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Anarchist Black Cross Moscow update on anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners 17th of December 2023

Help the defendants of the "Tyumen case" in their fight for freedom!

calls everyone to support the crowdfunding to pay the lawyers for the defendants in the "Tyumen case". Deadline is 1th of January 2024.

The anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui is charged with railway sabotage and attacking a military airfield

At the end of November, the anarchist Ruslan Siddiqui on suspicion of organising the derailment of a goods train in Ryazan province. On 2 December, the Dorogomilovsky district court in Moscow sent Ruslan to pre-trial detention.

Acts of railway sabotage are now quite common in Russia. Partisans use these to block the delivery of military supplies to the armed forces operating on Ukrainian territory.

In Berlin will start a first presentation about Ilya Shakursky

Tomorrow, December 2 at 17.00 in Berlin (Kadterschmiede, RIGAER STRASSE 94) a first presentation about Ilya Shakursky. Ilya is a Russian political prisoner, participant of the , anarchist, anti-fascist and eco-activist. On February 10, 2020, he was sentenced to 16 years in a maximum security facility and also to a fine of 50,000 rubles.

Open letter written by Danil Chertykov in detention

We share translation of an  written by defendant of the "" Danil Chertykov in detention. He talks about the difficulties he had to face in SIZO-1 of Tyumen and compared the penal system to the digestive system. The letter was translated specifically for our website.

The support team of the defendants in the "Tyumen case" summarizes the results of the past two months

Рисунок Никита Олейника

In September, Yura Neznamov had to fight for his health and medical care. A neoplasm appeared on his leg. Later it turned out to be a small benign tumor. All complaints about his health were ignored by the doctors of SIZO-1 in Tyumen (where the defendants in the "Tyumen case" are kept). The lawyer wrote a large number of complaints and obtained medical care for Yura. 

Drawing by Nikita Oleynik

Help the defendants of the "Tyumen case" in their fight for freedom

Six anarchists from Russia have been held in pre-trial detention for a year on spurious charges of creating a "terrorist community". According to Russian law, our comrades face a total of 5 to 15 years of imprisonment for the charged articles, and 15 to 30 years of life imprisonment for organizing or leading a "terrorist community". The main proof of guilt is a confession given under torture.

Firefund announces crowdfunding to pay the lawyers of the antifascists arrested in the "Tyumen case"

The guys have been in pre-trial detention for more than a year and they will face trials on the merits of the case. Families and relatives will have to pay for the participation of lawyers in these sessions and they will not be able to cope without help!

Anarchist Lev Skoryakin kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan

In night between 16th and 17th of October in Bishkek,  DOXA, unknown people kidnapped activist of Left Bloc, anarchist Lev Skoryakin. Lawyers do not know about his whereabouts. In Russia, Skoryakin is accused of ”hooliganism with weapons”, due to action against a FSB office in the South-West of Moscow with another activist of the Left Bloc Ruslan Abasov. Skoryakin and Abasov were holding banners and burning flares at the office.

Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow is terminating support for Kirill Brik

Because Kirill Brik, a defendant of the Tyumen case, a pre-trial agreement, Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow is no longer supporting him anymore. In some cases we do support prisoners who give testimonies against themselves, but we do not support prisoners that are testifying against others.

A website in memory of anarchist Dmitry Petrov is presented

Today, September 9, 2023, Dmitry Petrov would have turned 34 years old. On the website of his memory you can read and listen to Dima’s biography, his interviews and lectures, his articles and articles about him. There are links to books he translated or edited, to projects in which he participated. The memorial website consists of sections in Russian, English and Ukrainian.

Anarchist Azat Miftakhov was arrested immediately after his release from prison

On 4 September 2023, former Moscow State University graduate student and political prisoner Azat Miftakhov was released from penal colony. On the same day Federal Security Service (FSB) has charged Miftakhov in a criminal case for «justifying terrorism». According to FSB, Azat discussed with other prisoners the war in Ukraine and the actions of the anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky, who caused an explosion in the FSB building and died in 2018.

Vladimir Zolotarev has been sentenced to 18 years

July 28th the First Eastern Regional Court in Khabarovsk in the case of the burning of the National Guard building in Komsomolsk on the Amur. The 51-year old taxi-driver was found guilty of committing an "act of terrorism", even though no-one was harmed in the fire.

Alexey Rozhkov needs protection! Support the fundraiser

At the end of May, anarchist Alexey Rozhkov . Without observing the procedures under Kyrgyz law and international norms, officers from the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security kidnapped Alexey and took him to the Russian Federation, where he was detained by FSB officers.

Self-organize while they are fighting

Now, as this statement is being published, we still cannot fully predict the development of events around the “Wagner rebellion” in a relatively long-term view. But we can definitely expect two seemingly opposite trends: first, increased repression against ordinary citizens, not only by state security forces, and second, simultaneously, an increase in chaos, when the opposing sides leave people facing the problems that they themselves created.

Anarchist Black Cross Moscow update on anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners 19th of June 2023

Dear friends, welcome to our latest update!

This is long overdue. As usual, we start with (relatively) good news. Krasnoyarsk anarchists Danil Ivanov and Ilya Vinogradov . They were accused of ”robbery”, for paying a visit to a former comrade who had been seen hanging out with Nazis. Congratulations to Danil and Ilya for dodging prison!

Author columns

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