Рабочее движение

In Alma-Ata, former employees of the company "Kuat" blocked the road

In Almaty, former employees of the corporation "Kuat" demanded payment of salary for three years. A chronic lack of money has long caused them to resign, but their debt remained outstanding. Builders owed for the eastern bypass road, financed by the municipality. The construction company "Kuat" beginning in the 2007 year.

The authorities of Russia once again allowed a labor dispute with the help of riot

Lawlessness businessmen, employers, over-consumption and the cynical abuse of power bodies, the so-called rule of law - with the power of capital is not uncommon. The most popular reason of labor disputes - pay, then there is a desire on the one hand to get it, and another - without it. Plays often the first side - employees ... unless of course they can not be solved at the last measure - strike!

The Cuban government on the path of reform ... against workers

The Cuban government is going to cut 500,000 jobs in the public sector by March next year, to give the opportunity to develop private business. Such a move local and foreign media called unprecedented and remind us that this practice was not in 1960.

To put pressure on the "black sheep" - "Tikkurilu called on the protesters at the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce

About 30 people held a Sept. 8 rally near the office of the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce in St. Petersburg. The participants expressed their protest against the repressive anti-union policies of the Finnish company Tikkurila. Rally participants affected by the employer's employees "Tikkurily, members of the Interregional Trade Union of Automobile Workers (MPRA), the activists of the Centre of mutual workers (DVR), as well as a number of joint and several political organizations. In the picket was also involved member of the Legislative Assembly of St.

Protests by migrant workers in Malaysia

More than 5,000 migrant workers e-business JCY Aug. 16 demolished a guard tower at the rebellion that erupted in the place of detention in Malaysian industrial city of Johor Baru in mid-August. During clashes with police officers, 200 special forces used debris, stones and even plucked from walls of fire extinguishers. The battle lasted for 7 hours, until the morning.

For the sake of gold destroying union

In the village Kuranakh (Yakutia) is closer to the fall becomes hot: not only that the JSC Aldanzoloto CI "created a" pocket "the union, so also was searched. Over three days, two searches: the flat deputy trade union, the trade union committee, and again looked into the trade union - to remove the computer. The newspaper "Solidarity announces a campaign of solidarity with the trade union organization OAO Aldanzoloto GDC.

The crew of the ship Moldovan continue strike in the port of Novorossiysk

The crew REF 607 (flag of Moldova) will continue to strike at the port of Novorossiysk to the payment of unpaid wages by the shipowner, the company Kenset Assets SA, told the Russian trade union of sailors referring to the ITF inspector Olga Anan'ina. Sailors - 9 Ukrainians - in the meantime refused to board the ship, doubting the intentions of the shipowner to pay in full the debts. According to Olga Ananyin, on July 19 on board the vessel completely lacking drinking water and food, wage arrears amounted to $ 57,5 thousandEvery day the debt increases by $ 513.

Ukrainian miners can start an underground strike

In the Donetsk region of two miners Enakievo mines "Red Trade Union" and "Young communard intend to tomorrow not rise to the surface, demanding repayment of debts on wages. This was reported in the press-service Pofsoyuza workers in the coal industry of Ukraine, has been reported that today the personnel of these mines at the general meeting decided to 08.00. tomorrow (July 27) does not rise to the surface as long as there is no paid three-month salary arrears.

Strike of the Ukrainian workers in Poland

Ukrainian workers in Poland deceived Ukrainian firm, as stated by the Union of Polish syndicalists. MTSP disseminated information about the 32 Ukrainian builder in Poland revolt, when not received money from the Ukrainian company "Aerobud.

Building blocks of the University Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej Leszno in Poland (Poznan and Wroclaw between) served Karmar SA, but the company ceded its work Ukrainian contractors.

The strike wave in Iran

In Iran, virtually banned strikes and independent trade unions are persecuted. Workers are subjected to repression of activists, so in May this year were executed 5 members of trade unions . Therefore, statements about the workers can be found only fragmentary, often accidentally falling in media reports. But they are enough to understand: there is the rise of class struggle.

A wave of strikes swept through China

The Chinese economy is said to have an exception in the global crisis of capitalism. Tell that to the thousands of Chinese workers, who over the past week, participated in a wave of strikes that swept many parts of the country. Among the most sensational was the fight at a number of the Honda, which still swept the three strike wave - even after employees have achieve higher wages after the first strike by 24%. On "Fokskonne, manufacturer Ipods, where recently there were many cases of suicide, as a result of the strike had to raise wages by 70%.At the engineering factory CCO clashes between security forces and employees, when first attempted to prevent a second strike to make the streets.

CNT held a demonstration in Madrid against labor reforms and reductions in public sector

3 July 1000 CNT members and supporters took to the streets to protest against labor law reform and the onset of the ruling circles of the working people, unfolded in recent months. The demonstration, which was also attended by comrades who had arrived from Valencia, Granada, Cordoba, Salamanca and other cities, began at 12.00.

Greece: general strike paralyzed the country

July 8, in Greece was a general strike directed against the plans of the country's governments to push through parliament a package "anti-crisis laws" imposed by the IMF and the EU, to assume the scale of postdiktatorsky period in the history of the country, attack on the rights of workers and pensioners: sokrashenie social rasshodov budget cuts in wages and pensions, increase the retirement age, the deterioration of labor laws. The strike virtually paralyzed the public transport in the country.Been completely paralyzed public transport. Did not work underground, buses and trams arose. Was closed the biggest Greek port of Piraeus and Athens International Airport.

The Ukrainian authorities obstruct the working of the company "Ferrexpo"

Kyiv district administrative court banned the All-Ukrainian union, People's Solidarity "in the conduct of a protest against the actions of the company Ferrexpo, aimed at depriving the workers controlled by it Poltava ore mining and processing of their pension benefits.

The strike on the railways in Italy

At the Italian railways held a regular 24-hour strike. The campaign will last from 21.00 on Thursday 8 July to 21.00 on Friday 9 July. It will lead to cancellation of hundreds of trains and significant difficulties to travel on many routes.
Among the canceled trains - many international from Italy to Switzerland and the individual trains in Austria and France. Cancelled as a number of major domestic and regional flights.

Employees of the company "EmbaMunaiGas began an indefinite strike

Since early July workers of the production branch "EmbaMunaiGas JSC Exploration Production KazMunaiGas (KMG) began an indefinite strike. The reason for this action was an attempt by the company's management to introduce a new method of calculation, and payroll. The workers are confident that with the new payroll system will be lifted allowances for adverse conditions. in terms of leadership is changing the main part of wages: bonuses for work in the industry will be lifted.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

3 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago