Беспредел власти

April 9 in Moscow will host a rally in support of the hostages and Khimki Khimki Forest

On Saturday, April 9, near the monument Griboyedov (out of m "Pure ponds", "Turgenev", "Sretensky Boulevard") will rally in support of defendants' case Khimki Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova and suspect Dennis Solopova, now time being in Kiev prison. Also, the shares will be discussed proposed cutting Khimki near Moscow and other forests for the construction of toll highway Moscow - Saint - Petersburg and repression against defenders of the forest.

Khimki timber sold under the hammer

While the Ministry is circulating false promises to compensate for cutting Khimki Forest 700 hectares of plantations, land along the future highway Moscow - St. Petersburg are already sold out. The site of "Khimki-Land" appeared for sale in areas along the projected Khimki forest trails. Vendors promise to themselves "all cut" under construction and resolve problems with local residents. Meanwhile, defenders of Khimki forest planning a new international campaign of protest and began an international petition against the construction of the road.

Belarus: In criminal cases, arrest Belarusian anarchists are preparing to transfer to the court

In the month of April is likely trial of detainees held by anarchists passing on criminal cases related to the arson and attacks on goss.uchrezhdeniya and capitalist property. Comrades in custody, as well as those who still remain under the close supervision of the special services needed moral support and, of course, will. We have not yet come back to background events of September and will take appropriate action to protect repressed.

Since the state charged with murder of wine Anarchist

March 24 The European Court of Human Rights has satisfied the state's death in Italy Italian anarchist Carlo Giuliani , who took part in demonstrations against the summit of the Group of Eight held in Genoa, July 20, 2001. Then the dragon Mario Platsanika, shot twice at point-blank from the standard-issue weapons Carlo Giuliani. After this double-SUV rode over the body of demonstrators.

Autonomous Action - Tyumen required to justify Andrey Kutuzov

Picket in support of Andrei Kutuzov held on March 24 Tyumen "Autonomous Action". Per share, in the past on the area of ​​unity and harmony, it's about fifteen people, not counting journalists. The activists unfurled a banner "Free Andrew Kutuzov" and "No to political repression!".

At the last names were Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova, Tatiana Stetsury, Hope Nizovkinoy and others, which the government now pursues politically motivated.

Call for international support for African and Middle Eastern revolutions

Your solidarity is undoubtedly vital, but I think it's time to start the broader actions and demonstrations in support of the people in revolt in the Middle East and North Africa. These protests should be directed not only against local dictatorships, but also against their patrons ... it also means to protest against the politics of manipulation of the imperialist forces, the very forces that seek to force the workers in the West pay for all the consequences of the crisis, which they gave birth to his greed.

In Kaluga, a picket was held in support of social activists

March 14 around 18.00 a group of anarchists and Marxists in Kaluga was held an unauthorized picket in support of a member of the "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, as well as Khimkinskaya hostages Maxim Solopova, Denis Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova (also member of BP). About 15 minutes into the heart of the city boys and girls were handing out leaflets, waving flags, holding whatman with slogans written on them.

Anarchy. Direct Action.

First of all, let me change the order of the story and start with our own, anarchic view of the situation: "Anarchy. Direct action " . Why? Because although instead of conversation, and you can use the stick, the words always retain their power. Words give the meaning of the surrounding reality for those who are willing to listen. They declare us the truth. And the truth is this: our country is going something wrong, is not it? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression, the prohibition of the right to protest a ban on thinking about the protest.Instead, we have - a system of external supervision and corporate media.

Student offensive. Kiev.

Any power to suppress and discredit these people's protests (and not a political clown opponents during the election) enlists the aid of the nationalists, who are always ready for small investments "in the case of the nation" to do all the dirty robot.
Sometimes it is disguised as a blunt attack, and sometimes, as happened today, under the guise of "comrades in the struggle" to get into, and to embroil the most to discredit protesters.

Anarchists from Barnaul, Russia need your help!

On night of February 1st, anarchists of Barnaul (Altai region) undertook a graffiti-action which ridiculed the members of today’s Russian “political elite” and compared them with parasites. It did not took long for state repressive apparatus to react. On the next day the officers of so-called anti-extremist police (CPE) broke into the houses of two libertarian activists – Sergey Sandin and Daniil Malishkin.

Short update of the recent repressions against anarchists in Belarus

As of right now four Belarussian anarchists are under arrest, accused of having organised a series of direct actions 2009-2010. 
Everything started long before this past September(2010). The years 2009-2010  were rich in radical actions claimed by Belarusian anarchists. Such as:
 *an illegal anti-militarist demonstration in Septeber 2009 against a mutual
 Russian-Belarusian war exercise,  when a Joint Staff was attacked with a smoke   grenade.


On February 11, IR-26 Volgograd 600 prisoners went on hunger strike in solidarity with the North Caucasian republics.

The reason for the strike served as a regular "preventive" raid, which occurred in the colony on the same day. In the barracks, where about 30 are serving sentences of convicts, accompanied by chief of security of the colony Vitaly Kursenkova and another officer - Sergei Pogorelov dropped special forces wearing masks.

Video message of Ramadan Utarbieva

Publish a video message of Ramadan Utarbieva declared the federal wanted list in connection with the murder of Yegor Sviridov December 6, 2010. Sure that all who are deeply touched personally by this tragedy (the murder for us as anarchists - is always a tragedy), will be interested to read an alternative point of view, as always, ignored by corporate media.

Moscow Anarchists Picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov and against political repression

On Saturday, February 5, in Moscow, about representation of the Tyumen region (st. Pyatnitskaya, 47, p. 2, m. "Tretyakov, Novokuznetskaya) in 14 hours will picket in support of the Tyumen anarchist Andrew Kutuzov. The action will take place within days nationwide united action. As already reported by the defenders of Kutuzov, beginning with fall 2009, RU FSB in the Tyumen region is a criminal case under Article 280 of the Criminal Code ("Public calls for extremist activities").

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago