Беспредел власти

The phenomenon of "maritime guerrilla becomes nationwide

It seems that the phenomenon of "maritime guerrilla" became popular in Russia. Satellite just a few weeks after the tragic events in the Maritime Territory, Perm in the Urals and Bashkortostan according to several media launched an organized group, a similar "seaside guerrillas." June 12 was attacked by a post near the town Suksun DPS (highway Perm-Ekaterinburg), July 3, were shot Inspector DPS in Bashkortostan.

By shooting against a criminal case, because the accused judge untouchable for life

Prosecutors saw no fault of the judges of the court of Kiev Darnytsa Volk in a shooting incident that occurred in the village Bobritsa Kanev district of Cherkasy region. According to local media, the judge gave to the gay riot at a local coffee shop while firing an entire clip in his pistol "Makarov" a local resident, Alexander. The youth was hospitalized with gunshot wounds, he is in intensive care.

Russian state expertise said that words of the late left-wing lawyer Stanislav Markelov are "extremist"

Andrey Kutuzov, Tyumen State University reader and anarchist, who is suspected of public calls for extremist action (felony in Russia), was finally given a copy of expertise of his books and other materials, seized during search at his flat. An expert of criminal lab of Federal Security Service (FSB) in Sverdlovsk region Svetlana Mochalova, in particular, analyzed article "Patriotism as a diagnosis" by Stanislav Markelov and several other articles published in the Avtonom magazine No. 31. Based on this analysis, the expert concludes that the magazine "contains information of extremist orientation - namely, forceful change of  constitutional order and violation of the integrity of the Russian Federation, inciting of social  discord, violation of liberties and legitimate interests of people and citizens according to their social class".

Full text of the expertise.

Tyumen: people fall under the KAMAZ trucks in the fight against the barbaric construction

In Tyumen the confrontation on the street dwellers Logunov and businessmen who supported the city administration decided to build an office building directly on the site of the green zone. Yesterday, 23 June, there took place gathering of tenants who are unhappy with the construction of new office building on-site garden and playground. After listening to the officials who confessed to ban the construction of powerlessness, people realized that the only formal ways nothing will not achieve. And decided atchange more directly.

Antiekstremizm in Magadan

In the distant and cold Magadan virtually no political life. But there is a local center combating political extremism, which needs good indicators in detection. In the struggle for the staff of the Center are often indicators of ingenuity and resourcefulness. Thus, on 23 June, right on the work of Magadan was detained journalist and social activist Eugene Buzev known for its anti-fascist political police attitudes.

Tyumen FSB secret from the public examination of the "extremist" leaflets

Tyumen anarchist party "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, suspected of spreading "incorrect", an extremist leaflets, and his defender Alex Ladin decided to take on the "public trial" the infamous document, the underlying criminal case Kutuzov. Achieve expert opinion on the leaflet from the FSB lawyer Kutuzov could not, for two months, despite the fact that the investigator submits that this conclusion was made even before the arrest of Andrei Kutuzov.The leaflet, which was in the file, you can see in the picture at the end of this news. From the one that was distributed at the rally against the tyranny of the police and the center of the "E", it has text interspersed, which stylistically totally different from the rest of the text and are recognized by the naked eye.

In Ukraine intend to introduce monetization

In Ukraine, it would be advisable to monetize and unify the benefits. This statement was made at a briefing in Kharkov, First Deputy Head of Presidential Administration, Executive Secretary of the Committee of economic reforms Irina Akimova after an open meeting of the Kharkiv Regional Committee for economic reforms.

Center "E" again excited. At this time in Irkutsk

The victim of the operatives of the Centre for Combating Extremism was the 30-year-old Alex Malinin. His attempt to deprive of liberty for a crime he did not commit. For Alexei excited criminal case under the number 37812 on UD-st.116 Part 1 of the Criminal Code, namely beating without causing injury. Alex is a man with active citizenship, engaged in authorized shares to protect the rights and freedoms, the environment and animals.

The court banned the rally "for free public transport"

May 29 picket Square Povstantsiv Crimean group "Autonomous Action" launched a campaign "FOR FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Carrying picket was timed to the intention of the city authorities to raise fares on public transport, in particular to raise fares in the city trolley with the current tariff 75 kopecks to 1 hryvnia. About these intentions deputy chairman of City Administration Igor Loktionov.

"In Irkutsk, a war of management companies for the redistribution of property - are suffering residents of homes"

June 7, 2010 in the neighborhood Sunny, the city of Irkutsk was an attempt to raid the premises belonging to capture tenants № 1. The house is served by a management company "DOST", registered in Angarsk. Her tenants have chosen.

For that to die in peacetime? In Moscow Picket against appeal

Today, from 16:00 to 17:30 at the main military prosecutor's office anarchists and anti-militarist picket was organized against the draft. The picket was a reaction to the death of Omsk draftee Roman Suslov, who on May 22 was found hanged in a toilet train Moscow-Vladivostok.

Based on a "case of Sokolniki see Friday

This Friday, June 11 at 20.00 on REN-TV half-hour film will be shown in the case of Vsevolod Ostapova. Recall that the campaign for student Vsevolod Ostapova is already more than two years. During this time, there have been over a hundred shares - pickets, rallies, with the help of which have been repeatedly pointed out the absurdity of the charges against the young man.

Call for international solidarity with the miners of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region

On the night of May, 8 a powerful explosion ripped through the Russia's largest coal mine Raspadskaya near the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region, followed by another methane blast 4 hours later. Several ground-based structures were destroyed by the double blast which also led to the ventilation system being rendered inoperative. The exact death toll is still unknown. Currently, official media reported 66 workers dead, 84 injured and 24 missing. A sudden excess of level of methane is said to have caused the explosion.

14 antifa were lawlessly arrested by Special Police Forces, examined and tortured by members of Anti-extremism Department

1 of May in Nizhny Novgorod became a real show-off of police brutality.
 At 10 a.m. group of antifa were arrested by police officers at the Minin's square, took to the police division and called in question by members of Antiextremism Department. One of the members of Anti-extremism Department told the detained, that he don't give a damn for his rights and he's ready to wipe his ass with constitution. Detained were charged with unsanctioned action. But no action was there, those guys were going to take part in legal demonstration, which traditionally is held by the Left on Minin's square at 1 of May.

A frameup against anarchist in Tyumen, Siberia

In evening of 14th of April officers of Center of Counteraction Against Extremism (“Center E”) in Tyumen region searched house and arrested for 48 hours local anarchist and member of Autonomous Action Andrey Kutuzov. According to friends of Andrey, pretext of the arrest was a leaflet, which Center E officers considered “extremist”. Friends of Andrey say that leaflet was planted during the search. Andrey Kutuzov and Rustam Fahretdninov were arrested in January of 2009 for “political vandalism”, eventually criminal case against them was closed due to “lack of proof”. This history resulted a criminal case against officers of “Center E”, who back then beat up one of the arrested. 

Actions vs. repressions

Short film Actions vs. repressions gives a voice to Russian anti-authoritarian activists from Autonomous Action of St. Petersburg and Ufa, Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow and St. Petersburg and Vsevolod Ostapov, who got brutalised by Police in April of 2007 and whose case became a rallying cry for a significiant campaign against police brutality in Moscow during last two years.

Anarchist murdered by the police in Athens

35 year-old comrade Lambros Foundas was murdered by cops on Wednesday morning in the suburb of Dafni (south Athens).

The police claims that he was a “terrorist” and that he was shot while trying to steal a car, and that was carrying firearms. Fountas was one of the over 500 anarchists arrested at the Polytechnic riots of 1995, in Athens.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago