Anarchist Black Cross

Belarus: the detention of activists continued on September 8

Morning, Sept. 8, 2010 were detained and placed in Akrestsin two more of our friends - Tatiana Semenischeva (which had already been sent home after being detained and searched on September 7) and Vladimir Volodin, the Belarusian anarchist and libertarian activist. Tatiana suspected of involvement in the incident near the Russian Embassy. Vladimir Volodin - to arson door Branch Belarusbank May 1, 2010. As in the previous seven detainees, young people are social activists.

The case of the attack on the Russian Embassy upgraded to a heavier article of the Criminal Code, the period of detention prolonged

According to Indymedia-Belarus and several other portals criminal investigation into the attack on the Russian Embassy in Minsk turned into a more serious crime. It also reported that despite the fact that the charges were brought against nobody and there is no evidence base, the sentence detained activists extended for another 3 days.

Attack of the anarchists in the IVS Akrestsin

In Minsk on September 6 by a group of anarchists was attacked by Molotov cocktails, a temporary detention facility on Akrestin. After radical action near the Russian embassy repressive organs of the state launched an unprecedented raid on the anarchists and other social activists across the country. Insulators are filled with all new detainees. This is mainly children who have no relation to the radical actions and engaged in peaceful advocacy of their views and participation in social initiatives. Now they sew things and hang all that is possible.

For two days six detainees are under arrest in connection with the attack on the embassy of Russia

Sept. 3 about 6 o’clock in the morning seven non-government activists were arrested by law enforcement bodies of Belarus. Six of them are held 38 hours in custody in the detention center of Minsk. The detainees were interrogated about their involvement in the pelting Molotov cocktails at the embassy of Russia in Minsk. Young people jointly rent an apartment in one district of Minsk. At 6-20 am a doorbell rang , one of the young
men opened the door and law enforcement officers in civilian clothes immediately burst in the apartment.

In the largest facility of Rostov region starving 1,000 prisoners

In the Rostov region in Novocherkassk remand about 1 thousands of inmates staged a protest after checking their employees GUFSIN.
According to Life News, the commission seized from inmates prohibited items in their cells. This caused discontent among those under investigation. They began a hunger strike without an official announcement.

Insulator in Novocherkassk is one of the largest detention centers in Rostov Oblast. According to the agency, in the cells of many prisoners found and seized mobile phones, iron and glassware.

Hunting security forces on anti-fascists coming to an end? Khimkinskiy court acquitted Alexander Pakhotin

August 31 magistrate Khimki city court Yatsyk Alexander V. terminated the administrative case against anti-fascist Alexander Pakhotin. It was reported, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Perhaps this was a consequence of information resonance after the press conference "security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists", held in Moscow on the eve of trial, August 30, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Recall Pakhotin was arrested Aug. 21 in Zhukovsky, Moscow region and taken to the ATS, theKhimki.

Moscow anti-fascist hospitalised with a brain injury following a torture by police

26th of August, three plain-clothed officers detained anti-fasict Nikita Nikolaevich Chernobaev in Moscow suburb of Ramenskoye, born 1991.  According to lawyer and human rights activist Mikhail Trepashkin.,Nikita was taken to local premises of Ministry of Interior, where an employee of the security service FSB, began to demand from him a confession for his participation to an action at the administrative building of the city of Khimki July 28, 2010.

Moscow antifascist needs help for treatment

Moscow antifascist, who was attacked by nazis at 15th of August 2010 after the football match, needs financial help for treatment. His life isn't menaced, the harm to the health can be assessed as moderate, treatment requires significant amounts.

You may read here how to donate:

Beaten during interrogation by Khimki case complained to the Prosecutor General's Office

From the words of staff, he realized that his staff interrogated by the FSB. Pakhotin not refuse to testify, but his answers did not suit the investigator, so it continued to provide moral and physical pressure. Only two in the morning Alexander was transferred to the ATS N2 Khimki. At six o'clock in the morning Pakhotin awakened and asked him to sign some papers that he had forgotten to sign. Do not understand what he signs, Pakhotin put his signature.

Represive strike in Chile: 17 house raided and 14 companions kidnnaped by the power

Agents of the BIPE (Police of Investigation) and the ERTA (equivalent to the SWAT) on the other side agents of the GOPE (Especial forces of the Normal Police), LABOCAR (CSI) and the Department of Intelligence of the police and a series of helicopters and police cars whas the armory who used the police for the 17 raids, in Santiago and Valparaiso, during the dawn on the Saturday 14 of August. Between the 17 houses, three are Squats and Socials Center being the squats La Crota Bike Punk and the Squat Social Center and Library Sacco and Vanzetti in Santiago downtown and the Autonomous Social Center Jhonny Cariqueo in the Pudahuel municipality. Two houses were raided in Valparaiso. The excuse for this police operation falls in the “Bomb Case”, and 23 of the attacks with explosive registered in Santiago, according with the police version would have direct links with those arrested.

Solidarity action with the defenders of the Khimki forest in Tel Aviv

Today, the 13th of August there was a picket of solidarity with detained on trumped-up case Russian anti-fascists - Alexey Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov. About 30 demonstrators protested against terror of the Russian government and its cooperation with the Nazis, they also demanded the immediate release of political prisoners and to take action against those responsible for beating defenders  of Khimki forests, including the cops.

Antifascist-ecologist from Italy in prison

In Naples, Italy, the first of May, the police allowed the group of nationalists to participate in the annual demonstration of "working day". The Nationalists begin immediately provoke and threaten Anif. Comrades react and repel them. A nationalist, finds refuge in a store, but the struggle continues and there, and he comes out of the store was wounded.

August 11 in Sevastopol action of solidarity with the company against the felling of forests Khimki

Near House of Moscow in Sevastopol gathered 20 people from the autonomous actions of the Marxists, environmentalists and their sympathizers. The participants were holding banners reading: "Freedom Gaskarova and Solopovu", "People are more important than profit," Why put Max and Lyesha? "," Plant trees, not people "," No logging Khimki woods! ".

Letter from Tamara Hernandez Heras against the prison

Prison - one of the strongest pillar of the state. Prisons are designed for those who do not obey, for those who consciously or not, are an example of the suffering created by the system. Besides, now in prison rather profitable business. Prison is a tool for revenge, which is used by the authorities: the punishment. Prisons are full of injustice and abuse, which show the commitment of the State to break people.

The newspaper Kommersant was subprojects

Police yesterday sought to make "b" to reveal the source of information about the July attack on the administration of the city of Khimki, which violates the law on mass media. Law enforcement officials had intended to get e-mail one of the participants of this action, which gave an anonymous interview to Kommersant. The editors refused, suggesting Moscow region police officers to obtain a court decision.

The newspaper Kommersant was subprojects

Police yesterday sought to make "b" to reveal the source of information about the July attack on the administration of the city of Khimki, which violates the law on mass media. Law enforcement officials had intended to get e-mail one of the participants of this action, which gave an anonymous interview to Kommersant. The editors refused, suggesting Moscow region police officers to obtain a court decision.

Author columns

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