
Italian students seized the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum

Italian students participating in protests against the university reform, was released from the siege of Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, which was under their control within three hours.

Historic Landmark, which is included in UNESCO's World Heritage list, is not affected. Day of demonstrators descended slogans protest slogans from the last level of the tower, and built around the "human shield" by cutting off access to tourists.

Transport strike took place in Greece

At Thursday, November 25, 2010 in Athens urban transport workers, unhappy with government plans to restructure the transport companies on a warning strike. The strike was aimed against possible layoffs at state-owned companies in the private sector and affected four million vehicles in the Athens metropolitan area - according to tradition, buses, trams, metro and suburban railway strike on different schedules.

Protests from Ukrainian students union "Unity"

Tuesday 09/11/1910 Students from the Independent Students' Union "Unity" (the student wing of the General Confederation of Labour anarcho-syndicalists), and sympathizers held a rally in seven Ukrainian cities: Kiev, Lugansk, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Gorlovka (Donetsk region ).

Russian Embassy Attacked (Montreal, Quebec)

 Embassy Attacked

The Russian Embassy in Montreal, Canada had it`s windows smashed and paint thrown against it`s facade. This action took place during the days of solidarity called for over November 12th-15th in solidarity with those facing respression in the aftermath of the militant defense of the khimki old growth forest in Russia.

Freedom for ALL prisoners from Russia to Canada!


Picket against commercialization of education

In Irkutsk Picket against education reforms. The action was attended by about ten people. Anarchists are handed out to passers-special edition of the newspaper "Free Siberia" devoted to education reform. Several passersby said they would support the campaign against the commercialization of education and to participate in future promotions.

They ohu.elki ... or freedom of the hostages Khimki

Within days of united action against the prosecution of Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarov in Ufa was a protest picket. He was held in pouring rain and dank autumn wind. Law enforcement, ignoring its responsibility to "protect" the public event disappeared in government vehicles.

More to read on the site of blood pressure Ufa

YSU students have announced a rally of solidarity with Nicholas Dedkov

Students of the European Humanities University and the Youth Initiative StudAlliance announced an indefinite campaign of solidarity with the student at YSU Nicholas Dedkov, which is already two and a half months is held in custody. About this BelaPAN reported in the press service StudAlliance.

Small Khimki in the Chersonese

акция в Херсонесе

Today, 14 November, in Sevastopol on the reserve Chersonese rally residents against the construction of houses on the site. Several hundred people (have been collected about 400 signatures) organized themselves (through local forums and personal communication) for a rally against illegal building of the reserve. At the site the expected development was a fence enclosing the space under construction.

10:10:10 and 350.org: Marketing, Manipulation, and the Status Quo

As we stand on the edge of apocalypse, we must wake up and acknowledge what the big greens are not saying is far more important than what they are saying. Excerpts from a controversial new book to be released 2010-2011. Article one in a series, we discuss the connection between environmental campaigns and their corporate sponsors. 

France: Protests and repression

Blois. Morning of November 9, students of the Lyceum Dessen blocked chairs and chains of the two main entrance to the building in protest against pension reform. After negotiations, they agreed to put 7.15 in high school staff, but the administration deceived the students, taking advantage of this to open one of the inputs. Then she called the police. Although the blockade was peaceful, the police without provocation attacked the students, verbally abused, punched and threw them on the ground ... Grenoble.

Meeting on November 7 in Irkutsk

Normal 0 November 7 Irkutsk anarchists came to the traditional meeting between the CPRF and black-and-red flag and banner of "In the seventeenth did not ask for a take!". While it sounded from the podium in support of Lukashenko Batko, anarchists had distributed leaflets with information about those arrested after the attack, unknown to the Russian embassy Belarusian activists. It seems that the popularity of Lukashenka, even among supporters of the Communist Party went into decline, the protesters on the leaflets completely reacted favorably.

November 4, in Kazan - Day of unity against Nazism and xenophobia

In Kazan, the day was truly the day of unity. The top ten cities of our country passed the "Russian March" in which under the guise of patriotism involved a huge number of Nazi organizations and movements. Their slogan "Russia for the Russian" calls to expel all "non-Russian" from Russia and clearly infringes on the rights of most other nationalities in our country.

Nizhny Novgorod without Nazism!

On November 4, Nizhny Novgorod, pl. Freedom of young people gathered to protest against the dominance of right-wing and neo-Nazis in the streets of our city. Despite the bad weather event brought together dozens of anti-fascists, anarchists, and just concerned citizens. Activists holding 3 banners: "Stop the Nazi Terror," against all forms of discrimination and exploitation "," Go out into the street bring back a city, handing out leaflets to people passing on the position of the protesters.

In Irkutsk, held a march and rally in support of Lake Baikal, Khimki and Utrish

November 6 at 14:00 in the city of Irkutsk held a march and rally in the All-Russian action "for Lake Baikal, for Utrish for Khimki woods! - For our native nature! ". Gathering participants will take place at the corner of Karl Marx and the Proletarian at 14:00. Defenders of Wildlife will march down the street to the square in front of the Proletarian Circus, where will hold a rally, which runs until 16:00.

On the Day of the political prisoner in Krasnodar supported Khimki hostages

October 30 in Krasnodar had to pass a picket in memory of victims of political repression. Notice of the shares was transferred to the organizers of the local administration. Under the ridiculous pretext officials refused to agree on actions (banned it), citing the absence of the city address the rally. Despite the prohibition of unlawful government and realizing their right to freedom of assembly and notification procedures for public events, protesters gathered in the square of Marshal Zhukov, holding posters on the past and present political repression in Russia.

We do not like when freedom tramples the garbage!

October 31 a group of libertarian activists staged a rally in the center of St. Petersburg. In the midst of confrontation between the authorities and the opposition during the meeting "Strategy 31", from the roof of a department store Passage was posted 9-meter banner "Any power - shit, ban, banned!". Were then ignited Fire in representatives of punitive structures flew smoke bombs to frighten them, but on Nevsky Prospekt thrown leaflets.

Radical business unit has joined the march against austerity measures in London

October 23 members of the Federation of Solidarity joined the radical bloc working on a march demanding an end to austerity measures imposed on the working class as part of the budget savings - the largest attack against workers over the past desyatiletiya.Anarho-syndicalists joined the fight against the economy, as these measures bring an immediate and real deterioration of the working people and obrekut it to new suffering. But the answer to the situation lies not in changing the government's budget.

The self-organization in the fight!

This transmission of the text, which was partly read at the French national radio on October 27 by several people who came into the studio to cancel Life shou.Esli boss requires his employees to agree to the victims and the reduction in salary for the sake of "saving the company, it already means that he had decided to close it. If the right, left, and the media tell us that we must work longer to "save our pension system", they proclaim that it is already scheduled konets.Nam say that we should work for 2 more years.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago