Беспредел власти

Alexey Polikhovich - third anarchist, remanded for 6th of May riots in Moscow

27th of July, Basmanniy district court of Moscow remanded Alexey Polikhovich for one month. He is 16th suspect for participating to rioting in Bolotnaya square 6th of May 2012, in day of inauguration of Vladimir Putin. He was third arrested anarchist - Aleksandra Dukhanina has been in a house arrest since 29th of May, Stepan Zimin has been in remand prison since 9th of July. Alexey Polikhovich was arrested in the evening of 25th of July, his house was searched and his computer was confiscated.

Russian Anti-fascists are facing charges for making a movie

(This is a partial English translation of a program, aired in Dozhd TV channel 17th of August, which is embedded below.)

Center of Counteraction Against Extremism ("E-Center") in the city of Vladimir did not liked amateur movie "Russian anti-racist skinheads", and they opened a criminal case against makers of the film. According to them, film incited hatred against "social group of skinheads and nationalists".

Two anti-fascists remanded 4th of July, after an incident at club "Barrikada" in Moscow

4th of July, at Presnenski district court of Moscow, judge Dmitry Dolgopolov fulfilled request of the police to imprison two of the six anti-fascists, who were remanded in night of second of July, not far from club "Barrikada". 23 year old Irina Lipskaya and 19 year old Andrey Molchanov, suspected of having committed crimes according to statute of Russian criminal codex 213 part 2 (hooliganism, committed with a group of people). They will be held in remand prison at least until 2nd of September.

Enough of people

who are sorry with the fact I got kicked out from Russia. You know nothing about it, you have never been in the same situation and you will never be. I do not want to think about the whole issue, so do not say anything. 

Consider a situation, when your feet got torn off in some accident. Would peoples condolences bring your feet back?
No they would not.

Condolences make sense when it is about some temporary loss, which you may get over with. For example, if your house burns down,  you maybe may have another house at some point. 

Links on my exile from Russia

I gathered links on articles in English, Russian, Finnish and Swedish on my exile from Russia. Technically, I am not deported - it is just my residence permit annulled, and I am refused a visa. In practice, these are pretty much the same thing, actually blacklisting from a visa is even worse - deportation means five years ban of entrance, but blacklisting has no any established time limit. 

Links are ordered according to language and relevance.

In English:

Russia to deport Finnish activist who plans to write a book
Helsingin Sanomat 3th of April 2012

Antti Rautiainen denied Russian visa request

On Thursday, the 14th of June anarchist and member of the Moscow - Autonomous Action, Antti Rautiainen, was denied his Russian visa request. The refusal was not exaplained. 

Rautiainen had a Russian temporary residence permit, but it was annulled at the end of March. According to authorities, he had made "calls to violently overthrow constitutional order or Russian Federation." He was given 15 days to leave the Russian Federation.

A video message from Los Fastidios and the Stage Bottles in solidarity with the Days of Action

Not so long ago, in Rostock, in the north-east of Germany, the anti-fascist
festival "Riot in My Heart" took place.

After the performance, band members from Los Fastidios(Verona, Italy)
and the Stage Bottles (Frankfurt, Germany)as well as one of the
organizers of the festival made a video message in solidarity with their
comrades in Russia.

This is a reminder for the Days of International Action in solidarity with
Russian Antifascists which have been repressed by authorities, to take
place from the 10th to the 17th of June.

Various Moscow antifascists including Alexey Olesinov and Alexey Sutuga are
being accused of having participated in a fight, which took place on the
17th of December 2011, at the club "Vozdukh." They are being charged with
Article 213 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("hooliganism").

They are also being charged with having caused bodily injury to a resident
of Moscow on the 4th of December 2011. Neither defendant accepts this
chargers and are pleading innocent.

Pavel Krivonosov, Dmitriy Kolesov and Oleg Gembaruk (Nizhniy Novgorod
"RASH-Antifa" case ) are being charged with article 213 (hooliganism), 282.1
(participation in an extremist community), 115 (causing bodily harm) and 116
(assault). They are accused of having participated in an extremist
community, ostensibly created for the attack on neo-nazis (or "skinheads,
football fans," as the investigators have called them) to incite hatred
against a social group of "bourgeois-backed Citizens."

Investigation committee claims a student-reenactor is a terrorist

8th of june, investigation committee of Russian Federation announced, that home of 20 year old Stepan Zimin, who was detained as a suspect of having taken part to a riot at Bolotnaya square 6th of May was searched. According to police, a walkie-talkie, ski-mask, molotov cocktail and several passports were found. Stepan himself told his lawyer, Denis Deryukin, that during search only his own passport and army documents of his former flatmate were found. What comes to "molotov cocktail", he said that it was just a bottle of acetone.

Call for solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners 30th of June - 2nd of July

Глобальная солидарность

It has been a long time since the last call for solidarity with the Belarusian anarchists appeared (http://abc-belarus.org/?p=133&lang=en). Today we have to admit that the new wave of solidarity is needed urgently to help them out from the prison. That’s why we call you to participate in days of action in solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners from June 30 to July 2.

