
Moscow antifascist needs help for treatment

Moscow antifascist, who was attacked by nazis at 15th of August 2010 after the football match, needs financial help for treatment. His life isn't menaced, the harm to the health can be assessed as moderate, treatment requires significant amounts.

You may read here how to donate:

Shooting vermin, or "why I did it." Suicide letter invalid, officials shot

 We publish excerpts from the suicide letter Sergei Rudakov - disabled, staged a shot in Nizhnetagilsk social insurance fund. The letter was made public on the site . We leave these passages without comment, and so everything is clear ... "I am sending you this letter in hopes that you will not give silence or distort my actions.

Participants of the anti-fascist camp of Germany expressed support for the struggle for Khimki forest and the release of prisoners

German anti-fascists turned to the participants of the Campaign for the release of hostages Khimkinskiy to transmit messages of solidarity rally participants in the protection Khimki woods August 22. Unfortunately, because of the paucity of time for each speaker at the rally that could not be done. Therefore we publish the text of the treatment of the German comrades who closely follow the criminal case against anti-fascists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova, as well as the situation around the Khimki woods.

For the sake of gold destroying union

In the village Kuranakh (Yakutia) is closer to the fall becomes hot: not only that the JSC Aldanzoloto CI "created a" pocket "the union, so also was searched. Over three days, two searches: the flat deputy trade union, the trade union committee, and again looked into the trade union - to remove the computer. The newspaper "Solidarity announces a campaign of solidarity with the trade union organization OAO Aldanzoloto GDC.

Beaten during interrogation by Khimki case complained to the Prosecutor General's Office

From the words of staff, he realized that his staff interrogated by the FSB. Pakhotin not refuse to testify, but his answers did not suit the investigator, so it continued to provide moral and physical pressure. Only two in the morning Alexander was transferred to the ATS N2 Khimki. At six o'clock in the morning Pakhotin awakened and asked him to sign some papers that he had forgotten to sign. Do not understand what he signs, Pakhotin put his signature.

Case Shavenkovoy. Flash-mob in Irkutsk

This evening was held in Irkutsk, a flash mob, on the situation
around the so-called "Case Shavenkovoy" thundered across the country. About
thirty people at the time actually blocked the vehicular traffic
in front of the regional administration, "walking" up and down

The reason for that street protest was the unprecedented, with
point of view of participants, the verdict of the Kirov District Court

Represive strike in Chile: 17 house raided and 14 companions kidnnaped by the power

Agents of the BIPE (Police of Investigation) and the ERTA (equivalent to the SWAT) on the other side agents of the GOPE (Especial forces of the Normal Police), LABOCAR (CSI) and the Department of Intelligence of the police and a series of helicopters and police cars whas the armory who used the police for the 17 raids, in Santiago and Valparaiso, during the dawn on the Saturday 14 of August. Between the 17 houses, three are Squats and Socials Center being the squats La Crota Bike Punk and the Squat Social Center and Library Sacco and Vanzetti in Santiago downtown and the Autonomous Social Center Jhonny Cariqueo in the Pudahuel municipality. Two houses were raided in Valparaiso. The excuse for this police operation falls in the “Bomb Case”, and 23 of the attacks with explosive registered in Santiago, according with the police version would have direct links with those arrested.

The detainee in Zhukovsky on the case of Khimki "missing


August 22 about 13 hours of the day on duty ATC urban district of Khimki lawyer said that the detainee on his way to a concert in Zhukovsky, Alexander Pakhotin is the police department, he was charged with two administrative offense, and "he is a criminal case." In any case it is Pakhotin, and what administrative offenses he committed, the duty to inform refused.

The Moscow authorities disrupted a concert on Pushkin Square

Yesterday, August 22, in Pushkin Square in Moscow rally-concert in support of Khimki forest, which brought together more than two thousand people. By the authorized rally in defense of Khimki forest metropolitan police department prepared a serious, than to any unauthorized action. Soldiers and riot police officers the 2 nd regiment of operational police department of the capital and blocked access to Pushkin Square from the metro.

Trimmed in Kostroma: more than 260 people were detained at a concert

Mass arrests turned the concert, which was to be held August 21 in Kostroma. He arrived at young people from across the country: from Izhevsk to Vladivostok, from Kazan to Petrozavodsk, not bypassing Moscow, St. Petersburg and other nearby towns. 2 hours before the concert to the pier began to peel off all of the available power: SWAT, Secret Service, Department E, Transportation militia outfits PPP and staff of operational departments.

Conference of the International Association of Workers

From 13 to 15 August 2010 in the village of La Vecilla near Leon (Spain) hosted the conference, AIT on "precarious labor, government and cooperatives. It was attended by more than 100 workers from various countries, including representatives of the anarcho- syndicalist trade unions and trade union initiatives - the sections of MAT from Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia and France, the proponents of AIT from Peru and Croa

Trimmed in Zhukovsky

August 21 in Zhukovsky were detained about 100 people. Impenetrable (according to eyewitnesses) is pretty tough, took part riot, some managed to escape. Young people are in town for a hardcore concert, collected funds from which were supposed to go to the aid of orphanages. Musicians hardcore regularly conduct such concerts, believing it my duty to visit children's homes and to feed the homeless.

More than half the audience of a site supports the action of direct action around Khimki Administration

Site immediately after the rally on July 28 in Khimki, conducted a survey of its visitors, which was attended by 605 people. Site Visitors were asked the following question: "The anarchists smashed administration Khimki for logging. And you have picked up a cobblestone, if under your windows, cut down the forest? ".

In Nizhny Novgorod, antifascist questioned about his involvement in a protest about the administration Khimki

August 19 around 8 am, members of the Moscow Center "E" met on the porch of residence of the Nizhny Novgorod fascist, a member of the movement "independent action" by Alexander Black and demanded that he go with them for questioning. Muscovites did not bother to come specifically for this purpose in Nizhny Novgorod .

Misha "Kosoy" Dementev died prematurely

August 19 around 1 am on 10th kilometer of  Pskov-Riga, highway near the village of Moglino a traffic accident which killed  two persons took place. A car  ran over two pedestrians - 29-year-old Misha Dementiev and his wife. Victims died at the scene from the injuries. 

They got married the same evening. 

Misha was one of the first RASH-skinheads in Moscow.

Hurtina asked to withdraw ... While no things. Ufa

August 19 Activists of various social organizations gathered on the square in front of the prosecutor's office of Ufa, to protest abuses of representatives of the public authority. It found local human rights activists, senior officials of the Ufa drug agency had developed a whole system of drug flip and subsequent fabrication of criminal cases. All this with the connivance of the prosecutor's office. More to read on the BP siteF

Case Alexei Sokolov: Three years have given. It remains - and a half.

August 18 a meeting of the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Sverdlovsk regional court in the case of Alexei Sokolov . At the Court specifically flew in from Moscow lawyer human rights activist - Valery Shuhardin and head of the All-Russian movement "For Human Rights" Lev Ponomarev.

Special edition of anarcho-punk audio zine "protest"

This edition is a anarhopank audiozin - a kind of release "Protest" in audio format. I think it will be interesting to those unfamiliar with printed versions of the magazine. In this issue, selected articles from the first ten numbers, which emerged over the past 3.5 years. To produce just such a format prompted a desire to experiment.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

3 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago