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Against Organizatsionalizma: Anarchism as a Theory and Criticism of

One of the most common (and therefore the most annoying) cliché leftist political rhetoric is not questioning the imperative need of some "universal organization." What else could so well describe leftists, if not constant and consistent calls for the creation and development of formal organizations that supposedly represent and lead the masses of workers (or, more important these days, corresponding to the minority).

Nazi organizations in Bulgaria

In the following post you will read an articale about situation with nazism in Bulgaria, which was written by collective "Anarcho-resistance" from Sofia.
Looking back, now in one of bulgarian prisons there is an australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman, who was charged with 20 years prison for self-defence. The hearing on his case was delayed from 21 of October to 11 of November. On this week we recieved a letter form Jock, he wrote, that it's important to to keep pressure on Bulgarian authorities in 3 months after the trial (21th of October), because
decision will be posted 2-3 months after. We call everyone to support Jock Palfreeman. Write to him and send protest letter to bulgarian authorities.

News on the case of Alexei Sokolov

In mid-November in the case of human rights activist Alexei Sokolov will be filed an application for parole. Protecting Alexei Sokolov have already started to prepare for it. Before considering the case on parole will be held rallies in support, as in Yekaterinburg, and in other cities. We encourage you to participate in support of Alexis.

Radical business unit has joined the march against austerity measures in London

October 23 members of the Federation of Solidarity joined the radical bloc working on a march demanding an end to austerity measures imposed on the working class as part of the budget savings - the largest attack against workers over the past desyatiletiya.Anarho-syndicalists joined the fight against the economy, as these measures bring an immediate and real deterioration of the working people and obrekut it to new suffering. But the answer to the situation lies not in changing the government's budget.

The self-organization in the fight!

This transmission of the text, which was partly read at the French national radio on October 27 by several people who came into the studio to cancel Life shou.Esli boss requires his employees to agree to the victims and the reduction in salary for the sake of "saving the company, it already means that he had decided to close it. If the right, left, and the media tell us that we must work longer to "save our pension system", they proclaim that it is already scheduled konets.Nam say that we should work for 2 more years.

The prosecutor's office again to place the Maxima Solopova custody. Campaign for Khimki hostages continues

Friday, October 29, at 10 am Moscow Regional Court will consider the cassation of the public prosecutor to address the Khimki city court to change the Maxim Solopova preventive measure for release on own recognizance. Recall October 18, Khimki City Court decided to replace the measure of restraint Maxim Solopova in the form of detention to release on recognizance. Maxim held in detention center and jail g.Mozhayska Khimki, a total of more than 2.5 months.

Tyranny of the formal organization

Criticism brochures Joe Freeman Tyranny structurelessness, inspired by the recent spate of criticism "beginningless" anarchists from "organizatsionalistov" No one surprising fact that, when organizatsionalistov there is a need to justify attempts to merge in a leftist-anarchist mutation of anarchist theory and leftist political practice, they inevitably grab the already outdated essays, Joe Freeman, entitled The Tyranny of structureless.

Civil activists ASPIRE locked up ANY PRICE

epleniyu political regime in our country long ago, nobody was surprised. Society tacitly resigns himself to the state terror. Killed not acceptable power lawyer Stanislav Markelov. Silence. On the unproven suspicion of organizing a protest against the felling of forests Khimki arrested two innocent people. Silence. Such political repression taking place in our area, we are witnessing. Ashamed to admit it, but they are accompanied by that same silence - a cultural silence in the media, courtesy the lack of protest in the streets.

Civil activists ASPIRE locked up ANY PRICE

epleniyu political regime in our country long ago, nobody was surprised. Society tacitly resigns himself to the state terror. Killed not acceptable power lawyer Stanislav Markelov. Silence. On the unproven suspicion of organizing a protest against the felling of forests Khimki arrested two innocent people. Silence. Such political repression taking place in our area, we are witnessing. Ashamed to admit it, but they are accompanied by that same silence - a cultural silence in the media, courtesy the lack of protest in the streets.

New address became known political prisoner Alexei Sokolov

Finally became known address human rights activist and now a political prisoner, Alexei Sokolov . August 25, 2010 on human rights Orders received from the Federal Penitentiary Service, was illegally sent to serve his sentence in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In Irkutsk, held a rally of solidarity with the Belarusian anarchist

In Irkutsk, on the street near Uritskogo House Rural Life Picket in support of the arrest of Belarussian anarchists. Participants in the rally unfurled the banner "Freedom of Belarusian activists!" and distributed leaflets against the repression in Belarus, the Lukashenko government and liberal of the Belarusian opposition.

The Hungarian uprising of 1956 and we

In October-November 1956 in Hungary there was the most powerful anti-totalitarian speech, one of those that took place in the Eastern bloc until 1989. October 23, 1956 in Budapest, began the demonstration, which was attended by tens of thousands of people. The demonstration turned into a popular uprising. Soon the revolt spread to the entire country. In the uprising attended the broadest segments of the population of Hungary, and above all - the working class.

Alexei Gaskarov Released from Police Custody by the Khimki Municipal Court

On October 22, Alexei Gaskarov was released from police custody in a Khimki municipal courtroom. Judge Svetlana Galanova made the decision to release Gaskarov on his own recognizance, ignoring an appeal from the prosecution to leave him in police custody. Alexei reacted by saying that he had not expected this decision because he has no faith in the Russian justice system.

"Khimki hostage" gave interview to "Rain"

In the evening air of "Rain" from 18.17 to 18.33 was a story about the release of Alexey and Maxim, they themselves were in the air (TV channel "Rain"). Recall Gaskarov Alex, one of the two "Khimki hostages, was today (22 October 2010.) released in the courtroom on his own recognizance.


Izhevsk: "Freedom Khimki hostages!" Graffiti campaign

October 20 a group of participants in the movement Autonomous Action of Izhevsk was made graffiti a rally of solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova passing as a defendant in the case of "Khimki forest. A small group of young people in the evening choose to place a specially charted along which there was a large piece of concrete fence, where he planned to make the inscription.

The court dismissed from the custody of the second "Khimki hostage" by Alexei Gaskarova

According to some media reports following the release of Maksim Solopova October 22 Khimki City Court decided to release a second "hostage", a participant in the movement "Autonomous Action", Alexey Gaskarova. Solopov and Gaskarov were arrested on July 30, two days after a protest from the city administration Khimki. They were charged with disorderly conduct. During the most action the police arrested no one.

After losing the lawsuit against the builder. What remains to do now?

Today in the October district court of Ufa finished hearing on the claim of residents houses № 63, № 63 / 1, № 63 / 2, № 61 / 1 and number 61 / 2 on the avenue in October against the city authorities. They demanded to cancel the decree by the head of administration, allowing construction on the site of the playground of an apartment house.

More to read on the site of blood pressure Ufa

Belarus shares the support of anarchists held in Cheboksary

Authorities feel impunity! They're used to that they have a prison, accustomed to our fear. They have long been looking at us like a gray mass, which is unable to unite against the regime of oppression and suppression, the world's lies and not justice. This spit of all the authorities of all countries and states! The only thing they fear is courage. People who are determined to escape the burden of misinformation, not afraid to be anarchists, anti-fascists, social activists.

Irkutsk: the fight against building

Morning of October 8 residents of house number 193 on the street. Rosa Luxemburg found in his front of house workers erecting a fence - to build parking. Ul them. Rosa Luxemburg - a very busy street, one of the main traffic arteries, Irkutsk, and the home is located within a hundred meters from it. City administration apparently not enough that the exhaust gases and so constantly hounding residents of nearby houses, and she decided to finally finish their building permits issued parking

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago