Беспредел власти

Anarchists and anti-fascists in Moscow defeated the administration of Khimki Khimki felled timber

According to local residents, about 20.00 a group of young people, numbering from 400 to 500 people attacked the administration of Khimki. Young people chanted slogans: "Defend Russian forest", "Strelchenko (Chapter Khimki signed a decree on the construction of logging roads), hands off from the forest", etc. Having a column from the commuter train station and in front of him carrying a huge tranparant "Protecting our forest from the Nazi occupiers!", young people, according to eyewitnesses, the building started throwing stones and smoke bombs.

Ukrainian miners can start an underground strike

In the Donetsk region of two miners Enakievo mines "Red Trade Union" and "Young communard intend to tomorrow not rise to the surface, demanding repayment of debts on wages. This was reported in the press-service Pofsoyuza workers in the coal industry of Ukraine, has been reported that today the personnel of these mines at the general meeting decided to 08.00. tomorrow (July 27) does not rise to the surface as long as there is no paid three-month salary arrears.

Kazakhstan: state repression against the rising labor movement

The situation in Kazakhstan worse. The workers especially in the enterprises of oil and gas sector has not abated, and gaining its momentum. The epicenter of the action becomes a western Kazakhstan, where the number of labor disputes from March of this year increased, and a prime example for the workers was a successful spring mass strike zhanaozenskih oil. Radicalization of demands and militant demonstrations and strikes were met with arrests by the authorities and the courts over the leaders of the protesting workers.

The attack on forest defenders Khimki

July 23, 2010 Camp Forest Defenders Khimki (Moscow region). About 5 am surrounded a detachment of 40 men, similar to football fans in white masks who said they were ready to "kill and clean." After that the cutting of forests for "protection" of these mercenaries, who use tactics and attributes specific to football fans - private individuals, sports wear and special bandages on his hands. It is known that the vast majority of Russian hooligans - supporters of the neo-fascist ideology.

Single picket ended in the police department

20 July activist "Autonomous Action UFA went to a single rally support in the fight for their rights dwellers Parkhomenko, 69, 71, 73, Kirova 45, 43, 43 / 1; Dostoevsky 106, 106 / 1 Ufa. Earlier, the autonomous action of Ufa, with the support of sympathizers are already held a picket to draw attention of the authorities and the public to the problem of point buildings, but there was no response, and the construction of a multistory building on the site of the playground still not stopped.More

In Bashkortostan replaced president. Trying to ensure "a decent old age" - no match for an ordinary Russian pensioners

Expected at an emergency meeting of the State Assembly of Bashkortostan Rakhimov statement on his resignation on July 15 and did not hear because of the absence of the president himself. Having assembled in order to fire resorts State Assembly deputies were puzzled. A disappointed look and State Duma deputy Andrei Nazarov, and not enjoy the spectacle, as the defeated enemy would sign the act of surrender, and something to babble in his own defense.

15 July in Moscow, recalled Natalia Estemirova and victims of political terror

July 15 About 50 people took part in a picket in central Moscow to mark the anniversary of the murder human rights activist Natalya Estemirova. Estemirova was kidnapped and killed July 15, 2009 in Chechnya. A year later, law enforcement has reported on completion of the investigation - they all blame lies with the militants Alhazura Bashaeva, which, according to police, was killed in November 2009.

Organizers of the exhibition "Forbidden Art-2006 were found guilty

June 12 Tagansky district court in Moscow has sentenced Andrei Erofeev, curator of the exhibition "Forbidden Art 2006", and Yuri Samodurov, the former in 2007, the museum director to them. Sakharov, which hosted the exhibition. Both iskustvoveda were found guilty of "inciting hatred and enmity" and "humiliation of human dignity" and sentenced to fines of 150 and 200 thousand rubles. The criminal case was initiated at the request of participants in the movement "People's Cathedral", which viewed the exhibits of the exhibition insulting the Orthodox religion and the Orthodox believers.

There was questioning Rustam Fakhretdinova

July 13 Tyumen journalist, member of the movement "independent action" Rustam Fakhretdinov was questioned by investigators of the Investigation Department of the investigative committee of the Procuracy of the Russian Federation in the Tyumen region, Konstantin Zaikov. Fakhretdinova notified that he is a suspect in a criminal case for publication in the newspaper "The Evening Tyumen in 2008 , the articles "Tsentralka for what ruined me ..." and "Flowers of the police department of the Central-3.

Sociologists have found that the inhabitants of Moscow are better than "maritime guerrilla. Excuse me, in their view, Internet

And where the main channel of information - TV, they are considered criminals.
The study population ratio Russia for an armed gang of six men who had attacked on policemen in Primorye, strikingly at variance with the results of opinion survey of Muscovites. Banda "maritime guerrilla" aroused great sympathy Muscovites (46%) than among Russians in general (22%). In Moscow, maritime group endorsed 10% of respondents, against the all-Russian 3%. In the country 52% of Russians condemn the actions of the guerrillas, and in Moscow, only 9%, according to the Levada Center.

In Tyumen the search for "extremists"

The activist "autonomous action" in Tyumen was searched, a criminal case. 12 July, 7-30 am to 10 am in the apartment of an activist movement "Autonomous Action", a journalist Rustam Fakhretdinova being searched for "the purpose of removing documents and literature of an extremist. A search was conducted staff the center of the E and the investigative committee of the Prosecutor's Office in the absence of Rustam.

Greece: general strike paralyzed the country

July 8, in Greece was a general strike directed against the plans of the country's governments to push through parliament a package "anti-crisis laws" imposed by the IMF and the EU, to assume the scale of postdiktatorsky period in the history of the country, attack on the rights of workers and pensioners: sokrashenie social rasshodov budget cuts in wages and pensions, increase the retirement age, the deterioration of labor laws. The strike virtually paralyzed the public transport in the country.Been completely paralyzed public transport. Did not work underground, buses and trams arose. Was closed the biggest Greek port of Piraeus and Athens International Airport.

The Ukrainian authorities obstruct the working of the company "Ferrexpo"

Kyiv district administrative court banned the All-Ukrainian union, People's Solidarity "in the conduct of a protest against the actions of the company Ferrexpo, aimed at depriving the workers controlled by it Poltava ore mining and processing of their pension benefits.

July 9 in Kiev will be held court over one of the applicants co-organizers of the march on June 10 the campaign there was no police state

More recently, in Ukraine stronger protests of citizens who are outraged killings and torture in the police and arbitrariness on the part of law enforcement officials, who by law must protect the citizens. At the moment the authorities want to prosecute innocent people - the organizers of the protests on trumped-up protocols on administrative violations.

Continued action against the authoritarian state in Ternopil

July 5 Left student activists of Ternopol, as well as friends from Kiev and Lviv was held a rally against the establishment of an authoritarian state. Protestors opposed to the introduction of electronic student cards, restrictions on freedom of mass assembly and once again expressed their solidarity with the defenders of the Gorky Park in Kharkov.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago