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In Tyumen Picket in support of Dennis Solopova, or how law enforcement does not know the laws

Tyumen anti-fascist rally held a single on April 12 at the Consulate of Ukraine in Tumen against the illegal extradition of anti-fascist Dennis Solopova from Ukraine to Russia, where he awaits criminal proceedings for "Khimki case."

The result of the economic crisis in Greece - 10 000 homeless

People who once had a high standard of living, educated but deprived of the economic crisis and unable to pay the rent below the poverty line. Until recently, prevailed among the homeless drug addicts, former prisoners, have no relatives or abandoned mentally ill people, but last year the situation has changed completely. According to unofficial information provided by a nonprofit organization Klimaka, the number of homeless people in Greece has doubled and amounts to 20 thousand people.Most of these people live in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras.

Ufa: An action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki "

On the night of April 10, Ufa anarchists and anti-fascists was carried out graffiti - rally in support of Khimki hostages Dennis and Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova. In the center of town on a busy street next to the police station was painted with images of a large stencil of our comrades. More to read on the site of blood pressure Ufa

Izhevsk: An action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki "(photos)

April 9 in Izhevsk was an action of solidarity in the campaign of united action against the prosecution of "Khimki hostages" - anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova, as well as against the extradition of anti-fascist Dennis Solopova from Ukraine to Russia, where he awaits criminal proceedings for "Khimki case." At noon on the central square of the city members of the movement "Autonomous Action Izhevsk, anarchists and anti-fascists participated in numerous rallies Izhevsk opposition.

Moscow: for Khimki Khimki hostages and forest

April 9 in Moscow parties campaigning for Khimki hostages, held a rally near the monument Griboyedov, then went to picket the Embassy of Ukraine. At the meeting gathered about 200 people. "Khimki hostage Maxim Solopov brother is in the Kiev prison Solopova Dennis, told the audience about the circumstances of the conclusion of Dennis, and then expressed his hope that Ukraine is still there adequate officials, who will contribute the exit Dennis freedom.

Detainees in the case of serial murders in Irkutsk were neo-Nazis

Evening of April 5 were detained two suspects in a series of murders and attacks on residents of the city of Irkutsk (near Akademgorodok): Artem Anoufriev born October 4, 1992, medical student University and Nikita Lytkin, born March 24, 1993 The point is cluttered political details.

Japan: The situation worsens at the NPP "Fukushima-1. Fixed radiation leaks at nuclear power plants "Onagava"

New earthquake of magnitude 4.3 occurred on Saturday 9 April at 18:01 local time (13:01 GMT) in the area of ​​emergency nuclear power plant, Fukushima-1 "in the north-east of the island of Honshu, has further aggravated the situation around the nuclear power plant in Japan. Strong tremors were also recorded in the prefectures of Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi and Yamagata prefectures. Projected to seismologists, the increased seismic activity on the Pacific coast of Japan, which is celebrated here for almost a month after the March disaster will continue for some time.

In Irkutsk, was an open session on "abuse of extremism"

April 7 in one of Irkutsk university, passed an open exercise called journalism, freedom of speech and extremism. " The event was timed to the day of united action in support of "Khimki hostages . Session organized by anarchists and anti-fascists of Irkutsk. Among the speakers were representatives of the lecturers of the independent media center "Indymedia Siberia," Autonomous Action-Irkutsk and others.

Japan: The discharge of radioactive water will cause serious pollution of the sea

The company is the operator of nuclear power plant emergency TEPCO Fukushima-1 April 5 began dumping at sea of ​​11,500 tons of radioactive water. Discharge of water, say in TEPCO, is needed to free up space in the repository under even more contaminated with radioactive isotopes of water flowing from the damaged reactor station. Environmentalists are concerned about the effects of radiation on marine ecosystems and human health, eating seafood.

Echo of Chernobyl: found high levels of radiation in the Ukrainian food

Even 25 years later, the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster continue to remind myself. They found high levels of radiation in milk, mushrooms and berries in several regions of Ukraine. In March of this year, environmentalists have analyzed the food in Zhytomyr, Rivne and Kyiv regions. A total of 114 tested samples of milk, berries, mushrooms and vegetables. Almost all samples (93%) of milk in the village Drozdyn Rivne region contained an unacceptably high level of radioactive cesium-137.

Report from court hearings of “Khimki hostages”

On March 14 and 23, 2010 two court hearings in the case of antifascists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov who were accused of organizing attack on the Khimki City Administration, took place at the Khimki City Court.

Accusation against Alexei and Maxim is absurd and based on false evidence of three alleged eyewitnesses identifying them as persons participated in the riots.


April 9 in Moscow will host a rally in support of the hostages and Khimki Khimki Forest

On Saturday, April 9, near the monument Griboyedov (out of m "Pure ponds", "Turgenev", "Sretensky Boulevard") will rally in support of defendants' case Khimki Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova and suspect Dennis Solopova, now time being in Kiev prison. Also, the shares will be discussed proposed cutting Khimki near Moscow and other forests for the construction of toll highway Moscow - Saint - Petersburg and repression against defenders of the forest.

Khimki timber sold under the hammer

While the Ministry is circulating false promises to compensate for cutting Khimki Forest 700 hectares of plantations, land along the future highway Moscow - St. Petersburg are already sold out. The site of "Khimki-Land" appeared for sale in areas along the projected Khimki forest trails. Vendors promise to themselves "all cut" under construction and resolve problems with local residents. Meanwhile, defenders of Khimki forest planning a new international campaign of protest and began an international petition against the construction of the road.

Spain: On the streets against the contracts with subcontractors in the Junta of Galicia

About a hundred workers at the call of CNT on 26 March this year, took to the streets to Compostela, in protest against the illegal transfer of employees in the privately managed, as well as harassment and dismissal. Despite the bad weather, the demonstration started at noon on the square-Roch-de Compostela and ended at the Plaza de Cervantes performance of the most laid-off workers and the Secretary General of CNT Compostela.

Russian anti-fascist sentenced to two years in prison

Anti-fascist Rinat Sultanov was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday in St. Petersburg, for causing “grievous bodily ham to a Nazi during a fight, which took place 4th of November (“Day of national unification”, main convergence day of Russian Nazis) three years ago.

Rinat Sultanov was born and spent his childhood in city of Labytnangi of the far-northern Siberia, where he finished his school.

Video transmission Puffin: Issue № 7 (April 2011)

The latest news of the anarchist movement in the transfer of "Puffin". In this issue: Khimki hostage. Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow. Sentenced Andrei Kutuzov. Rally Losino-Petrovac for "pure water". The story of trade union activists Urusov. Demonstration of distrust to a single Russian in Tutaev. Picket Alliance for Animal Rights in Petrozavodsk. The Olympics in Sochi, which will destroy us along with you. Countless tournaments for young people with anti-fascist views. Libertarian Communism 2011. The film "Anarchy. Direct action.

Copenhagen: The action in defense of "Khimki hostages"

On the 5th of April, activists of Denmark and Sweden came to The Embassy of the Republic of Ukraine in Copenhagen in order to show their solidarity with "Khimki hostage" Denis Solopov, who arrived to Ukraine in search of asylum from repressions of Russian authorities and who is in Pre-Trial Detention Facility Luk'yanovsky in Kiev.

Russia: the accident at the plant and transport reactors continue

The first after the accident at the plant Fukushima-1 problem occurred on two Russian reactors - can not stop the fourth power unit of the Leningrad nuclear power plant on April 3 and an emergency power reduction reactor nuclear icebreaker Taymyr March 30. Both incidents likely will not have radiological consequences, but information about them on the official websites of the operating organizations is absent.

Moscow: actions in defense of "Khimki hostages continues

April 4, the Moscow anti-fascists activists picketed the Ukrainian Embassy. The initiators of action in defense of Russian anti-fascist Dennis Solopova, third Khimkinskaya hostage "now contained in the Kiev prison, participants were anti-racist initiatives" Direct assistance ". The picket was to support the campaign in defense of Khimki hostages.

Perm solidarity with Khimki

Пермь солидарна с Химками

April 6 at 18:00 at the building edge prosecutors Permian left picketed against political repression in Russia today in the All-Russian day of united action to defend the anarchists Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim and Dennis Solopova accused of organizing the demolition of the city administration Khimki, in response to repression against defenders Khimki forest on July 28 last year.

Japan: From the Fukushima nuclear power plant emissions develop cancer up to 420 thousand people

According to new calculations, one of the leading scholars of international organizations - the European Committee on Radiation risk (ECRR), Japan will overtake the wave of cancer due to radioactive emissions from nuclear power plants Fukushima-1. Scientists predict that up to 420,000 new cases of cancer of the release of radiation from nuclear power plants Fukushima-1 will be diagnosed in over 50 years in Japan. Necessary to extend the exclusion zone to 100 miles in a northwesterly direction and evacuate the population.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago