
Dropkick Murphys recorded a new song in support of workers in Wisconsin!

In America not so much rock and roll groups, solidarity with the trade union movement as well as the . It is not surprising that the group released their new song "Take 'Em Down" in support of thousands of union workers of Wisconsin and their supporters protesting against the draconian budget plan, prinyatnogo governor of the state.

"Comrade Arkadi - new art song in red and black colors

This year they released their first album of new author's close to our ideas. The album featured nine songs performed with guitar accompaniment. Comrade Arkady before that for several years played in the infamous hardcore band, adhering to leftist ideas, but now switched to a different genre. Lyrics and poetry is quite acceptable level. The author has talent, and previous experience probably helps. On the subject of a socially-oriented lyrics. Particularly memorable song about menchendayzerov "Higher Education". Keep it up!

Short update of the recent repressions against anarchists in Belarus

As of right now four Belarussian anarchists are under arrest, accused of having organised a series of direct actions 2009-2010. 
Everything started long before this past September(2010). The years 2009-2010  were rich in radical actions claimed by Belarusian anarchists. Such as:
 *an illegal anti-militarist demonstration in Septeber 2009 against a mutual
 Russian-Belarusian war exercise,  when a Joint Staff was attacked with a smoke   grenade.

Sabotage at the plant FIAT in Poland

FIAT factory workers in the Polish town of Tychy damaged 300 cars last night. Act of sabotage was a damaged car in various ways, for example, in applying deep scratches keys podkladyvanii screws into the engines, cutting the cables and other types of damage. Leadership is now trying to find the saboteurs.


On February 11, IR-26 Volgograd 600 prisoners went on hunger strike in solidarity with the North Caucasian republics.

The reason for the strike served as a regular "preventive" raid, which occurred in the colony on the same day. In the barracks, where about 30 are serving sentences of convicts, accompanied by chief of security of the colony Vitaly Kursenkova and another officer - Sergei Pogorelov dropped special forces wearing masks.

Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Today on the 11th of February from 4 till 5 p.m. near the embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow there was a picket in support of antifascist Jock Palfreeman. In the action anarchists, including members of Autonomous Action, Confederation of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalists and International Workers Association took part. Members of the picket unwrapped the banner: «Life is an argument - against Nazism!» and two posters, one of them with the title: «FREEdom for Jock PalFREEman!» and another one with quote from the song «Our 14 words» of hardcore group What We feel: «Love and respect, tolerance, equality and brotherhood despite the skin color and wealth’s level!»

Video message of Ramadan Utarbieva

Publish a video message of Ramadan Utarbieva declared the federal wanted list in connection with the murder of Yegor Sviridov December 6, 2010. Sure that all who are deeply touched personally by this tragedy (the murder for us as anarchists - is always a tragedy), will be interested to read an alternative point of view, as always, ignored by corporate media.

Russian Anti-fascist prisoner Rinat Sultanov needs your support!

Rinat Sultanov was arrested in Saint-Petersburg of Russia 3rd of November, in eve of yet another “Day of People’s Unity”, most favourite Russian state holiday of the fascists, after a siege of appartment of anti-fascists which lasted several hours. He is accused according to statute 111 of Russian criminal codex, “Grievous bodily harm, caused with an intent”, for a fight with local fascists, which took place in autumn of year 2008.

Help Yaroslavl activists

Yaroslavl two activists anti-fascist movement urgently needs your help! Xenia Choi charged under Article 214, Part 2 of the Criminal Code.
Activists caught at 2 am, when they were stencils, gloves and masks. The department held for 6 hours, after which came from employees of the department of "E" and began to exert pressure, trying to knock out the testimony. Xenia took everything on himself. 12 hours after having been filled with paper, the activists were released. The apartment activist was searched. They confiscated the leaflets.

The lesson of literature. Action to support civic activists persecuted by "extremist" articles in Irkutsk.

At night, February 5, Irkutsk anarchists posters adorned the walls of the city known "extremists" from which to watch passers-by "father of Russian literature - Pushkin, Gorky, Tolstoy, Mayakovsky - and in a very unambiguous terms to express their thoughts.

Greece: anarchists of the "Thessaloniki four" at large

Anarchists of Greece reported the release of "Thessaloniki Quartet: group of activists were arrested after the anti-globalization protests in Thessaloniki in 2003. Four of his comrades, including anarchist from England by Simon Chapman, found not guilty (except for one minor offense) on charges of participating in protests during the EU summit and riots in Thessaloniki in 2003. All the activists at large.

In Barnaul, social activists detained

February 2 in Barnaul were detained two social activists, Malyshkin Daniel and Sundin Sergei. With respect to both activists were does not comment on the detention, despite the fact that the moment of detention has been more than a day, and in apartments detainees were searched, confiscated computers and literature. A search warrant was not signed by a judge, a lieutenant in the militia!

At a rally in Tyumen January 31 participants of "Autonomous Action" called for self-organization without leaders, and leaders

January 31 Tyumen anarchists and "AD-Tyumen took part in the rally" Strategy 31. " Of course, this does not mean that we support those who are usually associated activities under the "Strategy-31" - Eduard Limonov, Boris Nemtsov, etc. We do not advocate any ideology blurred okolopravoy NBP nor neoliberalism Nemtsov and other "opposition". We are confident that they will use quite righteous anger of people to themselves to come to power, nothing in this principle has not changed. We stand for a decisive movement towards a genuine direct democracy.

In Egypt, began anti-government riots

Egyptian police used tear gas to disperse the demonstration, members of which demanded the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak and for fundamental reforms in the country, reported Agence France-Presse.

Despite the presence of 20,000 police officers armed with batons, water cannons and other special funds, tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in the central Tahrir Square under national flags and anti-government slogans.

Anarchist solidarity in Greek: the four actions of solidarity for two nights

Below we present the message of our allies from Greece, which held a series of radical actions over the weekend to express support for their imprisoned comrades. In Belarus, as many of our associates, scammers, anarchists, are languishing in jails. They need your solidarity, and the Greeks set an excellent example of how this solidarity can be expressed.

News from "American"

In a few days 2 months since then, as in . A few days later his parents discovered in the KGB jail, where he was taken in violation of all norms of international law on deportation and extradition. Igor accused of involvement in .


This story started at the end of 2008. I was resigning from one company that deals with transportation between Russia and Ossetia. As many others – I was looking for a better job and I was also tired of working on “GAZel” (Russian mini-bus). I have chosen a large respected company – CJSC DHL International. Only later I understood that it is “a full fucking International”. I was thoroughly collecting all references and documents of medical examination as I have never worked before in such a large company. Moreover, I really appreciated the conditions I was offered: good car fleet, nutrition, official uniform, employment benefits, good stable salary. Just a dream! So I collected all the documents and fulfilled work during the probation period. I started to work and receive money for my work. First time I got very tired. Moscow roads – you understand. But I stayed tolerant as I was paid money! It was time for my first vacation in this company. I was allowed to have vacation, what else could they do – it is done this way almost everywhere.

Street battles are continuing over the playground

Spirit of the 63rd again in the streets. Jan. 27 at about 10 am in the courtyard of houses 63, 63 / 1, 63 / 2, 61 / 1 and 61 / 2 on Prospekt Oktyabrya arrived workers employed nabivshim SOMoStroya nauseam, as well as guards PSE "Wolfhound". They have begun work on installing the construction fence at the playground. But residents in conjunction with the activists of Autonomous Action, and the Left Front has once again provided a resistance.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago