
Moscow region court has canceled to decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 15th of October the Moscow region court canceled the decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and sent the case to the Khimki city court to be re-examined by the 27th of October. Aleksei will remain in prison during this delay.

On the 8th of October the Moscow region court made a similar decision in relation to the second remand term in the Maxim Solopov case. His case will be re-examined by the Khimki city court tomorrow, the 18th of October. He remains in prison.

Anti-fascists in the Moscow region organized a march against the arrest of Maxim Solopova

Tomorrow, Monday 18 October at 11 am, Khimki Town Court povtorono considering the petition of the investigator on the content of Maxim Solopova custody.

We remind you that on October 8 a panel of judges of the Moscow Regional Court had quashed the Khimki City Court on the content of Maxim Solopova custody, that is, at this moment Maxim Solopov in custody unlawfully.

Antirepressivny march of anger

In Ufa was "Antirepressivny march of anger, October 16, the procession passed through the traditional route through the geographical center of the city - from the Palais des Sports to Lenin Square on the Avenue of October. Rain and snow in the damp October air burst chanting slogans protesting against the persecution of social activists in Russia and Belarus: "No to political repression," "Solidarity without Borders," "Freedom Dmitry Chuvilin / Andrey Kutuzov / Maxim and Alexei / Belarussian anarchists!

At Petrovka 38 from group "Barto" require clarification on the lyrics

группа Барто

I'm ready! Are you ready?
Setting fire to cars during the night cops?
It's like a rule of life, a sign of good taste
For those for whom the law - refuse.

This chorus of the song "Ready" group "Barto", with which Moscow elektropank-team spoke at the rally-concert in support of Khimki woods on Pushkin Square on August 22. Yesterday, the boys got a call from police department of Moscow - musicians suspected of extremism.

An attempt on life of anarchist anti-fascist in Moscow

антифашист и анархист В.Скопинцев

A 25-year old Vladimir Skopincev is registered in Troick, one of the numerous towns of Moscow region. He is an anarchist and known as the member of groups “PolitZek” and “Change the world without taking power”. Both groups have several thousands of fans. His photos and registration address were frequently posted on fascist web-pages, along with demands of execution.

Khimki court dismissed the case against Alexander Pakhotin. In Moscow press conference "security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists"

August 31 magistrate court Khimki district, Moscow region, Alexander Yatsyk considered the case of an administrative offense Pakhotin Alexander, who is accused of participating in protests in Khimki on st.20.2 Code of Administrative Offences (Violation of the order of organizing or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches or picketing "). The court decided to dismiss the case against Pakhotin, as his participation in the protest had not been proved.

In the Independent Press Center held a press conference campaign in defense of "Khimki hostages"

August 30 at the Independent Press Center on Prechistenka held in Moscow press conference , dedicated to large-scale persecution, which organized the law enforcement authorities in connection with the case of protest on July 28 before the administration of the city of Khimki.

Hunting security forces on anti-fascists coming to an end? Khimkinskiy court acquitted Alexander Pakhotin

August 31 magistrate Khimki city court Yatsyk Alexander V. terminated the administrative case against anti-fascist Alexander Pakhotin. It was reported, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Perhaps this was a consequence of information resonance after the press conference "security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists", held in Moscow on the eve of trial, August 30, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Recall Pakhotin was arrested Aug. 21 in Zhukovsky, Moscow region and taken to the ATS, theKhimki.

No commercialization and bashkirizatsii Education

Sept. 30 rally was held under the windows of Government House, despite the fact that the organizers of the event came to a written waiver in connection with that alleged in the building is the Constitutional Court and in front of him by law can not be held pickets. Instead, it was proposed to hold a protest rally in another part of town.

August 31 will be the trial of Alexander Pakhotin accused of participating in a protest near the city of Khimki Administration

August 31, 14-00 magistrate court plot N258 Khimki district, Moscow region court Olga Zabachinskaya consider the case of an administrative offense Alexander Pakhotin accused of "violating the established order of organizing or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing (st.20.2 h .1 of the Administrative Code of RF).

In Chelyabinsk, a rock festival attacked, hundreds of Nazis. According to unconfirmed reports the girl had died 14 years.

According to unconfirmed reports, there are casualties. IA Chelnov citing a source in law enforcement, wrote that from numerous stab wounds on the spot emergency dead girl 14 years.

Shooting vermin, or "why I did it." Suicide letter invalid, officials shot

 We publish excerpts from the suicide letter Sergei Rudakov - disabled, staged a shot in Nizhnetagilsk social insurance fund. The letter was made public on the site . We leave these passages without comment, and so everything is clear ... "I am sending you this letter in hopes that you will not give silence or distort my actions.

Participants of the anti-fascist camp of Germany expressed support for the struggle for Khimki forest and the release of prisoners

German anti-fascists turned to the participants of the Campaign for the release of hostages Khimkinskiy to transmit messages of solidarity rally participants in the protection Khimki woods August 22. Unfortunately, because of the paucity of time for each speaker at the rally that could not be done. Therefore we publish the text of the treatment of the German comrades who closely follow the criminal case against anti-fascists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova, as well as the situation around the Khimki woods.

Security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists. Press conference of the Campaign to protect the hostages Khimki

August 30, Monday, 12-00, Independent Press Center (st. Prechistenka, 17 / 9)
In a press conference:
- Alexander Bidin, antifascist, party campaign for Khimki hostages
- Alexander cast, a journalist of Novaya Gazeta, forcibly removed from trains and taken for questioning in Khimki
- Anastasia Huskey, organizer of the concert in Kostroma, torn out in force structures

Case Shavenkovoy. Flash-mob in Irkutsk

This evening was held in Irkutsk, a flash mob, on the situation
around the so-called "Case Shavenkovoy" thundered across the country. About
thirty people at the time actually blocked the vehicular traffic
in front of the regional administration, "walking" up and down

The reason for that street protest was the unprecedented, with
point of view of participants, the verdict of the Kirov District Court

Trimmed in Kostroma: more than 260 people were detained at a concert

Mass arrests turned the concert, which was to be held August 21 in Kostroma. He arrived at young people from across the country: from Izhevsk to Vladivostok, from Kazan to Petrozavodsk, not bypassing Moscow, St. Petersburg and other nearby towns. 2 hours before the concert to the pier began to peel off all of the available power: SWAT, Secret Service, Department E, Transportation militia outfits PPP and staff of operational departments.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago