
The self-organization in the fight!

This transmission of the text, which was partly read at the French national radio on October 27 by several people who came into the studio to cancel Life shou.Esli boss requires his employees to agree to the victims and the reduction in salary for the sake of "saving the company, it already means that he had decided to close it. If the right, left, and the media tell us that we must work longer to "save our pension system", they proclaim that it is already scheduled konets.Nam say that we should work for 2 more years.

New address became known political prisoner Alexei Sokolov

Finally became known address human rights activist and now a political prisoner, Alexei Sokolov . August 25, 2010 on human rights Orders received from the Federal Penitentiary Service, was illegally sent to serve his sentence in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Izhevsk: "Freedom Khimki hostages!" Graffiti campaign

October 20 a group of participants in the movement Autonomous Action of Izhevsk was made graffiti a rally of solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova passing as a defendant in the case of "Khimki forest. A small group of young people in the evening choose to place a specially charted along which there was a large piece of concrete fence, where he planned to make the inscription.

After losing the lawsuit against the builder. What remains to do now?

Today in the October district court of Ufa finished hearing on the claim of residents houses № 63, № 63 / 1, № 63 / 2, № 61 / 1 and number 61 / 2 on the avenue in October against the city authorities. They demanded to cancel the decree by the head of administration, allowing construction on the site of the playground of an apartment house.

More to read on the site of blood pressure Ufa

Belarus shares the support of anarchists held in Cheboksary

Authorities feel impunity! They're used to that they have a prison, accustomed to our fear. They have long been looking at us like a gray mass, which is unable to unite against the regime of oppression and suppression, the world's lies and not justice. This spit of all the authorities of all countries and states! The only thing they fear is courage. People who are determined to escape the burden of misinformation, not afraid to be anarchists, anti-fascists, social activists.

Irkutsk: the fight against building

Morning of October 8 residents of house number 193 on the street. Rosa Luxemburg found in his front of house workers erecting a fence - to build parking. Ul them. Rosa Luxemburg - a very busy street, one of the main traffic arteries, Irkutsk, and the home is located within a hundred meters from it. City administration apparently not enough that the exhaust gases and so constantly hounding residents of nearby houses, and she decided to finally finish their building permits issued parking

All people are equal, there is no the one, who is "more equal", than others! - Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Jock Palfreeman

Today, on 20th of October near the Embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow was organized a picket in support of Jock Palfreeman. In the picket anarchists, antifascists, leftists and members of Autonomous-Action Moscow took part.

Actions of solidarity with the Belarusian friends in Kazan

18 and 19th of October in Kazan, the days of solidarity with Boris and Denis Oshchepkova Bystrikovym. At the central bridge of the city was hung a banner "No to repression of social activists." Pieces, and handed out leaflets about seven hundred in most institutions of the city.

Freedom activists Belarus!

FRENCH not surrender

France continues to mobilize against the pension reform. October 12, demonstrations left more than three and a half million people. In many industries and many companies declared a strike. September 13, many companies continue to strike. The country has virtually paralyzed rail (railroad strike), also have problems with the fuel at gas stations (oil refinery workers on strike).

The site of the strike movement:

In Yekaterinburg, near the offices of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus held a rally of solidarity with the Belarusian anarchist

Today in the 17-40 anarchists and human rights activists in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen gathered near the Mission of Belarus to Yekaterinburg to protest harassment of Belarusian anarchist and social activist. Participants of the rally stretched the 10-meter banner in the Belarusian language "Will belaruskim anarhistam!" And distributed leaflets. Leaflets include information on prosecution and detention of activists in Belarus and called for solidarity with the prisoners.

French police used against students tear gas

In France, the continuing protests grew into open street clashes with police. Regular skirmishes youth with the French police began today in Nanterre, northwestern Paris suburb. Students will continue to oppose the reform, which includes raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 years.

Khimki town court released Maxim Solopov from the arrest

Максим Солопов

Khimki town court has ruled to change the pre-trial restriction for Maxim Solopov from arrest to a written pledge not to leave town. The court lasted from 11 am to 4 pm today, October 18, with a three-hour break for preparation of the court ruling. Judge Svetlana Galanova has ruled to release Maxim Solopov from the arrest immediately in the court room.

Moscow region court has canceled to decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 15th of October the Moscow region court canceled the decision to prolong the detention of Aleksei Gaskarov and sent the case to the Khimki city court to be re-examined by the 27th of October. Aleksei will remain in prison during this delay.

On the 8th of October the Moscow region court made a similar decision in relation to the second remand term in the Maxim Solopov case. His case will be re-examined by the Khimki city court tomorrow, the 18th of October. He remains in prison.

Anti-fascists in the Moscow region organized a march against the arrest of Maxim Solopova

Tomorrow, Monday 18 October at 11 am, Khimki Town Court povtorono considering the petition of the investigator on the content of Maxim Solopova custody.

We remind you that on October 8 a panel of judges of the Moscow Regional Court had quashed the Khimki City Court on the content of Maxim Solopova custody, that is, at this moment Maxim Solopov in custody unlawfully.

Antirepressivny march of anger

In Ufa was "Antirepressivny march of anger, October 16, the procession passed through the traditional route through the geographical center of the city - from the Palais des Sports to Lenin Square on the Avenue of October. Rain and snow in the damp October air burst chanting slogans protesting against the persecution of social activists in Russia and Belarus: "No to political repression," "Solidarity without Borders," "Freedom Dmitry Chuvilin / Andrey Kutuzov / Maxim and Alexei / Belarussian anarchists!

Ache in Russia would be "a more expensive" - payments for sick leave will cut

Health and Social Development, introduced in the State Duma anti-social bill that radically alters the payment scheme for sick leave. The main thing about him is that 100% of average earnings will not be paid after 8 years of service, and after 15 years. And the hospital will be assessed on the basis of average earnings are not over 12 months and 24 months, says Rossiyskaya Gazeta . The new bill infringes on the rights of millions of young workers.

Greece: the sentence the murderers in uniform shot and killed an anarchist Alexandros Grigoropolos

October 11, 2010. court found two police officers , Epaminondas Korkoneas and Vassilis Saraliotis, guilty of murdering 15-year old anarchist Alex Grigoropolos committed 6 December 2008. At Epaminondosa Korkoneasa court put even more serious charges, the prosecutor: involuntary manslaughter with the possibility of malicious intent has become a killing evil intent. The Court has not recognized for Korkoneasa no mitigating factor.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago