
Neftekamsk: action in memory of Theodore "Fedyay" Filatov

October 10 Neftekamsk Rally memory of Fedor "Fedyay" Filatov - our friend, anti-fascist murdered two years ago in Moscow, Nazi filth. Day successfully held listovochnaya campaign informing people about the incident. The townspeople were very interested what is happening, some expressed a desire to help in the distribution. There were distributed about 60 leaflets. After that, the activists went to the Eternal Flame, which honored the memory of the deceased.

The text of the leaflet:

The Moscow Regional Court quashed the decision of Khimki city court to extend the detention of anti-fascist Maxim Solopova

According to information distributed by the Campaign for freedom to  Khimki hostages , October 8, a panel of judges of the Moscow regional court, chaired by Dmitry Bobkov partially upheld the complaint lawyer Maxim Solopova Yuri Eronina and annulled the decision of Khimki city court to extend the detention of Maxim Solopova until November 29, 2010. Khimki city the court must in time until October 20 to re-consider whether the content Solopova custody.

The action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki: Penza

Recently, in Penza, anarchists held a rally of solidarity with their Moscow colleagues Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova arrested on suspicion of assault on the administration of the city of Khimki, Moscow Region. Activists have been stuck 200 leaflets in busy parts of town.

In Simferopol, the students held a march against "legal corruption in higher education"

October 4 in Simferopol, a march of students Tauride National University, for the abolition of the Cabinet of Ministers № 796 "On approving the list of paid services that may be provided by state and municipal educational institutions", adopted in late August. This decision is expected introduction of fees for absences for valid reason, for the use of library books, for laboratory work and t.d.Odnako this decision contradicts the article.

October 14-20. Days of common actions to support arrested Belorussian anarchists

We, anarchists of Belarus and Russia, call to all honest people all over the world for actions of boycott and protest against embassies of Belarus Republic and every other institution related to the Belarusian government! Total mobilization for solidary actions is necessary, because our comrades still remain in chains of Lukashenko fascist regime. Their names: Mikalaj Dziadok and Aliaksandar Frantskievich.

"Cops - to space!" 2, 5 years from the date of Sokolnichesky events

October 4, 2010 coincided 2 dates: 53 years ago was launched into space the first artificial satellite, 2, 5 years ago, employees of the Moscow police department Sokolniki attacked a group of non-formals. 7 of them were detained and beaten in the department. One of the battered, Seva Ostapova, Transfiguration inter-district court awarded one year suspended for alleged attack on a policeman's Sokolniki. While 20 witnesses for the defense argued that it was exactly the opposite.

"Cops - to space!" 2, 5 years from the date of Sokolnichesky events

October 4, 2010 coincided 2 dates: 53 years ago was launched into space the first artificial satellite, 2, 5 years ago, employees of the Moscow police department Sokolniki attacked a group of non-formals. 7 of them were detained and beaten in the department. One of the battered, Seva Ostapova, Transfiguration inter-district court awarded one year suspended for alleged attack on a policeman's Sokolniki. While 20 witnesses for the defense argued that it was exactly the opposite.

Moscow anarchists blocked the Minsk highway in solidarity with the Belarussian friends

We, a group of Moscow anarchists in the early morning on October 1 blocked with burning tires Minsk highway between Odintsovo and Krasnoznamensk in protest against the persecution  of fighters for freedom and justice of the fascist regime of Lukashenko.

In Simferopol, the students held a march against "legal corruption in higher education"

On Monday, Oct. 4, students will march in Simferopol for the abolition of the Cabinet of Ministers № 796 "On approving the list of paid services that may be provided by state and municipal educational institutions".

6 days for the "wrong" thoughts

Sept. 24 officers law enforcement bodies have detained me on suspicion of assault on ITT Akrestin. After three days I was again perearestovali, not letting go even beyond the walls of prison. At this time, were indicted for an attack on the House of Trade Unions. Both of these cases were instituted without any direct evidence. In both protocols, the detention was said that I had been detained "on direct suspicion." As I understand from the conduct of investigators - such as the immediate suspicion may arise in respect of any citizen of our country.

Spain: CNT-AIT general strike

Use information released by the National Confederation of Labour of Spain (CNT-AIT) into a general strike in the country took part in 74% of workers in some industries such as metalworking, chemical industry and energy, was attended by about 90%. All Spain was paralyzed by the protests, demonstrations and barricades. In some cities there have been clashes with the police, is injured and detained. Barcelona.

In Europe, all on strike!

In Europe, planned social explosion - in so many countries simultaneously has not yet bastovali.Evropa wracked by massive strikes. Trade unions of several EU countries announced a protest against the anti-crisis measures their governments. The largest event was held in Brussels yesterday - on the streets of the city went more than 50 000 people, many specifically for this came from other countries. Return home was not all - to join the strike, officials announced the Brussels airport.

The victim of "Angarsk case: reduce everything to simple hooliganism

September 29 in Angarsk court after several adjournments due to illness of one of the defendants, consideration of the criminal case of an attack on an environmental camp near Angarsk, which killed the anti-fascist and member of Autonomous Action from Nakhodka Ilya Borodaenko and injuring dozens of civic activists. On September 29 the court was questioned by a participant antinuclear ekolagerya, the victim Anastasia Vazanova. During interrogation, Vazanova said that in her view, the attack in 2007 carried no ordinary huligNy, and Nazi skinheads, neo-Nazi group.

The anarchists took over the embassy of Belarus in Saint Petersburg

солидарность с белорусскими анархистами

Today, 29 September 2010, at noon, a group of activists of the anarchist movement came to St. Petersburg in the Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus (str Bonch-Bruevich 3A) to demand the release of Belarusian colleagues who were arrested last month. After the announcement of their demands, the activists refused to leave the embassy and announced his occupation - up until their demands are not met.

International Days of Action in Solidarity with the Khimki Hostages: Results and Lessons

September 17 marked the start of four international days of action in solidarity with Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, which were initiated by the Campaign for the Release of the Khimki Hostages, an independent coalition of antifascist and non-authoritarian leftist activists and groups. The campaign was organized in response to the arrest of two young activists and antifascist spokespeople, Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov after a spontaneous act of mass civil disobedience on July 28 in the Moscow suburb of Khimki.

France prodolzhanet conduct mass expulsion of Roma

The state campaign of mass expulsion of Romani migrants in France has been going on for almost a month. Since late summer 2010 from France to Bulgaria and Romania were deported over a thousand illegals Roma. Also, the country sent more than a thousand Romanians. Gypsies deported from France as illegal migrants travel to the UK, Germany or Spain. About 90% of Roma expelled from France for the last month have already gone back to Western Europe. According to the deportees, they have no other choice, because at home, in Romania, they are doomed to live in poverty and discrimination.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

On April 19, Dmitry Petrov, a Russian anarchist fighting on the side of Ukraine, died in battle near Bakhmut.  Listen in Spotify. For almost twenty years, Dima contributed immensely to the anarchist movement in Russia and Ukraine. Over the last ten years, we had only met once and our...

4 months ago
Video version
Антти Раутиайнен

Last September, some Italian anarchists published a collective letter criticising Ukrainian anarchists for defending themselves and their movement against Russian imperialist aggression. Listen to this blog in Spotify. The argument is based on both ethical and factual points. I will start by...

4 months ago