Отчёты о мероприятиях

The attack on forest defenders Khimki

July 23, 2010 Camp Forest Defenders Khimki (Moscow region). About 5 am surrounded a detachment of 40 men, similar to football fans in white masks who said they were ready to "kill and clean." After that the cutting of forests for "protection" of these mercenaries, who use tactics and attributes specific to football fans - private individuals, sports wear and special bandages on his hands. It is known that the vast majority of Russian hooligans - supporters of the neo-fascist ideology.

Single picket ended in the police department

20 July activist "Autonomous Action UFA went to a single rally support in the fight for their rights dwellers Parkhomenko, 69, 71, 73, Kirova 45, 43, 43 / 1; Dostoevsky 106, 106 / 1 Ufa. Earlier, the autonomous action of Ufa, with the support of sympathizers are already held a picket to draw attention of the authorities and the public to the problem of point buildings, but there was no response, and the construction of a multistory building on the site of the playground still not stopped.More

Let's start to change the world

Participants of the "autonomous operation - Tyumen" change the world around him, without asking permission from the authorities. July 10, we repaired the bridge over the highway in front of building thermal 2a through the streets of East passage.

Every day we go to school or work, bringing kids to school and kindergartens. Walking along the street, we inevitably encounter obstacles, with the unsettled, which prevents us first.

The action of solidarity with the residents of informal settlements in South Africa!

This afternoon, about 13 hours, the South African Embassy in Moscow, a small group of anarchists held an unauthorized picket in support of social activists and residents of informal settlements in South Africa.Participants unfurled a banner "No to repression against activists in South Africa," had scattered leaflets in the open windows of the embassy and lit the fireworks.

New project in Moscow Antiracist Initiative "Direct Help"

Antifascist and antiracist movement is growing, and much more often faces with repressions and provocations from the State and neo-Nazis. That's why in the end of March we organized an Antiracist Initiative (further A.I.) "Direct Help", which united not indifferent people from antifascist and human rights movements. We are glad to show you the first activity report inside of a months of our initiative.

For that to die in peacetime? In Moscow Picket against appeal

Today, from 16:00 to 17:30 at the main military prosecutor's office anarchists and anti-militarist picket was organized against the draft. The picket was a reaction to the death of Omsk draftee Roman Suslov, who on May 22 was found hanged in a toilet train Moscow-Vladivostok.

Passengers near Moscow EMUs have expressed dissatisfaction with the policy of JSC "RZD"

June 7 in Moscow in a park near the headquarters of Railways held a rally against the sanctioned undo near Moscow electric trains. Mass cancellation of electric trains create a stampede in the suburban trains themselves and at the exit, people watch can not get to work and study. In the course of action was also competition for the best "rabbit ears".

In Tyumen, students require return transportation benefits

Tyumen, students continue to struggle against increasing fares on buses and for the return of student benefits. On Friday, June 4 they had in the downtown rally "hares", joined by the participants' blood pressure-Tyumen and vneorganizatsionnye anarchists. About 25 people in masks, in spite of rain, handing out leaflets and stickers, talked to passers-by and the cops.

"Declare war to the war!" - Antiwar picket in Moscow

They don't want to talk about Afghanistan. In Russia people try to forget about events, that happened between 1979-1989, to forget how much people was killed and how much of them became disabled, how much soldiers blindly fought for the "great nothing" and how much of them had no choice. We recall those memories. In Afghanistan there are still military operations, but now due to NATO's forces. It's called as "control over sore points of Near East".

No senseless wars! Refusing to kill is not a crime!

In the modern world every single life is considered to be the highest value but wars are not on the decrease, people keep on dying and staying crippled, keep on running away from the places they were born because their homeland has turned to ruins. And those, who try to protest against war have arraignment, followed by prison sentence. We going to take issue with that! We support all soldiers-antimilitarists, who refuse to take part in military action!
Today, 4th of March, near the British Embassy was organised a picket in support of lance corporal Joe Glenton, one of those, who could say, what millions of people all over the world want to say. All those people want the same thing - to stop senseless wars and murders.

Solidarity action with Turkish comrades

Freedom of speech is general right, which is guaranteed by the State, but no one guaranties the freedom after you would say something. Heightened attention of the State locked on "thoughtcrimes" and rumbles of opposition of all kinds leads us to think... They try to shut mouth of everyone, who pretend to tell, what he thinks. And to tell this without looking back, but aloud and clear - for everybody.

Day of solidarity with Russian antifascists

Year and two days ago, human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and anarchist journalist of Novaya Gazeta, Anastasia Baburova were shot in cold blood in center of Moscow.

Sad anniversary two days ago, 19th of January, became biggest manifestation of solidarity with Russian anti-fascists ever – actions were organised in more than 30 cities in Russia and around the world.

The Museum of Political History of Which No One Speaks

On January 19, we opened a street-art exhibition on the outer wall of the State Museum of Political History (the former Kschenssinska mansion) in Saint Petersburg. The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of our friends the civil rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and the journalist Anastasia Baburova.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago