
Anarchy. Direct Action.

First of all, let me change the order of the story and start with our own, anarchic view of the situation: "Anarchy. Direct action " . Why? Because although instead of conversation, and you can use the stick, the words always retain their power. Words give the meaning of the surrounding reality for those who are willing to listen. They declare us the truth. And the truth is this: our country is going something wrong, is not it? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression, the prohibition of the right to protest a ban on thinking about the protest.Instead, we have - a system of external supervision and corporate media.

Documentary "The End of Civilization" (Franklin Lopez) 2011

If your native land captured by aliens, who have destroyed forests and poisoned food stocks, would you resist? If beings from outer space have made the water so toxic that you would not even think about might be to drink it, you would have tried to stop them? If the monster sprayed toxic chemicals that would cause cancer in people you love, you have fought with them? These are not empty questions. All this is happening now, except that there is no newcomers. Culture, groomed us from birth - a murderer.

Anarchism with a human face

Video interview with anarchist at gogol.tv: "He goes into the past odious image of gangster-anarchist who created the Soviet literature and cinema. The key idea of anarchism - the denial of institutions for political coercion and the ability of society to organize themselves - now comes to life in a variety of concepts and practices: from hitchhiking and informal communities to motions such as "Antifa".

The lesson of literature. Action to support civic activists persecuted by "extremist" articles in Irkutsk.

At night, February 5, Irkutsk anarchists posters adorned the walls of the city known "extremists" from which to watch passers-by "father of Russian literature - Pushkin, Gorky, Tolstoy, Mayakovsky - and in a very unambiguous terms to express their thoughts.

Graffiti campaign in the Crimea memory Stas Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

граффити в Крым

"And we are well aware that besides ourselves, we have no one else ever did not give this protection. Neither God nor king, nor the law. Nobody. Only we do. And then when we put each other's shoulder, when we able to protect each other - only then will we break through. I hope that it will be. Otherwise, we all gathered here in vain. " (Stanislav Markelov)

January 19, St. Petersburg, an invitation to participate

January 19, 2009 were killed by anti-fascists - a lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. They were killed in the heart of Moscow in broad daylight, shot in the head. Two years have passed. Their alleged killers were found and are awaiting trial. But during this time the situation with the Nazi terror has only worsened. The level of hatred in society increases, and the discriminatory policies of the State extends.

Released a special issue of the newspaper "The situation" № 28. Interest rates - the freedom Lesha and Max!

Ситуация номер 28

Special Issue represents a leaflet A3. Number by the campaign for the release of hostages Khimki - members of autonomous operation Alexei Gaskarova and antifascist Maxim Solopova. Download, print and distribute "situation" itself. The original-model attached to this news.

Videopriglashenie a rally on September 19 in Moscow

Химкинские заложники

September 19, 2010 at 16 o'clock in Moscow at the monument Griboyedov (m. Prudy) held a rally in support of activists and Alexey Maxim Solopova Gaskarova suspected of organizing attacks on the administration of the city of Khimki. Come and participate! Support our friends!

Site protection heemkinskih hostages

Let's start to change the world

Participants of the "autonomous operation - Tyumen" change the world around him, without asking permission from the authorities. July 10, we repaired the bridge over the highway in front of building thermal 2a through the streets of East passage.

Every day we go to school or work, bringing kids to school and kindergartens. Walking along the street, we inevitably encounter obstacles, with the unsettled, which prevents us first.

New brochure M. Insarova "Marxism and the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat"

Union of Revolutionary Socialists issued a pamphlet of the famous Russian theorist left Marlena Insarova "Marxism and the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat", where his works are collected in different years. Download and order a brochure, please click here

Released eighth newsletter of the "sailor's cap"

Was published in August newsletter of the "sailor's cap" (2 pages, A4), published by the Crimean group of autonomous operation.

Another "hot topic" is devoted to the situation in Sevastopol related

The "Crimean unrest" is about

Download the June issue of "caps" could be right here. Below is a file in pdf-format.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago