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Anonymous Anarchist Action hacktivist group founded

A(A)A is the first specifically libertarian communist grouping to emerge out of Anonymous, the world wide hacking network most famous for retaliation operations actions in late 2010 to the attacks on Wikileaks by the US Government.  A(A)A is not a 'split' from Anonymous, but rather a group that works inside Anonymous's decentralised and open structure, focusing on anti-capitalist targets and solidarity initiatives. Possible plans are also being set into motion to enable ways for non-techy anarchists to help with actions, by running a simple program which can then be remotely controlled by the group. Fowever, this is only a possiblity at this point.

Portugal: half a million a spontaneous demonstration against the authorities of the country, organized via the Internet (photos)

Following the events of Tunisia, Egypt and other Southern Med States where a popular people’s movement was started over the Facebook and Social networks, a small group of Portuguese youth started up a Facebook page-calling for a million people march on the main street in Lisbon, Avenida da Liberdade, for March 12th 2011, to fill up the entire street. They called themselves the “Geracao A Rasca” or the “Angry Generation”.  Most people thought it was a joke but the emails, Twitters and SMSs went on and on and went around until lots of people began to take it seriously. Political Parties, unions and most of the press ignored it but it just gathered force. Other emails were circulating at the same time about a possible popular demo in Zimbabwe and also in Angola (both quickly repressed), with very little mention in the press.

Capitalism and Catastrophe

The accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan has once again raised the question not only the permissibility of using "best of" nuclear energy, but also the responsibility of capitalism (with its unbridled pursuit of profit at any cost) for shaking the world of "natural" and "technological" disaster. As noted by Alex Kerr, author of "Dogs and Demons, Tales from the dark side of Japan", in Japan there is no control, even the emission of such a terrible poison that causes cancer, as dioxin.

In Kaluga, a picket was held in support of social activists

March 14 around 18.00 a group of anarchists and Marxists in Kaluga was held an unauthorized picket in support of a member of the "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, as well as Khimkinskaya hostages Maxim Solopova, Denis Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova (also member of BP). About 15 minutes into the heart of the city boys and girls were handing out leaflets, waving flags, holding whatman with slogans written on them.

Anarchy. Direct Action.

First of all, let me change the order of the story and start with our own, anarchic view of the situation: "Anarchy. Direct action " . Why? Because although instead of conversation, and you can use the stick, the words always retain their power. Words give the meaning of the surrounding reality for those who are willing to listen. They declare us the truth. And the truth is this: our country is going something wrong, is not it? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression, the prohibition of the right to protest a ban on thinking about the protest.Instead, we have - a system of external supervision and corporate media.

Nuclear accident in Japan: the situation is deteriorating day by day

The situation at nuclear facilities in Japan is deteriorating by the hour. Agency for Nuclear Safety of France on Tuesday night accident estimated at plant Fukushima-1 six out of seven possible levels of severity on the international scale INES, raising the danger level with a fourth, previously assigned to the accident, the Japanese authorities. Recall Chernobyl accident qualify for the seventh level.

The accident at the nuclear power plant in Japan: radionuclides could reach Russia in the seafood

Will lay or not lay a Russian territory radioactive clouds from nuclear power plants in Japan? Is there a danger for Russia? This issue is constantly raised by the authorities and the press. For the fifth day, develops the most terrible in the last quarter century, radiation accident, radiation is emitted to the atmosphere and spreads to larger areas ... We are still lucky - wind blows in the direction of Sakhalin and Kamchatka, but dangerous radionuclides may well fall on the table, the Russians - with Pacific Seafood.

Interview with ecologist Alexander Nikitin of the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima Daishev Japan, the reasons for the situation and possible consequences for Russia

Publish the interview on the causes and possible consequences of the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan Daishev with a known environmentalist Alexander Nikitin. Recall Nikitin - Chairman of the international environmental organization Bellona, ​​a prominent Russian expert on nuclear and radiation safety.

Alexander Konstantinovich, all now discussing what is happening in Japan. An already serious environmental consequences, and what can be done?

Poland: aktivistka movement of residents found dead in Warsaw

Anarcho-syndicalists of Poland reported the tragic death of member of the housing movement in Warsaw, Jolanta Brzesko. March 7, it became known that one of the most active members of the movement of tenants, Jolanta Brzesko, was found dead in the woods. Her body was burned beyond recognition, and it is unclear whether she was still alive or dead when it had been caused by these burns. But at the request of the judge, whose duties include elucidation of the causes of death occurring under unusual or suspicious obstoyatelstvah, Jolanta Brzesko was burned alive.

Africa: Statement of anarchist organizations of solidarity with the defendants on charges of treason in Zimbabwe

When Mohammed Bouaziz set fire to himself, he unwittingly lit a wave of popular uprisings and riots, which spread like wildfire across North Africa and the Middle East, the heat from it can be felt in such distant countries as Zimbabwe, where on Saturday 19 February 1946 activists supporting democracy including students, workers and trade unionists were arrested in Harare.

Report from the correctional center, which resides Alexander Volodarsky

It is no secret to reveal, if I say that with the implementation of civil rights in Ukraine, all is not well. But there are no available eye of an ordinary citizen a place where every day is shaped chaos. These include all 184 institutions of state Penal Service of Ukraine - or in common - in prison. I do not advise dismiss the reading material to the end, it is a total lack of rights of several hundred thousand people. This year Ukraine has got in the top 10 countries in prisons.

Appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in the Municipal Court Khimki (Moscow region., Khimki, Leningrad highway, 19) held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna. Previously, she had already abolished the conviction Mikhail Beketov libel against the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

Burevestnik videopodcast, issue No. 6 (March 2011)

Latest news about anarchist movement in videopodcast "Burevestnik".

(February-March 2011) In this issue: Anti-fascists at the «day of anger» in Moscow. Day of deserter 2011. Picket for chargeless public transport in Sevastopol. Action in support of Jock Palfreeman. Disruption of the neo-Nazi demonstration in Dresden. Anarchist demonstration in Oslo. Universal 24-hour strike in Greece. The creation of a new socialist organization. New editions of familiar magazines. And other interesting news.

The Authorities Have Taken Another Hostage in the Khimki Case

Denis Solopov, who took part in the action outside the Khimki town hall on July 28, 2010, to protest the lawlessness of local authorities and the clear-cutting of the Khimki Forest, has been detained in Kyiv by local police. The arrest took place on March 2, 2011, at the Kyiv Migration Service. Ukrainian authorities had just rejected Denis’s asylum application, a decision that Denis was planning to appeal in court. As stated on its web site, No Borders, a project of the human rights organization Social Action Center, suspects that migration service staff informed the police when Denis would be coming to their office, although they do not admit to this.

The new album "trains guerrillas": Part One

Group "Electric partisans" starts to record a new album. This guerillas have decided to record a new album in parts. As soon as some of the songs are ready, they will be immediately visible on the Internet. Now the group is a second part of her upcoming album "R.V.I." as a maxi-single "R.V.I.-1. Gradually, the album will be filled with new songs. When the group will have the opportunity to write the next few songs - they also appear on the Internet. You can see how the album will grow on the maxi-single to LP.

Khimki: appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in Khimki city court held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna. Previously, she had already abolished the conviction Mikhail Beketov libel against the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

Greece: the arrest of anarchist Lida Sofianou a demonstration on February 23

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Athens on the day General Strike on February 23 and headed to Parliament, spitting on police repression and control. In a society that pressured gears ever-increasing repression conducted by the state and authorities, and under the pretext of an agreement on cooperation with the IMF, the EU and the ECB, the decision of thousands to march to Parliament to show our refusal to submit or succumb to fear, that wants to impose authority.

There is no revolution without repression

In order to land rights, the State is not required that he committed an illegal act! What dangerous activities for the state, the more it bites back. But repression and armed violence on human beings have never stopped the attack on the state and the desire to destroy it. It never once did not succumb, is resisting the enemy to drive into a trap.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

9 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

9 months ago