
Новости об экологической борьбе

12 to 15 of November 2010: The new Days of Action for the final and unconditional liberation of the Khimki hostages: Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov

On the 27th and 28th of September new court sessions were held where the question of freeing Aleksei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, arrested on the 28th of July 2010, was dealt with. Shutting their eyes to the lack of evidence, turning their backs on public and international support for the detainees, described as “pressure on the court” by the prosecution, the Khimki judges prolonged the detention of the two social activists for two more months.

Anti-fascists in the Moscow region organized a march against the arrest of Maxim Solopova

Tomorrow, Monday 18 October at 11 am, Khimki Town Court povtorono considering the petition of the investigator on the content of Maxim Solopova custody.

We remind you that on October 8 a panel of judges of the Moscow Regional Court had quashed the Khimki City Court on the content of Maxim Solopova custody, that is, at this moment Maxim Solopov in custody unlawfully.

Alexei Gaskarova extended detention

Antifascists Alexei Gaskarova extended detention in jail for two months, told Newsweek correspondent for Kommersant. The process was open, but the court chose a small room, so the inside could get only one journalist and mother of Alexis Gaskarova.

The defender told the judge Gaskarova Svetlana Galanova that for all time of his arrest the suspect called only three times. He also noted that in recent months, no investigation of the case is not available, despite the fact that had been interviewed more than 100 people.Therefore, there is no need for further detention Gaskarova.

In St. Petersburg received a new campaign against the expansion of the Arctic

Members of the movement for "fair globalization" from Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk and St. Petersburg threw smoke bombs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg. The protest was timed to 2 nd Arctic Forum will be held in October in Murmansk and held in protest against the development of Russian Arctic shelf, and against the division of spheres of activity and influence of countries in the northern region.

Cheboksary: The action of solidarity with Khimki hostages.

September 20, Cheboksary, became a day of action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Day in Cheboksary universities activists distributed a leaflet "The situation № 28" (it was distributed about 400 copies). Marposadskoe evening on the highway (one of the main roads in Cheboksary), on the railway bridge were placed banner "No to Repression" and "Freedom Khimki hostages.

In Tyumen Khimkinskiy hostages supported street concert

As many as two rallies in support of detainees Moscow anti-fascists held this Sunday in Tyumen.

At 5:00 on the square of unity and harmony began man picket on the problem, this time on the open stage in a shady park members of the movement "independent action", the anarchists and other active people tuned equipment for the outdoor concert. All this was part of the International Days of Action for the Liberation of Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova (17-20 September).

In Irkutsk the action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages.

Irkutsk has joined the campaign for the release of Alexey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova detained on false charges of destruction of the administration city of Khimki Moscow. Today, 19 September from 15 to 16.chasov street Uritskogo Irkutsk anarchists and anti-fascists held a rally under the slogan: "Freedom Khimki hostages!". Also, an action supported by "green" from the organization Baikal movement. On the picket came about 25 people. Protesters handed out 400 leaflets.

In Berlin, the largest-Anti-Nuclear mass demonstration in recent decades

This happened on Saturday, September 18. According to organizers, it was attended by about 100 thousand people. The police counted about 40,000 protesters. Protesters marched through the city center, and then formed a human chain around the government quarter in which the Bundestag and the Federal Chancellery. People took to the streets to express their resentment against the policies of the federal government in the field of atomic energy.

Released a special issue of the newspaper "The situation" № 28. Interest rates - the freedom Lesha and Max!

Ситуация номер 28

Special Issue represents a leaflet A3. Number by the campaign for the release of hostages Khimki - members of autonomous operation Alexei Gaskarova and antifascist Maxim Solopova. Download, print and distribute "situation" itself. The original-model attached to this news.

19 September in Moscow will host a rally for the release of hostages Khimki

September 19, at 16 00, near the monument Griboyedov m. Net ponds, will rally in support of activists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova suspected of organizing attacks on the administration of the city of Khimki. July 28, 2010 in front of the administration in the city of Khimki Moscow more than 200 young anti-fascists and anarchists held a spontaneous demonstration in support of Khimki timber, which in those days were cut down for the needs of big business. The action, during which several windows were smashed, received wide public response.

Parents of Alexei Gaskarov not give to see his son

The investigation into the massacre of Khimki Administration is in full swing. Suspects Alex Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov nearly a month in jail Mozhaisk. Parents do not allow us to see Alexei without explanation. "Last time we glimpse as whether Alyosha August 3, the day of the second meeting, - says Irina Gaskarova. - Since we could not get a single interview. During the month we were denied without explanation. Senior investigative team has promised to talk with his superiors.

More than half the audience of a site zaks.ru supports the action of direct action around Khimki Administration

Site zaks.ru immediately after the rally on July 28 in Khimki, conducted a survey of its visitors, which was attended by 605 people. Site Visitors were asked the following question: "The anarchists smashed administration Khimki for logging. And you have picked up a cobblestone, if under your windows, cut down the forest? ".

Information about the prohibition of the concert on Pushkin Square was a false

Information about the cancellation of the rally-concert in support of Khimki woods on August 22, held on the main information agency on August 19, proved to be false. The rally-concert will be held on Sunday at 17 o'clock, in Moscow at Pushkin Square. It will participate Artemy Troitsky, DDT, TV, Barto, echoes Mu, Ricochet and other groups. In addition to direct protection of forests near Moscow, the speakers will talk about the persecution of protesters on Aug. 28 about the Administration Khimki.

The concert on Pushkin Square was banned, but the rally will

Mayor of Moscow banned a concert in support of forest Khimki, scheduled for 17:00 Sunday, 22 August, on Pushkin Square, RIA Novosti reported. A statement by Moscow officials said that at a specified time on Pushkin Square agreed only meeting. Among the alleged participants of the concert - the group "DDT", "TV", "Barto", "Echoes of Mu", Padla Bear Outfit, Alexander F. Sklyar and other musicians.

Meeting concert in support of Khimki forests. Moscow, Pushkin Square., August 22 at 17:00

At Sunday, August 22 will be rally-concert in support of Khimki woods on Pushkin Square. Participate Yuri Shevchuk and DDT group TV, Barto, Alexander F. Sklyar, echoes Mu. NEWS concert will be a music critic Artem Troitsky.
The rally-concert 22 August - not just a rally of solidarity with the defenders of Khimki forest, but part of a broad campaign against the civilian bureaucracy and police tyranny.

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