Соб. кор.

In Tyumen, in memory of Anastasia and Stas laid flowers at the monument to the fighters of the Revolution

In Tyumen, January 19 Rally memory of those killed by the Nazis anti-fascists - a lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

About twenty people gathered at six o'clock in the evening at a monument to the fighters of the revolution: the Tyumen anti-fascists, anarchists, journalists and simply indifferent. On the pedestal of the monument to put photos of Nastya and Stas. Participants lit candles and laid red carnations to the portraits. Despite the wind, the candles were burning, even when the action ended. See below for video from the rally.

Presentation of the book on Markelov in Irkutsk

Today, 18 January, in the Irkutsk Regional Library. Molchanov-Siberian An open book presentation on Markelov "Nobody except me."

According to one of the organizers, "the date for the presentation was not chosen by chance. Tomorrow, January 19, marks exactly 2 years since the assassination of Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. Thus, we would like to once again draw attention to this tragic event, and most importantly - for reasons due to which it has become possible. "

Graffiti campaign in the Crimea memory Stas Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

граффити в Крым

"And we are well aware that besides ourselves, we have no one else ever did not give this protection. Neither God nor king, nor the law. Nobody. Only we do. And then when we put each other's shoulder, when we able to protect each other - only then will we break through. I hope that it will be. Otherwise, we all gathered here in vain. " (Stanislav Markelov)

FSC law is not written: the only member arrested picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov

Party to rally in support of Andrei Kutuzov and three journalists illegally detained during the pickets on Lubyanka ploschadi.Uchastnitsu picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov and three journalists illegally detained during the pickets on Lubyanka Square.
Men in civilian clothes is not introducing himself took piketchitsu and journalists in the waiting room of the FSB, which rewrote the passport data. After some time the police came after them from the ATS Meschanskoy.

The campaign for free transport FREE PUBLIC - continues!

стикер за бесплатный общественный транспорт

Despite the promise of the authorities to change the situation for the better after the appointment of the director KP "SEVELEKTROAVTOTRANS" owner taxi Tsybulkin, the situation remains critical in the enterprise. Fares went up, but there are arrears of wages to employees, the park is not updated with new cars, recreation companies on the South Coast for sale for "pennies" timetable trolley adapts to benefit shuttle "king".

Open your eyes! - Action to support children's home

Jan. 4 The regular action "Open your eyes!". The event takes place every year, and his goal is to help the orphanage. Share spend Irkutsk punk rock musicians and Anarchists. This time was planned trip to the regional children's home city Slyudyanka. Young people organized a collection of toys, children's clothes, and bought the balls for soccer and basketball games for the development and children's books.

Center for E ripped the anti-fascist concert in Kazan

Today is December 26 in Kazan was planned anti-fascist concert, which had planned his speech more than 9 bands of Tatarstan. The event was not intended as a political, its aim was to present the new album "Years in vain is not lost." As well as pre-Christmas show. Instead, the employees of the center E was a call organizers of the concert, which required to provide information about the participants and to cancel this event, that the employees were denied.

Moscow anarchists marched in defense of their Belarusian colleagues

Today, Dec. 12, about 30 anarchists and anti-fascists in Moscow conducted an illegal procession. Around 8 pm, with a column covering the street Fire and signal flare went on Maroseyka by the Belarusian embassy, chanting "Freedom for Belarus anarchists," "Putin and Luke freaks, anarchists to freedom," "Games in the policy - the case by a condom!" and other slogans. The protesters carried a banner "We demand an end to repression against Maxim Vetkin, Dedkov Nicholas, Alexandra Frantskevych, Igor Olinevicha" black and red flags.

Food Not Bombs in Irkutsk, expressed solidarity with the Belarusian anarchist

This afternoon, in the center of Irkutsk, the anarchists of the Initiative Food Not Bombs held a rally in solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Belarus. Participants in the initiative have fed a dozen homeless people free hot vegetarian soup. Near the site of action anarchists placed the banner: "Freedom of Belarusian activists!" and handed out leaflets about a hundred passers-by and the homeless. Despite the bitter cold enough passersby eagerly took flyers.


Collective session Steam

Today in Moscow Manege Square several thousand people gathered to express a protest. The rally was dedicated to the memory of Egor Sviridov, fans Spartak Moscow, who was murdered on December 6 in a scuffle with Caucasians. Organizers are encouraged to avoid the Nazi slogan "because most likely this is a provocation scum", but murder will out, and a core set of chants was: "Moscow - Russian city," "We are Slavs," "Only Russian, only the victory!" Russian's time to fight back, one for all and all for one! "

In Irkutsk, held the second rally against the Commercialization of Education

Yesterday, on November 27 in Irkutsk again Picket against the commercialization of education and health. By the protesters also joined activist parents' children - in the garden! ". Participants of the rally handed out to passers-two hundred copies of the special issue of the newspaper "Free Siberia and leaflets explaining its position.

In Moscow there was action in memory of Ivan Khutorskoi

On the night of 20 to 21 November in the metro area Tsaritsyno group of anarchists and anti-fascists had been painted 11 meter graffiti "Ivan." Anarchist and antifascist, who was killed by the system. 17.02.1983 - 16.11.2009.
Also on 21 November, on the Garden Ring Road were stuck stands.

Picket against commercialization of education

In Irkutsk Picket against education reforms. The action was attended by about ten people. Anarchists are handed out to passers-special edition of the newspaper "Free Siberia" devoted to education reform. Several passersby said they would support the campaign against the commercialization of education and to participate in future promotions.


November 20 at 12:00 am on the area of Labor, next to the Circus, held an information picket on the reform of education. The picket organized by the initiative group of citizens. The action will be attended by about ten people, among them representatives of social organizations, teachers, students and anarchists.
The main purpose of protesters - to convey information about the negative side of education reform and the new Federal Law No.83, of impending layoffs and reductions in the state of teachers in secondary schools, as well as deterioration of the education system.

Small Khimki in the Chersonese

акция в Херсонесе

Today, 14 November, in Sevastopol on the reserve Chersonese rally residents against the construction of houses on the site. Several hundred people (have been collected about 400 signatures) organized themselves (through local forums and personal communication) for a rally against illegal building of the reserve. At the site the expected development was a fence enclosing the space under construction.

Meeting on November 7 in Irkutsk

Normal 0 November 7 Irkutsk anarchists came to the traditional meeting between the CPRF and black-and-red flag and banner of "In the seventeenth did not ask for a take!". While it sounded from the podium in support of Lukashenko Batko, anarchists had distributed leaflets with information about those arrested after the attack, unknown to the Russian embassy Belarusian activists. It seems that the popularity of Lukashenka, even among supporters of the Communist Party went into decline, the protesters on the leaflets completely reacted favorably.

Art and Anarchy

On Thursday 11 November (20.00-22.00) in the shop "Gilea (Tverskaya Boulevard, 9) in the regular Gileyskih readings by a discussion on" Art and Anarchy. The discussion will include a presentation of the first Russian edition of "Anarchy in the era of dinosaurs" (published by "Gilea). The authors - an American team of "Curious George Brigade, affiliated with a network of collectives CrimethInc.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago