Anarchist Black Cross

The newspaper Kommersant was subprojects

Police yesterday sought to make "b" to reveal the source of information about the July attack on the administration of the city of Khimki, which violates the law on mass media. Law enforcement officials had intended to get e-mail one of the participants of this action, which gave an anonymous interview to Kommersant. The editors refused, suggesting Moscow region police officers to obtain a court decision.

The newspaper Kommersant was subprojects

Police yesterday sought to make "b" to reveal the source of information about the July attack on the administration of the city of Khimki, which violates the law on mass media. Law enforcement officials had intended to get e-mail one of the participants of this action, which gave an anonymous interview to Kommersant. The editors refused, suggesting Moscow region police officers to obtain a court decision.

Wheel drive

Detachment of riot police near Moscow yesterday held a special operation to detain head movement to protect forests Khimki Eugenia Chirikova. Blocking journalists, policemen were waiting for her at the press conference on the attack on the Khimki administration, was taken to the station and interrogated the whole day. In the Moscow region police department say that the leader of environmentalists ignore the call for questioning, but recognize that the police "overdone".

The action of solidarity with the illegally arrested anti-fascists in Russia

On Wednesday, August 3 in Odessa anti-fascists, anarchists and members of leftist movements held a rally of solidarity with Russian anti-fascists - Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopovym, arrested for allegedly organizing the pogrom city administration Khimki (Moscow region), although no evidence of their involvement in the events of July 28 for illegal search the apartments of arrested had been found.

Hello, you again free radio "Birds Khimki woods"

Main news today - anti-fascists Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova left custody, and Lyesha two months, and Max somehow "indefinitely". Incidentally, for the guys vouched Deputy Oleg Shein gosudumy - that they do not run away and all that, but the court chose to obey Khimki Khimki police. The meeting was somehow made private, so long as no details.

In the case of the arrested anti-fascists court found the evidence insufficient, but left in custody

July 31 in City Court, the Court held Khimki to elect measure Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopovu. The meeting was held behind closed doors, which in the opinion of counsel had no reason to.

Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, which opposes the war in Afghanistan, released!

The soldier, who was jailed after refusing to return to Afghanistan on the grounds that he opposed the war, was released from military prison in Colchester Monday, July 12, 2010.
Lance Corporal Joe Glenton was jailed for nine months from March 2010 after he admitted that he had been 2 years and 6 days AWOL.

New project in Moscow Antiracist Initiative "Direct Help"

Antifascist and antiracist movement is growing, and much more often faces with repressions and provocations from the State and neo-Nazis. That's why in the end of March we organized an Antiracist Initiative (further A.I.) "Direct Help", which united not indifferent people from antifascist and human rights movements. We are glad to show you the first activity report inside of a months of our initiative.

Tyumen FSB secret from the public examination of the "extremist" leaflets

Tyumen anarchist party "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, suspected of spreading "incorrect", an extremist leaflets, and his defender Alex Ladin decided to take on the "public trial" the infamous document, the underlying criminal case Kutuzov. Achieve expert opinion on the leaflet from the FSB lawyer Kutuzov could not, for two months, despite the fact that the investigator submits that this conclusion was made even before the arrest of Andrei Kutuzov.The leaflet, which was in the file, you can see in the picture at the end of this news. From the one that was distributed at the rally against the tyranny of the police and the center of the "E", it has text interspersed, which stylistically totally different from the rest of the text and are recognized by the naked eye.

Anti-fascist hospital bill fundraiser

In December, anti-fascist comrade visited Moscow to play in a concert and was stabbed by a Nazi. He was made an operation, but soon a follow-up operation is needed, for which we are gathering money.  In case you are willing to donate, you may use yandex-internet money account  (4100165741055) or donate through ABC-Moscow (instructions available at

14 antifa were lawlessly arrested by Special Police Forces, examined and tortured by members of Anti-extremism Department

1 of May in Nizhny Novgorod became a real show-off of police brutality.
 At 10 a.m. group of antifa were arrested by police officers at the Minin's square, took to the police division and called in question by members of Antiextremism Department. One of the members of Anti-extremism Department told the detained, that he don't give a damn for his rights and he's ready to wipe his ass with constitution. Detained were charged with unsanctioned action. But no action was there, those guys were going to take part in legal demonstration, which traditionally is held by the Left on Minin's square at 1 of May.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago