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Appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in the Municipal Court Khimki (Moscow region., Khimki, Leningrad highway, 19) held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna. Previously, she had already abolished the conviction Mikhail Beketov libel against the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

Burevestnik videopodcast, issue No. 6 (March 2011)

Latest news about anarchist movement in videopodcast "Burevestnik".

(February-March 2011) In this issue: Anti-fascists at the «day of anger» in Moscow. Day of deserter 2011. Picket for chargeless public transport in Sevastopol. Action in support of Jock Palfreeman. Disruption of the neo-Nazi demonstration in Dresden. Anarchist demonstration in Oslo. Universal 24-hour strike in Greece. The creation of a new socialist organization. New editions of familiar magazines. And other interesting news.

The Authorities Have Taken Another Hostage in the Khimki Case

Denis Solopov, who took part in the action outside the Khimki town hall on July 28, 2010, to protest the lawlessness of local authorities and the clear-cutting of the Khimki Forest, has been detained in Kyiv by local police. The arrest took place on March 2, 2011, at the Kyiv Migration Service. Ukrainian authorities had just rejected Denis’s asylum application, a decision that Denis was planning to appeal in court. As stated on its web site, No Borders, a project of the human rights organization Social Action Center, suspects that migration service staff informed the police when Denis would be coming to their office, although they do not admit to this.

The new album "trains guerrillas": Part One

Group "Electric partisans" starts to record a new album. This guerillas have decided to record a new album in parts. As soon as some of the songs are ready, they will be immediately visible on the Internet. Now the group is a second part of her upcoming album "R.V.I." as a maxi-single "R.V.I.-1. Gradually, the album will be filled with new songs. When the group will have the opportunity to write the next few songs - they also appear on the Internet. You can see how the album will grow on the maxi-single to LP.

Khimki: appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in Khimki city court held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna. Previously, she had already abolished the conviction Mikhail Beketov libel against the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

Greece: the arrest of anarchist Lida Sofianou a demonstration on February 23

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Athens on the day General Strike on February 23 and headed to Parliament, spitting on police repression and control. In a society that pressured gears ever-increasing repression conducted by the state and authorities, and under the pretext of an agreement on cooperation with the IMF, the EU and the ECB, the decision of thousands to march to Parliament to show our refusal to submit or succumb to fear, that wants to impose authority.

There is no revolution without repression

In order to land rights, the State is not required that he committed an illegal act! What dangerous activities for the state, the more it bites back. But repression and armed violence on human beings have never stopped the attack on the state and the desire to destroy it. It never once did not succumb, is resisting the enemy to drive into a trap.

How many do not fight with the investigation - the revolution will not come!

When capital is throwing his gaze on a piece of wood and believes that profits will be more from this site without the forest, anarchists or okoloanarhisty or not anarchists, rush to protect the forest.
It's good that people remember at least sometimes about the forest. It is good that the world is still a piece of wood, which makes one wonder about the importance of the ecosystem.

Punk fight

Панк борьба

Movie about the punk movement. This roll, we tried to make the fullest and briefly talk about punk: the appearance of the premises, activities and ideals. It is time to realize that punk - it's not a protest against the parents or just music! Punk - it's much broader and ideologichnoe countercultural movement to change the world for the better!


PunkWay.ru Unity

Student offensive. Kiev.

Any power to suppress and discredit these people's protests (and not a political clown opponents during the election) enlists the aid of the nationalists, who are always ready for small investments "in the case of the nation" to do all the dirty robot.
Sometimes it is disguised as a blunt attack, and sometimes, as happened today, under the guise of "comrades in the struggle" to get into, and to embroil the most to discredit protesters.

Documentary "The End of Civilization" (Franklin Lopez) 2011

If your native land captured by aliens, who have destroyed forests and poisoned food stocks, would you resist? If beings from outer space have made the water so toxic that you would not even think about might be to drink it, you would have tried to stop them? If the monster sprayed toxic chemicals that would cause cancer in people you love, you have fought with them? These are not empty questions. All this is happening now, except that there is no newcomers. Culture, groomed us from birth - a murderer.

A general strike in Greece was accompanied by fire (VIDEO)

12:00 (GMT +2): Thousands of people gathered in central Athens, Patras, Thessaloniki and other marches have not yet begun, because more and more people to the streets. Thousands of cops are also gathering around the collection points, trying to intimidate protesters. As reported by the authorities, police forces have been moved to Athens from other cities to join the plan to suppress the statements.

Liberal impasse

On the political discourse

During the Soviet period was such a tale: that someone managed to call a dead-end (something like alley) Communist. Came the scandal. In the phrase was seditious allusion. And me now and then comes to mind is the name of "liberal impasse" - looking at how to argue our homegrown liberals.

Sevastopol youth demanded accessible public transport

February 27, 2011 in the Sevastopol city hosted the rally in the campaign for accessible public transport. " The purpose of the picket was to inform the public about the critical situation of public transport in the city and the presentation of the brochure "For free transportation (which you can download in the attached files). Participants of the rally came to express outrage that is now a trolleybus fleet of Sevastopol is in shambles and the situation of workers Sevtrolleybusa - unenviable (persistent wage arrears).In spite of this, local authorities did not pridprinimaet.

Russian authorities are planning the destruction of nature reserves in the country

Russian authorities intend to dramatically change the environmental legislation with a view to the actual destruction of nature reserves in the country. All this is necessary for industrial development of protected natural areas, as well as for the construction of residences for the first persons in the reserves of the country. Ministry of Natural Resources has acknowledged that he supports changing the law, leading to the destruction of the reserve system in Russia.

Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Fee Marie Meyer

Publish a letter anarchist Fee Marie Meyer, 27-year-old citizen of Germany, was detained in the intelligence services in Greece in early January. After the arrest the police and pro-government e country's media to spread lies about what allegedly Fee Marie's daughter, Barbara Meyer, a participant, "RAF." Once these relatives Fee Marie came up with a refutation of police disinformation anarchist released from custody in mid-January. A few weeks later Meyer was again arrested and detained.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago