Рабочее движение

London: Hundreds of thousands of people protesting the policies of the Conservative budget cuts (photos)

In London, during a protest march against the government policy of budget cuts which was attended by up to 500 thousand. man flashed class struggles. The protesters ransacked shops and a bank office in downtown. Reportedly for participating in the riots were arrested more than 200 people. During the clashes injured at least 38 people, including demonstrators and police.

Belgium: European Trade Union march against against the summit of the European Union in Brussels (photos)

March 24th tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Brussels, where on this day EU summit was held. The demonstrators were protesting against the policies of the EU economy. In several districts of Brussels were formed columns of demonstrators who were supposed to meet around the building, which comprises heads of EU states. In columns involved workers and employees in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg. According to the European trade unions who organized the march, the number of participants had reached 20-30 thousand people. Were reported clashes with the police.

Call for international support for African and Middle Eastern revolutions

Your solidarity is undoubtedly vital, but I think it's time to start the broader actions and demonstrations in support of the people in revolt in the Middle East and North Africa. These protests should be directed not only against local dictatorships, but also against their patrons ... it also means to protest against the politics of manipulation of the imperialist forces, the very forces that seek to force the workers in the West pay for all the consequences of the crisis, which they gave birth to his greed.

Dropkick Murphys recorded a new song in support of workers in Wisconsin!

In America not so much rock and roll groups, solidarity with the trade union movement as well as the Dropkick Murphys . It is not surprising that the group released their new song "Take 'Em Down" in support of thousands of union workers of Wisconsin and their supporters protesting against the draconian budget plan, prinyatnogo governor of the state.


This story started at the end of 2008. I was resigning from one company that deals with transportation between Russia and Ossetia. As many others – I was looking for a better job and I was also tired of working on “GAZel” (Russian mini-bus). I have chosen a large respected company – CJSC DHL International. Only later I understood that it is “a full fucking International”. I was thoroughly collecting all references and documents of medical examination as I have never worked before in such a large company. Moreover, I really appreciated the conditions I was offered: good car fleet, nutrition, official uniform, employment benefits, good stable salary. Just a dream! So I collected all the documents and fulfilled work during the probation period. I started to work and receive money for my work. First time I got very tired. Moscow roads – you understand. But I stayed tolerant as I was paid money! It was time for my first vacation in this company. I was allowed to have vacation, what else could they do – it is done this way almost everywhere.


We live in a society with a hierarchical organization, this is manifested in the work, production, factories, or in administration, politics in the state, as well as in education and scientific research. The hierarchy is not an invention of modern society. Its origins lie very far, although it has not always existed, and those non-hierarchical society functioned perfectly. But in modern society, a hierarchical (or almost the same bureaucratic) system has become virtually universal.

The UK government has threatened to tighten the organization of strikes

Previously called for reform legislation made by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson. Under the current labor law, adopted in the days of Margaret Thatcher, strike out if she voted for the more union members than against it. The head of London believes that for a strike vote should the vast majority of union members - more than 50%.

Bolivia: The general strike has forced the government to cancel the price increase

December 28 employees of the transport sector of Bolivia announced an indefinite strike due to rising fuel prices. As a result, the country started to serious disruptions of public transport, the authorities have to draw military trucks for delivery to residents of the settlements located near large cities, their jobs.

In Kharkov started abastovka workers kommulnogo Transport

Today, 20 December, in Kharkiv on routes not work 162 trolleybuses and 196 trams due to the fact that workers KP "Gorelectrotrans" on strike, seeking payment of wages. This situation is similar to last year, when drivers of trams and trolley buses went on strike and not go to work for over a week.

From the words of the strikers, most of the drivers and conductors have not been paid since mid-July. According to the deputy prosecutor of the Kharkiv region, to date, wage arrears amounted to more than 22 million hryvnia.Each employee should on average 10 thousand UAH.

CNT-AIT open conflict against the precarious contracts and reductions in the Madrid Complutense University

November 17 CNT-AIT started the action, aimed at the public expression of his conflict with the University Komputense in connection with the recruitment of students for scholarship and calls for withdrawal of the plan budget balansa.My gathered from 14:00 to 15:00 before the office of student vitserektorata (Student Vicerector's), putting a banner that read: "No more cuts and precarious contracts. There is no plan for fiscal balance. No work for a stipend." The protest was ass to raise awareness in the working heart.

Transport strike took place in Greece

At Thursday, November 25, 2010 in Athens urban transport workers, unhappy with government plans to restructure the transport companies on a warning strike. The strike was aimed against possible layoffs at state-owned companies in the private sector and affected four million vehicles in the Athens metropolitan area - according to tradition, buses, trams, metro and suburban railway strike on different schedules.

France: The seventh national strike against pension reform (photos)

On October 28 next day marches against pension reform in France took to the streets about 2 million people. This is a third less than the previous day's protests (the police, as usual, understated figure even more), which has led the Minister-corrupt Werth declare that the statements are on the decline and the crisis will soon end. Hope not bad! Scale protests are still significantly, in spite of shkonyh week vacation. 65% -70% are still opposed to reform and support the struggle, only 19% condemn speech.

Radical business unit has joined the march against austerity measures in London

October 23 members of the Federation of Solidarity joined the radical bloc working on a march demanding an end to austerity measures imposed on the working class as part of the budget savings - the largest attack against workers over the past desyatiletiya.Anarho-syndicalists joined the fight against the economy, as these measures bring an immediate and real deterioration of the working people and obrekut it to new suffering. But the answer to the situation lies not in changing the government's budget.

The self-organization in the fight!

This transmission of the text, which was partly read at the French national radio on October 27 by several people who came into the studio to cancel Life shou.Esli boss requires his employees to agree to the victims and the reduction in salary for the sake of "saving the company, it already means that he had decided to close it. If the right, left, and the media tell us that we must work longer to "save our pension system", they proclaim that it is already scheduled konets.Nam say that we should work for 2 more years.

The difference between the revolutionary classes in Marxist and anarchist theory

Disputes between the different tendencies of the spectrum at the ultra-revolutionary class probably as old as all of these trends. In their moments of revolutionary upsurge of the dispute dies down, during a recession - erupted. But it never stops. I'll try to figure out how to understand the anarchists and the Marxists, the concept of a revolutionary class. I will not criticize any of the parties, just give my opinion.

Spain: CNT-AIT general strike

Use information released by the National Confederation of Labour of Spain (CNT-AIT) into a general strike in the country took part in 74% of workers in some industries such as metalworking, chemical industry and energy, was attended by about 90%. All Spain was paralyzed by the protests, demonstrations and barricades. In some cities there have been clashes with the police, is injured and detained. Barcelona.

In Europe, all on strike!

In Europe, planned social explosion - in so many countries simultaneously has not yet bastovali.Evropa wracked by massive strikes. Trade unions of several EU countries announced a protest against the anti-crisis measures their governments. The largest event was held in Brussels yesterday - on the streets of the city went more than 50 000 people, many specifically for this came from other countries. Return home was not all - to join the strike, officials announced the Brussels airport.

In Alma-Ata, former employees of the company "Kuat" blocked the road

In Almaty, former employees of the corporation "Kuat" demanded payment of salary for three years. A chronic lack of money has long caused them to resign, but their debt remained outstanding. Builders owed for the eastern bypass road, financed by the municipality. The construction company "Kuat" beginning in the 2007 year.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago