
The anarchists took over the embassy of Belarus in Saint Petersburg

солидарность с белорусскими анархистами

Today, 29 September 2010, at noon, a group of activists of the anarchist movement came to St. Petersburg in the Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus (str Bonch-Bruevich 3A) to demand the release of Belarusian colleagues who were arrested last month. After the announcement of their demands, the activists refused to leave the embassy and announced his occupation - up until their demands are not met.

International Days of Action in Solidarity with the Khimki Hostages: Results and Lessons

September 17 marked the start of four international days of action in solidarity with Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, which were initiated by the Campaign for the Release of the Khimki Hostages, an independent coalition of antifascist and non-authoritarian leftist activists and groups. The campaign was organized in response to the arrest of two young activists and antifascist spokespeople, Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov after a spontaneous act of mass civil disobedience on July 28 in the Moscow suburb of Khimki.

France prodolzhanet conduct mass expulsion of Roma

The state campaign of mass expulsion of Romani migrants in France has been going on for almost a month. Since late summer 2010 from France to Bulgaria and Romania were deported over a thousand illegals Roma. Also, the country sent more than a thousand Romanians. Gypsies deported from France as illegal migrants travel to the UK, Germany or Spain. About 90% of Roma expelled from France for the last month have already gone back to Western Europe. According to the deportees, they have no other choice, because at home, in Romania, they are doomed to live in poverty and discrimination.

In the network appeared Account Petersburg group Anarchist Black Cross

"Anarchist Black Cross, Peter (the APC-Peter) - St. Petersburg is a collective of activists engaged in support and protection of people who have been penalized in connection with their anarchistic, anti-authoritarian and anti-fascist activities. Support includes a wide range of actions, including moral, informational and material assistance to victims of repression.

Ufa. No political repression! Freedom Lesha and Max!

Despite all the obstacles from the authorities managed to hold a demonstration, as the most requested form of protest. The organization of the autonomous action of Ufa and anti-fascists Ufa ourselves out a protest march against repression by the state. Of Ufa friends came to support the activists from BP Izhevsk. A solidarity action was timed to coincide with International Day of united action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova.

In Irkutsk took action against the education reform

Today in Irkutsk was an action against the Federal law № 83 ("On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of government (municipal) institutions"). In the square near the Circus of Labour were about twenty people from various social organizations. It was originally planned to hold a rally, but because of the broken megaphone picketed.

The action of solidarity with anarchists Penza Khimki hostages.

On the night of 19 to 20 September, Penza anarchists organized an action of solidarity with Alexey and Maxim. Activist was raskleyano 200 leaflets in busy parts of the city. In the most prominent places were marked inscription "Freedom Khimki hostages", "Plant trees, not activists and many others with links to sites and

In Athens, held a rally of solidarity with Solopova and Gaskarova

September 23 Group "anti-authoritarian movement in Athens staged a rally of solidarity with the hostages Khimki near the Russian Embassy. Protesters in front of the Embassy unfurled two banners, a representative of the embassy gave the text to demand the release of anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova. Embassy staff were aware of the problem of prison activists, as of Monday the representatives of leftist organizations have picketed near the embassy.

In protest, the Chinese refugees climbed onto the roof of the immigration center in Sydney

In Sydney, nine refugees from China climbed to the roof of the immigration center, and threatened to jump down if they were granted political asylum. A group of nine men aged 20 to 30 years, including a pregnant woman, climbed onto the roof at about 8 am on Wednesday , September 22, local time. They require a review of their cases immigration center. In case of failure is one of the refugees promised to jump off the roof. The deadline for the protesters called 14:30 Thursday.

In protest, the Chinese refugees climbed onto the roof of the immigration center in Sydney

In Sydney, nine refugees from China climbed to the roof of the immigration center, and threatened to jump down if they were granted political asylum. A group of nine men aged 20 to 30 years, including a pregnant woman, climbed onto the roof at about 8 am on Wednesday , September 22, local time. They require a review of their cases immigration center. In case of failure is one of the refugees promised to jump off the roof. The deadline for the protesters called 14:30 Thursday.

In St. Petersburg received a new campaign against the expansion of the Arctic

Members of the movement for "fair globalization" from Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg threw smoke bombs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg. The protest was timed to 2 nd Arctic Forum will be held in October in Murmansk and held in protest against the development of Russian Arctic shelf, and against the division of spheres of activity and influence of countries in the northern region.

Results of the International day of action in defense Solopova and Gaskarova

September 17-20, in the Days of united action for the release of hostages held Khimkinskiy shares in the 31 th city in Russia and the world. At the call of activists involved in the protection and support from Maxima Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova, responded to people from all over the world and with different political beliefs. Many Russian cities rally were organized by the movement "autonomous action". Alex Gaskarov - party "autonomous action" from the very beginning of its existence from Moscow "BP".

Cheboksary: The action of solidarity with Khimki hostages.

September 20, Cheboksary, became a day of action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Day in Cheboksary universities activists distributed a leaflet "The situation № 28" (it was distributed about 400 copies). Marposadskoe evening on the highway (one of the main roads in Cheboksary), on the railway bridge were placed banner "No to Repression" and "Freedom Khimki hostages.

Picket in front of Russian consulate in Kharkov

Yesterday, 20.09 Kharkov held rally in support of arrested Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Indifferent to this problem anarchists, anti-fascists, OMovtsy and members of the Autonomous Actions picketed Consulate General of Russia in the street Olminskogo. Picket was held in the framework of international days of action in support of Alexey and Maxim. Speakers condemned the repressive actions of corrupt Russian officials and demanded the release of anti-fascists, against whom criminal cases are fabricated.

The action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages" in Kazan

In Kazan action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages. These days, we decided to inform the widest possible group of people about what country we live in, that the repression goes for what you say and what you have public activist. In the absence of independent media in the course are simple methods, leaflets, stickers, stencils on the wall, almost all the days of graffiti and hanging banners. But the completion of all was to 2uh pickets at the same time in different parts of the city.

In Tyumen Khimkinskiy hostages supported street concert

As many as two rallies in support of detainees Moscow anti-fascists held this Sunday in Tyumen.

At 5:00 on the square of unity and harmony began man picket on the problem, this time on the open stage in a shady park members of the movement "independent action", the anarchists and other active people tuned equipment for the outdoor concert. All this was part of the International Days of Action for the Liberation of Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova (17-20 September).

The protection of the Turkish consulate in Thessaloniki, tried to set fire

On the night of September 18, a group of 15 unknowns in black clothes and masks, threw a Molotov cocktail booth security at the Turkish consulate in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. According to Greek police, Butka burnt who were inside the police rescued. The attackers fled back into the University of Aristotle and escaped arrest.

Despite the fact that on 12 August anarchists have thrown the Consulate building with Molotov cocktails, police believe the attack on August 18, directed against the officers of the flooritsii, and not against the Turkish Consulate.

In Irkutsk the action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages.

Irkutsk has joined the campaign for the release of Alexey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova detained on false charges of destruction of the administration city of Khimki Moscow. Today, 19 September from 15 to 16.chasov street Uritskogo Irkutsk anarchists and anti-fascists held a rally under the slogan: "Freedom Khimki hostages!". Also, an action supported by "green" from the organization Baikal movement. On the picket came about 25 people. Protesters handed out 400 leaflets.

Zaporozhye: An action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki "


Anti-fascist activists held a series of Zaporozhye shares in a campaign of solidarity with rosiyskimi social activists who are harassed, detained and tortured because of their participation in the protection of forests Khimki. All last week the anti-fascists of the "Kozak сіті" distributed leaflets in the streets. At the end of the week, one of the bridges of the city had posted a banner with the slogan "Free the hostages Khimkinskiy!".

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

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Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

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