10 και 17 Ιουνίου θα πραγματοποιηθεί ημέρες ενωμένη δράση για την υποστήριξη την Αλέξη Sutugi, Αλέξη Olesinova και όλα τα καταπιεσμένα αντιφασιστών.

Την άνοιξη του 2012, αντι-φασιστικό κίνημα στη Ρωσία έχει υποστεί μια νέα καταπίεση. Το πρόσχημα για την καταστολή ήταν το περιστατικό στην Μόσχα κλαμπ "Αέρα", όπου η 17η Δεκεμβρίου δεν υπήρχε σύγκρουση μεταξύ των επισκεπτών  punk hardcore συναυλία και την προστασία του συλλόγου. Οι φρουροί ήταν ακροδεξιών απόψεων και προκαλούν τους επισκέπτες.  Λόγω της εμφάνισης συγκρούσεων διακόπηκε πρόωρα, αλλά οι φρουροί προσπάθησαν να διαρκέσει μερικά επισκέπτες ως ομήρους, υποσχόμενος τιμωρία τους από τους φίλους τους, ποδόσφαιρο χούλιγκαν-εθνικιστές. Επισκέπτες αντιστάθηκαν, φρουροί άνοιξαν πυρ από ένα τραυματικό όπλα, αλλά στο τέλος έχουν εξουδετερωθεί. Άλεξ Olesin συνελήφθη το βράδυ της 12ης Φεβρουαρίου στην Αγία Πετρούπολη, Αλεξέι Sutuga συνελήφθη το βράδυ της 17ης Απριλίου στη Μόσχα.Προς το παρόν, δύο είναι υπό κράτηση στη Μόσχα.

Join common days of action for Alexey Sutuga, Alexey Olesinov and all repressed anti-fascists

In spring of 2012, anti-fascist movement of Russia has been targeted with new repressions. An excuse for the repressions was an incident in Moscow club "Vozdukh", where 17th of December, during a punk-hardcore concert, a conflict between public and the security took place. Security of the club consisted of supporters of the far right, and were provoking guests. Due to conflict, concert was got halted prematurely, but the security attempted to take some guests as hostages, promising them punishment from their friends - nationalistic football hooligans. Visitors of the concert resisted, the security opened fire with rubber coated metal bullets, but soon guests of the concert gained upper hand and the security was neutralized.

After eviction, Occupy camp of Moscow is reborn in Kudrinskaya square

In morning of 16th of August Occupy camp of Moscow ("Occupy Abai") was evicted from Chistie Prudy after a court order, but it was re-established the same day at Kudrinskaya square (also known as Revolution square). Lectures, infocenter and field kitchen (both omnivorous and vegan) were relaunched. 20 PM several hundreds of people gathered in the square. During the evening, a police officer approached several times Food Not Bombs activists, distributing vegan food, and demanded them to quit distribution, as they allegedly did not had necessary permissions to distribute food.

"March of Millions" in Moscow and the Anarchists (Photos)

On the 6th of May, a lot of anarchists took part in almost all events which occured in Moscow. There was a peaceful march from Kaluzhskаja to Bolotnaja square, after that it became clear that the entrance was forbidden for people, protesting against the inauguration of Putin. The anarchists were in the front line, took an active part in fights with police, throwing at them bottles, umbrellas, sticks, asphalt pieces, smoke bombs and Molotov cocktails.


In the far North-West of a once mighty empire, there is a distant province, mostly known due to the sluggishness of its inhabitants. They have still not gotten rid of the statue of a czar, who ruled 150 years ago, in the central square of their capital. Inhabitants of the province have never won a single war, but they have a plenty of other reasons to be proud - for example, a ski-jumper who achieved a lot in 1980, but has since then struggled with a substance abuse problem.

The FSB is expelling political activists from Russia

On the 29th of March the Federal Migration Service of Russia gave Finnish citizen Antti Rautiainen, a member of Autonomous Action, an order to leave the Russian Federation within 15 days. According to the order, Rautiainen is suspected of "making statements for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order." Migration authorities have commented, that such decisions are made according to orders from the FSB.

Rautiainen wants to appeal the decision with help of lawyers from the "Civic Action" NGO.

Nizhny Novgorod anti-fascists need your solidarity and support! A call for coordinated actions around the world on March 16–18, 2012

Friends and comrades!

We, the anti-fascists and anarchists of Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), appeal to concerned people around the world. The political police (the Center for Combating Extremism or Center “E”) have fabricated a criminal case against our comrades. Anti-fascism has been outlawed in our city. We need your solidarity and support!

What are the charges against our friends and comrades?

In Moscow, a solidarity action was organised for "the Belgrade six"

7th of February Serbian at the Serbian embassy of Moscow, a solidarity picket was organised against renewed court process of the Serbian anarchists, so called "Belgrade Six". Picket was organised by Moscow group of Autonomous Action, and was joined by members of Russian section of International Workers Association, and other Moscow anarchists. Picketeers had a banner "Freedom to Serbian anarchists", placates "Solidarity with Belgrade Six", and "Fuck you, no 18 euros" and others.

Additional information>

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago