Anarchist Black Cross

Autonomous Action - Tyumen required to justify Andrey Kutuzov

Picket in support of Andrei Kutuzov held on March 24 Tyumen "Autonomous Action". Per share, in the past on the area of ​​unity and harmony, it's about fifteen people, not counting journalists. The activists unfurled a banner "Free Andrew Kutuzov" and "No to political repression!".

At the last names were Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova, Tatiana Stetsury, Hope Nizovkinoy and others, which the government now pursues politically motivated.

Anarchy. Direct Action.

First of all, let me change the order of the story and start with our own, anarchic view of the situation: "Anarchy. Direct action " . Why? Because although instead of conversation, and you can use the stick, the words always retain their power. Words give the meaning of the surrounding reality for those who are willing to listen. They declare us the truth. And the truth is this: our country is going something wrong, is not it? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression, the prohibition of the right to protest a ban on thinking about the protest.Instead, we have - a system of external supervision and corporate media.

Appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in the Municipal Court Khimki (Moscow region., Khimki, Leningrad highway, 19) held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna. Previously, she had already abolished the conviction Mikhail Beketov libel against the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

The Authorities Have Taken Another Hostage in the Khimki Case

Denis Solopov, who took part in the action outside the Khimki town hall on July 28, 2010, to protest the lawlessness of local authorities and the clear-cutting of the Khimki Forest, has been detained in Kyiv by local police. The arrest took place on March 2, 2011, at the Kyiv Migration Service. Ukrainian authorities had just rejected Denis’s asylum application, a decision that Denis was planning to appeal in court. As stated on its web site, No Borders, a project of the human rights organization Social Action Center, suspects that migration service staff informed the police when Denis would be coming to their office, although they do not admit to this.

There is no revolution without repression

In order to land rights, the State is not required that he committed an illegal act! What dangerous activities for the state, the more it bites back. But repression and armed violence on human beings have never stopped the attack on the state and the desire to destroy it. It never once did not succumb, is resisting the enemy to drive into a trap.

2.17 Demonstration of solidarity in Berlin with all Belarusian political prisoners

On Thursday evening (02/17/2011) hosted a demonstration of solidarity with the Belarusian zaklyuchennymi.Demonstratsiya began at 18 o'clock, in the Berlin district of Kreuzberg (Kreuzberg "Heinrichplatz"). There were about 35 people, just playing music, was made public a report on the repression of the anarchists and the opposition, handed out leaflets and newspapers.

Short update of the recent repressions against anarchists in Belarus

As of right now four Belarussian anarchists are under arrest, accused of having organised a series of direct actions 2009-2010. 
Everything started long before this past September(2010). The years 2009-2010  were rich in radical actions claimed by Belarusian anarchists. Such as:
 *an illegal anti-militarist demonstration in Septeber 2009 against a mutual
 Russian-Belarusian war exercise,  when a Joint Staff was attacked with a smoke   grenade.

Need Help with the anarchists of Kamensk-Ural

October 7, 2010 in the town of Kamensk-Ural (Sverdlovsk region) was attacked three neo-Nazis for three anarchists. Among the anarchists, there was a girl, managed to escape the attackers. Neo-Nazis sprayed gas cartridges into the eyes of one of the anarchists, and began to beat him hands and feet. Another anarchist in an attack in self-defense knife was used, resulting in a neo-Nazi attackers was wounded and was in intensive care.

Picket in support of Jock Palfreeman in Moscow

Today on the 11th of February from 4 till 5 p.m. near the embassy of Bulgaria in Moscow there was a picket in support of antifascist Jock Palfreeman. In the action anarchists, including members of Autonomous Action, Confederation of revolutionary anarcho-syndicalists and International Workers Association took part. Members of the picket unwrapped the banner: «Life is an argument - against Nazism!» and two posters, one of them with the title: «FREEdom for Jock PalFREEman!» and another one with quote from the song «Our 14 words» of hardcore group What We feel: «Love and respect, tolerance, equality and brotherhood despite the skin color and wealth’s level!»

Russian Anti-fascist prisoner Rinat Sultanov needs your support!

Rinat Sultanov was arrested in Saint-Petersburg of Russia 3rd of November, in eve of yet another “Day of People’s Unity”, most favourite Russian state holiday of the fascists, after a siege of appartment of anti-fascists which lasted several hours. He is accused according to statute 111 of Russian criminal codex, “Grievous bodily harm, caused with an intent”, for a fight with local fascists, which took place in autumn of year 2008.

Help Yaroslavl activists

Yaroslavl two activists anti-fascist movement urgently needs your help! Xenia Choi charged under Article 214, Part 2 of the Criminal Code.
Activists caught at 2 am, when they were stencils, gloves and masks. The department held for 6 hours, after which came from employees of the department of "E" and began to exert pressure, trying to knock out the testimony. Xenia took everything on himself. 12 hours after having been filled with paper, the activists were released. The apartment activist was searched. They confiscated the leaflets.

Greece: anarchists of the "Thessaloniki four" at large

Anarchists of Greece reported the release of "Thessaloniki Quartet: group of activists were arrested after the anti-globalization protests in Thessaloniki in 2003. Four of his comrades, including anarchist from England by Simon Chapman, found not guilty (except for one minor offense) on charges of participating in protests during the EU summit and riots in Thessaloniki in 2003. All the activists at large.

In Tyumen, held a rally of "extremism No: justify Andrey Kutuzov!"

Rally against political repression and in support of the teacher and civic activist, member of "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov pursued by the FSB, will be held Feb. 6 at 15:00 at the Drama Theatre (area 400 th anniversary of Tyumen).

The action will take place within days of united action against political repression in many Russian cities. In Tyumen, the organizer of the meeting was the movement of "Autonomous Action - Tyumen, with the support of the Council of Citizens' initiative groups and Tyumen.

News from "American"

In a few days 2 months since then, as in Moscow, "unknown" was kidnapped by Igor Olinevich . A few days later his parents discovered in the KGB jail, where he was taken in violation of all norms of international law on deportation and extradition. Igor accused of involvement in the attack on the Russian embassy on the night of August 30, 2010 . The young man does not acknowledge his guilt.

Greece: Support the arrested comrades in Thessaloniki

Free Salonika prisoners

Collectives of anarchists in Greece and Britain issued a call for solidarity with the Thessaloniki Quartet. More than 100 people were arrested after a demonstration against the EU summit , held in Thessaloniki in 2003. Seven received prison sentences, including a demonstrator from England by Simon Chapman , who after the arrest the police had planted a backpack with Molotov cocktails.

FSC law is not written: the only member arrested picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov

Party to rally in support of Andrei Kutuzov and three journalists illegally detained during the pickets on Lubyanka ploschadi.Uchastnitsu picket in support of Andrew Kutuzov and three journalists illegally detained during the pickets on Lubyanka Square.
Men in civilian clothes is not introducing himself took piketchitsu and journalists in the waiting room of the FSB, which rewrote the passport data. After some time the police came after them from the ATS Meschanskoy.

Solidarity: sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov!

Show solidarity, sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov our friend, member of the movement "Autonomous Action". 14 April 2010 on suspicion of distributing extremist material was detained and interrogated TSU professor Andrei Kutuzov. On the same day in his apartment was searched. Today Andrey Kutuzov was formally charged under Art. 280 of the Penal Code, "Public appeals for extremist activity" for the distribution of leaflets allegedly manufactured and distributed them at a rally on Oct.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago