and writings of sehîd Tekoser Piling (Lorenzo “Orso” Orsetti)

18th of March marks 4 years since our comrade, an Italian anarchist, şehîd Tekoşer Piling (Lorenzo "Orso" Orsetti) fell in battle in Baghuz al-Fawqani. Lorenzo was fighting ISIS alongside Kurdish and Arab comrades, defending the revolution of Northeast Syria. It is an honour for us to share with you all this short brochure with last journals and writings of ṣehîd Tekoṣer. We treasure his words and we hope they can bring you as much inspiration as they brought to us.

Al-Baghuz Fawqani was last stronghold of ISIS.

Anarchist division of Nestor Kalandarishvili in Siberia (1917-1919)

Нестор Каландаришвили

The revolutionary events at the beginning of the last century, and the following civil war, did not leave Siberia unaffected. One of the key, dramatic events at that time unfolded in Irkutsk; as well as the December battles of 1917 and 1919, the partisan war, foreign intervention, and the arrest and execution of the White movement’s leader, A.V. Kolchak.

The main forces of the civil war are considered to be the “Whites” and the “Reds”, but little is said about the participation of anarchists in the fight for freedom.

Tekmil: A Tool For Collective Reflection

Tekmil is an instrument of collective reflection. This article conveys a specific experience of the anarchist organization in Rojava with tekmil.

Tekmil is an instrument of collective reflection. The historical root of what we know as tekmil can be traced to authoritarian communist traditions, such as Stalinism. Although, Mao was the first one among these traditions to put so much emphasis and importance to the methods of criticisms and self-criticism. Overall, we can state that critique and self-critique has been valuable for revolutionary movements in general, and has never been alien to non-authoritarian revolutionary movements in general.
In the context of Rojava, tekmil can be translated as "report" - further, one can trace the development and transformation of this meaning depending on the situation. Still, the literal translation makes sense to keep in mind - humbleness and shortness are valued in tekmil. It contains many cultural codes, mechanisms and ideological assumptions, and it requires an understanding and a solid philosophical and ideological foundation.

Why should we support Ukraine?

The results of the first 30 years of “democracy” in Ukraine are, to put it mildly, unconvincing. The economy and the media are in the hands of rival oligarchs, corruption is at staggering levels, economic development lags behind many African countries, and in addition, the country has become the center of the neo-Nazi movement around the world. And these problems are basically home-grown, not the result of the Kremlin’s intrigues.

Listen in SoundCloud

Presentation of the book by Dmitry Buchenkov "Falsification of criminal cases in modern Russia (on the example of the "Bolotnoye" case)"

Poster in Latvian

8 September at 19.00 by local time in Riga (Latvia) in the library "Bolderaya", which is now in the center of the city, at Avotu Str. 29, presentation of the book by Dmitry Buchenkov "Falsification of criminal cases in modern Russia (on the example of the "Bolotnoye" case)" will take place. We hope that we will be able to provide a live broadcast of this event on our Facebook page: Anarhisti Latvijā / Anarchists in Latvia / Анархисты в Латвии

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

9 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

9 months ago