Беспредел власти

In protest, the Chinese refugees climbed onto the roof of the immigration center in Sydney

In Sydney, nine refugees from China climbed to the roof of the immigration center, and threatened to jump down if they were granted political asylum. A group of nine men aged 20 to 30 years, including a pregnant woman, climbed onto the roof at about 8 am on Wednesday , September 22, local time. They require a review of their cases immigration center. In case of failure is one of the refugees promised to jump off the roof. The deadline for the protesters called 14:30 Thursday.

In protest, the Chinese refugees climbed onto the roof of the immigration center in Sydney

In Sydney, nine refugees from China climbed to the roof of the immigration center, and threatened to jump down if they were granted political asylum. A group of nine men aged 20 to 30 years, including a pregnant woman, climbed onto the roof at about 8 am on Wednesday , September 22, local time. They require a review of their cases immigration center. In case of failure is one of the refugees promised to jump off the roof. The deadline for the protesters called 14:30 Thursday.

Cheboksary: The action of solidarity with Khimki hostages.

September 20, Cheboksary, became a day of action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Day in Cheboksary universities activists distributed a leaflet "The situation № 28" (it was distributed about 400 copies). Marposadskoe evening on the highway (one of the main roads in Cheboksary), on the railway bridge were placed banner "No to Repression" and "Freedom Khimki hostages.

The action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages" in Kazan

In Kazan action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages. These days, we decided to inform the widest possible group of people about what country we live in, that the repression goes for what you say and what you have public activist. In the absence of independent media in the course are simple methods, leaflets, stickers, stencils on the wall, almost all the days of graffiti and hanging banners. But the completion of all was to 2uh pickets at the same time in different parts of the city.

In Irkutsk the action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages.

Irkutsk has joined the campaign for the release of Alexey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova detained on false charges of destruction of the administration city of Khimki Moscow. Today, 19 September from 15 to 16.chasov street Uritskogo Irkutsk anarchists and anti-fascists held a rally under the slogan: "Freedom Khimki hostages!". Also, an action supported by "green" from the organization Baikal movement. On the picket came about 25 people. Protesters handed out 400 leaflets.

Released a special issue of the newspaper "The situation" № 28. Interest rates - the freedom Lesha and Max!

Ситуация номер 28

Special Issue represents a leaflet A3. Number by the campaign for the release of hostages Khimki - members of autonomous operation Alexei Gaskarova and antifascist Maxim Solopova. Download, print and distribute "situation" itself. The original-model attached to this news.

14-16 October 2010 - The Days Of International Actions of Solidarity with Belorussian political prisoners!

We, anarchists of Moscow, call to all honest people all over the world for actions of boycott and protest against embassies of Belarus Republic and every other institution related to the Belarussian government! Total mobilisation for solidary actions is nesessary, because our comrades still remain in chains of Lukashenko fascist regime. Their names: Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Tatsiana Sieminishchava, Uladzimier Valodzin and Alexandar Bugaev. We have every reason to believe, that ruling hangmen try to vent their anger and cruelty on these people.

The authorities of Russia once again allowed a labor dispute with the help of riot

Lawlessness businessmen, employers, over-consumption and the cynical abuse of power bodies, the so-called rule of law - with the power of capital is not uncommon. The most popular reason of labor disputes - pay, then there is a desire on the one hand to get it, and another - without it. Plays often the first side - employees ... unless of course they can not be solved at the last measure - strike!

The Cuban government on the path of reform ... against workers

The Cuban government is going to cut 500,000 jobs in the public sector by March next year, to give the opportunity to develop private business. Such a move local and foreign media called unprecedented and remind us that this practice was not in 1960.

19 September in Moscow will host a rally for the release of hostages Khimki

September 19, at 16 00, near the monument Griboyedov m. Net ponds, will rally in support of activists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova suspected of organizing attacks on the administration of the city of Khimki. July 28, 2010 in front of the administration in the city of Khimki Moscow more than 200 young anti-fascists and anarchists held a spontaneous demonstration in support of Khimki timber, which in those days were cut down for the needs of big business. The action, during which several windows were smashed, received wide public response.

Parents of Alexei Gaskarov not give to see his son

The investigation into the massacre of Khimki Administration is in full swing. Suspects Alex Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov nearly a month in jail Mozhaisk. Parents do not allow us to see Alexei without explanation. "Last time we glimpse as whether Alyosha August 3, the day of the second meeting, - says Irina Gaskarova. - Since we could not get a single interview. During the month we were denied without explanation. Senior investigative team has promised to talk with his superiors.

Belarus: the detention of activists continued on September 8

Morning, Sept. 8, 2010 were detained and placed in Akrestsin two more of our friends - Tatiana Semenischeva (which had already been sent home after being detained and searched on September 7) and Vladimir Volodin, the Belarusian anarchist and libertarian activist. Tatiana suspected of involvement in the incident near the Russian Embassy. Vladimir Volodin - to arson door Branch Belarusbank May 1, 2010. As in the previous seven detainees, young people are social activists.

Attack of the anarchists in the IVS Akrestsin

In Minsk on September 6 by a group of anarchists was attacked by Molotov cocktails, a temporary detention facility on Akrestin. After radical action near the Russian embassy repressive organs of the state launched an unprecedented raid on the anarchists and other social activists across the country. Insulators are filled with all new detainees. This is mainly children who have no relation to the radical actions and engaged in peaceful advocacy of their views and participation in social initiatives. Now they sew things and hang all that is possible.

At Petrovka 38 from group "Barto" require clarification on the lyrics

группа Барто

I'm ready! Are you ready?
Setting fire to cars during the night cops?
It's like a rule of life, a sign of good taste
For those for whom the law - refuse.

This chorus of the song "Ready" group "Barto", with which Moscow elektropank-team spoke at the rally-concert in support of Khimki woods on Pushkin Square on August 22. Yesterday, the boys got a call from police department of Moscow - musicians suspected of extremism.

Social activists were kidnapped by cops in Minsk, Belarus

Today (3-rd of September 2010) at morning our friends and comrades were kidnapped by police. Six people are missing. We manage to get know about their kidnapping only several hours later from their neighbors which said that unknown people in police uniform took away everybody situating the apartment. Fate of these people is still unknown this moment. Nobody responds to cell telephone calls. Any attempts to get know something about their location in Minsk police departments give no result, cause cops deny any involvement in this event.

An attempt on life of anarchist anti-fascist in Moscow

антифашист и анархист В.Скопинцев

A 25-year old Vladimir Skopincev is registered in Troick, one of the numerous towns of Moscow region. He is an anarchist and known as the member of groups “PolitZek” and “Change the world without taking power”. Both groups have several thousands of fans. His photos and registration address were frequently posted on fascist web-pages, along with demands of execution.

Khimki court dismissed the case against Alexander Pakhotin. In Moscow press conference "security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists"

August 31 magistrate court Khimki district, Moscow region, Alexander Yatsyk considered the case of an administrative offense Pakhotin Alexander, who is accused of participating in protests in Khimki on st.20.2 Code of Administrative Offences (Violation of the order of organizing or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches or picketing "). The court decided to dismiss the case against Pakhotin, as his participation in the protest had not been proved.

In the Independent Press Center held a press conference campaign in defense of "Khimki hostages"

August 30 at the Independent Press Center on Prechistenka held in Moscow press conference , dedicated to large-scale persecution, which organized the law enforcement authorities in connection with the case of protest on July 28 before the administration of the city of Khimki.

Hunting security forces on anti-fascists coming to an end? Khimkinskiy court acquitted Alexander Pakhotin

August 31 magistrate Khimki city court Yatsyk Alexander V. terminated the administrative case against anti-fascist Alexander Pakhotin. It was reported, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Perhaps this was a consequence of information resonance after the press conference "security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists", held in Moscow on the eve of trial, August 30, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Recall Pakhotin was arrested Aug. 21 in Zhukovsky, Moscow region and taken to the ATS, theKhimki.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago